Abortions and the bible.

This seems to be the best place to carry out this conversation:

How are you going about "improving the gene pool" and who gets to decide what improvements that are to be made?

Here's a thought: free people can practice eugenics and improve the gene pool by factoring in gene pool implications when deciding how many kids they have.

A government solution: instead of giving tax breaks for all 6 kids in a family, cap the tax breaks at 3 or 4.

Libs won't like this solution: get rid of/cut welfare.

Once again, there are a million ways we can try to improve the gene pool.
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In the bible, God murdered Bathsheba's newborn baby, killed all the first born sons in Egypt, sent bears to murder children, commanded Joshua to murder the children in Jericho, and all babies were wiped out during the flood. It also talks about dismembering children and cutting them out of the mother's womb.

So please help me understand, why do some crazy Republican Christians think their God doesnt approve aborting a fetus of an unwanted pregnancy?

Ktown queen you'll not accept any explanation
This seems to be the best place to carry out this conversation:

Here's a thought: free people can practice eugenics and improve the gene pool by factoring in gene pool implications when deciding how many kids they have.

A government solution: instead of giving tax breaks for all 6 kids in a family, cap the tax breaks at 3 or 4.

Libs won't like this solution: get rid of/cut welfare.

Once again, there are a million ways we can try to improve the gene pool.
That's not eugenics.

This is eugenics:

: the practice or advocacy of controlled selective breeding of human populations (as by sterilization) to improve the population's genetic composition In 1883 Francis Galton, in England, coined the term "eugenics" to encompass the idea of modification of natural selection through selective breeding for the improvement of humankind … Definition of EUGENICS

Eugenics (/juːˈdʒɛnɪks/ yoo-JEH-niks; from Greek εὐ- 'good' and γενής 'come into being, growing')[1][2] is a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population,[3][4] historically by excluding people and groups judged to be inferior or promoting those judged to be superior.[5] Eugenics - Wikipedia
That's not eugenics.

Yes, it is. The intent of this hypothetical policy is to promote the improvement of the gene pool, so it is eugenics. A definition might be helpful:

"the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. "

Excuse my gross over-simplification and harsh language that helps to explain the idea concisely:

If we want poor, dumb, and dependent people to have fewer kids and a large % of families with big kids are dumb, poor, and dependent then removing the tax benefits to having a 4th, 5th, and 6th kid and welfare benefits will have a disproportionate effect on poor, dumb, dependent people. Rich, smart, capable people that wanted to have 6 kids are still going to have 6 kids because the money isn't affecting their decision. If all goes according to plan, a generation later, we'll have relatively more smart, capable, and rich people. Eugenics!
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Yes, it is. The intent of this hypothetical policy is to promote the improvement of the gene pool, so it is eugenics. A definition might be helpful:

"the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. "
Give me some real examples other than "we choose to only have three kids." That choice usually has more to do with time, physical conditions and economics rather than your, (and I use this with as much restraint as possible), rather nebulous and loose definition of eugenics. It is not what almost anybody (except somebody "out there", there is always at least one) defines as the scientific term of "eugenics."

responded to before your "edit."
Yes, it is. The intent of this hypothetical policy is to promote the improvement of the gene pool, so it is eugenics. A definition might be helpful:

"the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. "

Excuse my gross over-simplification and harsh language that helps to explain the idea concisely:

If we want poor, dumb, and dependent people to have fewer kids and a large % of families with big kids are dumb, poor, and dependent then removing the tax benefits to having a 4th, 5th, and 6th kid and welfare benefits will have a disproportionate effect on poor, dumb, dependent people. Rich, smart, capable people that wanted to have 6 kids are still going to have 6 kids because the money isn't affecting their decision. If all goes according to plan, a generation later, we'll have relatively more smart, capable, and rich people. Eugenics!
Now I'll respond to your edit:

I'm pretty disappointed in myself that I thought you actually wanted to have an honest conversation about this. You're just a troll.
And you have no sense of humor.

I win.

The ole "medical needs" argument holds water in about 1% of abortions, but you are correct in your statement.
It's not just mother's medical either, it's still a choice some parents need to make.

Don't like it, don't get one
Because it may be in the best interest of the child. Not a stretch when you've actually been there.

There again...VERY small percentage and still falls under "unwanted" even if it is "quality of life" that they are choosing not to "want" for the child.
This seems to be the best place to carry out this conversation:

Here's a thought: free people can practice eugenics and improve the gene pool by factoring in gene pool implications when deciding how many kids they have.

A government solution: instead of giving tax breaks for all 6 kids in a family, cap the tax breaks at 3 or 4.

Libs won't like this solution: get rid of/cut welfare.

Once again, there are a million ways we can try to improve the gene pool.
Why does anyone get a tax break for having children? They are stressing the infrastructure more than those of us without. Why should I be subsidizing YOUR children?

10% flat tax on ALL streams of income, no deductions, constitutional amendment. Done.
There again...VERY small percentage and still falls under "unwanted" even if it is "quality of life" that they are choosing not to "want" for the child.
No it absolutely doesn't and you're talking out your ass. The parents could want a child but also realize that bringing him into the world where his short life, if born alive at all, would be spent in pain because of genetics. No book can make that choice
The ole "medical needs" argument holds water in about 1% of abortions, but you are correct in your statement.
No it doesn't. The incest and 'life of the mother' arguments are the right's hypocrisy. Neither case is the child's fault.
Because it may be in the best interest of the child. Not a stretch when you've actually been there.
It's a very personal thing. I just remember feeling sick when the lady said you could have an abortion. Uh no. The option was available. I never had to face the option d/t my health or the baby's health. That would be a hard place to be in.
Why does anyone get a tax break for having children? They are stressing the infrastructure more than those of us without. Why should I be subsidizing YOUR children?

10% flat tax on ALL streams of income, no deductions, constitutional amendment. Done.
I agree, I got back more than I paid in some years. It helps but there's no equality in it. Trust me I have since paid it back.
No it absolutely doesn't and you're talking out your ass. The parents could want a child but also realize that bringing him into the world where his short life, if born alive at all, would be spent in pain because of genetics. No book can make that choice

My point...and you know it...is that what you are describing is the case in VERY VERY few abortions and also goes back to the medical issue of the choice.
Sorry if I struck a nerve, but IT IS ALWAYS A CHOICE!

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