Also where did this "Separation of church and state" come from....did i not state Moral Standard....I was willing to leave "church" out of this debate.....but you seem to be the one who had that problem. Was this just another excuse?
"Oh for reasons of this debate, put aside regelious beliefs...we as humans (above all animals) have to have some moral."
That sounds contray to your post.
And i just reread my last few posts...i can see that i was trying very hard to review this concern from a moral side.....If you do read my those posts i am sure you have to agree. But what is this attack of yours on people who believe that these is a Creator greater than ourselves? That we are NOT gods..That our sons and daughters should live....if not for any reason, for moral reason... Why do you hate us....are we your consciense?
while I think you're in left field, especially regarding TJ, I'll go along with your little game.Read The Declaration of Independences....and read Lincoln many speechs ...Read Jefferson....than you repeat what you said....when you look at the coin in your hand.
I don't think I'm one to make that decision, nor is it the governments. That's really my line.
There are some Pro-Life arguments that state that many women regret having an abortion. There are also facts that show having an abortion can risk future child birthing abilities. These are natural barriers to abortion and the risks a family should decide on.
I apprecate your sense of personal freedoms for others. I don't know if you understand what a partial birth abortion is. The child is birthed naturally until the doctor can reach the back of its head. The doctor then inserts a pair of scissors into the back of the head and opens them to provide an entrance for the suction tube used to remove the brain stem and kill the child. By keeping a portion of the child in the birth canal, the doctor avoids murder charges and the procedure is called an abortion.
I am sorry to be so graphic. This is the type of procedure that I cannot believe is legaly allowed in America ( or anywhere else for that matter). This is a prime example of the type of procedures that I think people on both sides of the greater abortion debate should come together to demand a change in the current law.
Why would this procedure be used? I'm not entirely familiar with it, but if your description is accurate then I can see your concern and I agree with it.
Is this allowed for all types of abortion? Is it only allowed for children with serious illnesses? Just curious.
I have been unable to find any medical reasoning behind it. I have not spoken to anyone who has. I did see some clips of the debate in Washington before the vote. The only reasoning that I heard for the procedure was in keeping a woman's choice ofor any medical procedure. I do not know how much truth is in it, but I have heard interviews that claimed the doctors were selling the remains to research labs. These remains being highly sought after because of the "complete" nature of the corpse.
This is not the same procedure used in all abortions. In most cases, the doctor inserts a strong vacum through the birh canal into the womb and suctions the fetus out in pieces. Some people do not believe the child suffers, however, ultrasounds of the procedures prove that the suffering is immense.
I know that many pro-choice people are against the late term abortion procedures and the partial birth abortions. This seems to be common ground among most people. The only reason that I can come up with for our politicians to allow such is their desire to appease various special interest groups and lobbyists.
If we cannot agree on all aspects of this issue, or any other, let us at least take action on the pieces of the issue that we do agree on.
Some info I found....thought you might be interested. It sounds pretty rough regardless but I wouldn't say that the "purpose" of this method is always bad.
'Partial-Birth Abortion:' Separating Fact from Spin : NPR
This is where my heartburn with the the abortion crowd really starts. I have twins who were born at 25 weeks who are perfectly normal with clean bills of health.Why would this procedure be used? I'm not entirely familiar with it, but if your description is accurate then I can see your concern and I agree with it.
Is this allowed for all types of abortion? Is it only allowed for children with serious illnesses? Just curious.
This is where my heartburn with the the abortion crowd really starts. I have twins who were born at 25 weeks who are perfectly normal with clean bills of health.
There is clearly a point at roughly 23 weeks when a fetus becomes a viable person. Anything approaching that point (and sooner IMO) should be considered a person and have the full protection of the law as such.
Agree completely in cases of moms/parents deciding at this point they do not want the child. I find it scary that we even have to have this debate because I question what people think this is OK.
However, what about in cases where the 20 week ultrasound shows serious issues (meaning almost certain death in utero or within hours/days of birth)? That's really my only hesitation. I have a hard time telling a mom to carry a child for 9 months that will most surely die immediately after birth.
On the other hand, I still have issues with government involvement. They always seem to screw it up and one side gets burned or a loophole is created that makes things worse than before.
but there's no way to avoid that becoming a bitter political dispute and that's the unfortunate truth of the matter.
I don't understand the state decision. What prevents someone from traveling to another state to have a procedure done. So in essence, it's only effective as the most lenient state.
I have always believed in a majority rule whether I agree with it or not.
Each state should have its people decide whether they want abortion or not.
I do not personally agree with abortion rights but if the majority in my state says it should be legal then the peolpe have spoken.