Abortions and the bible.

It's a very personal thing. I just remember feeling sick when the lady said you could have an abortion. Uh no. The option was available. I never had to face the option d/t my health or the baby's health. That would be a hard place to be in.

And no one is saying the abortion option should be off the table in medical issue cases.
My point...and you know it...is that what you are describing is the case in VERY VERY few abortions and also goes back to the medical issue of the choice.
Sorry if I struck a nerve, but IT IS ALWAYS A CHOICE!
Doesn't matter how many and it's still not really a choice. It's simply what it best. The fact someone would want to take that away because of what a man's book says is nonsense. The only nerve struck is the fact you continue to comment on something you clearly don't understand
It's a very personal thing. I just remember feeling sick when the lady said you could have an abortion. Uh no. The option was available. I never had to face the option d/t my health or the baby's health. That would be a hard place to be in.
It is which is why trying to carve out exceptions would be a never-ending task. I have 2 kids but my wife was pregnant 5 times and I promise every one was wanted
Doesn't matter how many and it's still not really a choice. It's simply what it best. The fact someone would want to take that away because of what a man's book says is nonsense. The only nerve struck is the fact you continue to comment on something you clearly don't understand

Point to me where I said that option should be taken away. Your emotions about the subject are clouding your comments.
No it absolutely doesn't and you're talking out your ass. The parents could want a child but also realize that bringing him into the world where his short life, if born alive at all, would be spent in pain because of genetics. No book can make that choice
This may come across as overly harsh, but if you know there is a genetic problem that can result in that scenario, why make the choice to have kids?
And no one is saying the abortion option should be off the table in medical issue cases.

This is where one of the major inconsistencies lies with some pro-lifers. If abortion is the murder and slaughter of little kids as some people put it, why is it OK to do it if the Mom's life is in danger from the pregnancy? There is no other scenario where it's OK to murder a little kid to save a grown woman from possible death.

Even if we want to use the language of more tempered pro-lifers, in what other scenario is it OK to take the life of an innocent to save someone else from possible death?

Some people think rape is an OK reason to have an abortion.

Some people think it's OK to have an abortion because there is something wrong with the fetus.

If it's murder or if it's the taking of a sacred human life, then ^ none of that jives.
This is where one of the major inconsistencies lies with some pro-lifers. If abortion is the murder and slaughter of little kids as some people put it, why is it OK to do it if the Mom's life is in danger from the pregnancy? There is no other scenario where it's OK to murder a little kid to save a grown woman from possible death.

Even if we want to use the language of more tempered pro-lifers, in what other scenario is it OK to take the life of an innocent to save someone else from possible death?
If you save the child and allow the mother to die, then you have another kid in the foster care system. It's a lose-lose situation.
This is where one of the major inconsistencies lies with some pro-lifers. If abortion is the murder and slaughter of little kids as some people put it, why is it OK to do it if the Mom's life is in danger from the pregnancy? There is no other scenario where it's OK to murder a little kid to save a grown woman from possible death.

Even if we want to use the language of more tempered pro-lifers, in what other scenario is it OK to take the life of an innocent to save someone else from possible death?

Some people think rape is an OK reason to have an abortion.

Some people think it's OK to have an abortion because there is something wrong with the fetus.

If it's murder. If it's taking a sacred human life, then ^ none of that jives.

Your Choice...Your reckoning.
Perhaps not. But how many kids that wind up in foster care get messed up by poor care or worse? It is lose-lose. They may not be murdered, but they grow up to be trainwrecks. Not all, but some.
This may come across as overly harsh, but if you know there is a genetic problem that can result in that scenario, why make the choice to have kids?
so we should help cleanse the gene pool?

Genetics is a difficult thing to comprehend. Even people with no known issues can have problems. I have 2 beautiful, smart and healthy boys now. They show that our choice to have kids was correct
so we should help cleanse the gene pool?

Genetics is a difficult thing to comprehend. Even people with no known issues can have problems. I have 2 beautiful, smart and healthy boys now. They show that our choice to have kids was correct

You can get testing now, so that's nice. My wife has the BRCA 2 gene mutation, which means she's at higher risk for getting certain kinds of cancer in adulthood. I did testing and found I am not a carrier. If we both were, our kids would possibly have deformities and be at high risk for childhood cancer. As it stands, each of them has a 50/50 shot at the mutation that my wife has. We thought long and hard about this and decided it was worth the risk vs. adopting.

People need to take advantage of genetic testing. It can be expensive but it's worth it.
You can get testing now, so that's nice. My wife has the BRCA 2 gene mutation, which means she's at higher risk for getting certain kinds of cancer in adulthood. I did testing and found I am not a carrier. If we both were, our kids would possibly have deformities and be at high risk for childhood cancer. As it stands, each of them has a 50/50 shot at the mutation that my wife has. We thought long and hard about this and decided it was worth the risk vs. adopting.

People need to take advantage of genetic testing. It can be expensive but it's worth it.
We got it for us after the 2nd miscarriage and each pregnancy after that had a cvs test performed. My wife has balanced translocation and both my boys got it was well. Has no effect on the individual until they try to reproduce. We thank the good ol us govt for that one since her dad was a marine in Vietnam (agent orange, camp lejune, etc)
Why does anyone get a tax break for having children? They are stressing the infrastructure more than those of us without. Why should I be subsidizing YOUR children?

10% flat tax on ALL streams of income, no deductions, constitutional amendment. Done.
It is in the state's best interest to maintain a healthy birth rate in a country. That is how you can keep the Ponzi welfare schemes going.
Non believers are confused about what is in the bible. Also at 9, water is wet.

It's not an exception if it doesnt get spelled out.

And as far as a logical look does it make sense that Christ came down, healed the sick, brought back a dead guy, hung out with the lowest rung of people, was specific about care for kids, and then would have some exception for scraping out a womb with a bent coat hanger?

Jesus was as even more anti killing than the rest of the bible. Turn the other cheek, unless you are going to be inconvenienced by the events of your life?

There is no logical way for you to argue that one should expect an exception that is no where to be found and the antithesis of what is already covered.

I was a believer once. It was confusing then, too. This sort of confusion is part of what led me to stop believing.

Do you think that all forms of abortion are murder? Do you think that the day after pill is murder?
You can get testing now, so that's nice. My wife has the BRCA 2 gene mutation, which means she's at higher risk for getting certain kinds of cancer in adulthood. I did testing and found I am not a carrier. If we both were, our kids would possibly have deformities and be at high risk for childhood cancer. As it stands, each of them has a 50/50 shot at the mutation that my wife has. We thought long and hard about this and decided it was worth the risk vs. adopting.

People need to take advantage of genetic testing. It can be expensive but it's worth it.
Who does this kind of testing? And is it confidential? Can the testing agency sell off this data to say employers or insurance agencies or the government?
Who does this kind of testing? And is it confidential? Can the testing agency sell off this data to say employers or insurance agencies or the government?

It's supposed to be confidential. I can't remember who did the testing, but it was a company our doctor referred us to.

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