Ah sooooooo, the plot thickens.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog


Senior Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett’s late father-in-law and Chicago Sun-Times columnist Vernon Jarrett, was a key member of the South Chicago communist left of the late 1940s.


After graduating from Knoxville College in Tennessee, Jarrett moved to Chicago in 1946 to work as a journalist. On his first day on the job at the radical Chicago Defender, he was sent to cover a race riot.

The Defender was heavily influenced by the Communist Party USA and included on its roster well known Chicago Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis:

Jarrett and Davis worked on the Defender around the same time. They certainly knew each other through the Communist Party and its fronts.

In June 1946, Vernon Jarrett was elected to the Illinois Council of the Communist Party’s youth wing, then known as American Youth for Democracy. This is according to Testimony of Walter S. Steele regarding Communist activities in the United States. Hearings before the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress, first session, on H. R. 1884 and H. R. 2122, pages 75,76.

It is the first hard evidence tying Vernon Jarrett directly to the Communist Party. Frank Marshall Davis, incidentally, was an official sponsor of American Youth for Democracy, along with confirmed communists Howard Fast, Langston Hughes, John Howard Lawson and Dirk Struik.

Later that year, Frank Marshall Davis left Chicago for Hawaii to work on the Honolulu Record, then edited and run by Communist Party member Koji Ariyoshi.

I guess everyone knows the rest of the story.

I suppose history books someday will reflect that Barack Hussein Obama was the worst president in American history or that he was the Vladimir Lenin of the 21st century, only time will tell.
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I suppose history books someday will reflect that Barack Hussein Obama was the worst president in American history or that he was the Vladimir Lenin of the 21st century, only time will tell.

If you're really trying to compare Obama to Lenin, then you don't know very much about history.
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I'm no Obama fan, but this is the kind of stretch my crazy dad would try to talk about at Thanksgiving dinner.
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My great-great-great-grandparents owned slaves; I guess I should stop with this whole libertarian shtick.
You owe me some money or 40 acres and a mule.


Articles: Why Is Observing Obama as a Marxist Verboten?

The recent release of a tape by Andrew Breitbart's outfit sparked renewed interest in President Obama's murky past. In anticipation, conservatives were elated that the president might finally be exposed. The tape showed Obama, then at Harvard Law, orchestrating a protest on behalf of Derrick Bell.

Without providing any background on just how radical is Professor Bell, the compliant liberal media derisively dismissed it all as conservative paranoia, even proclaiming presidential vindication. It still appears preposterous to purport that America elected a communist ideologue. The world's greatest beneficiary of capitalist bounty would never willingly empower a radical socialist to "fundamentally transform America."

Unfortunately, we did, even if Americans loathe admitting it. And this ought to have been obvious even before Mr. Breitbart's valiant efforts.

Obama exploits the citizenry's concerted blindness, cloaking his views under veneers of "social justice," "fairness," and "progress." Unadulterated Marxism attracts few votes. In rare candor, sans teleprompter, Obama lectured Joe the Plumber that his prescription for widespread prosperity is "spreading the wealth around."

Before catapulting to prominence, the president complained that thanks to constraints instituted by our Founders, "The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice." Obama's justice ensures not that transactions are freely entered and fairly measured, but that bureaucrats enforce results fancied per the fluttering fashions of political correctness.

Still, most Americans would deny Obama's Marxist outlook, mistaking the term's meaning as synonymous with Stalin or Mao. Marxist theory informed many of history's most murderous tyrants, but Obama's brand is the emasculated theorizing of the faculty lounge.

Since the Iron Curtain rent itself, modern socialism generally entails central planning and control more than communalization. Socialist states dictate acceptable practices and uses of private resources, making outright ownership redundant -- although Obama did exploit the downturn to redistribute chunks of Chrysler and GM for the proletariat.

ObamaCare rolls downhill in that direction. In Obamanomics, government exists not to protect liberty, as the Founders believed, but as workers' vanguard protecting those otherwise vulnerable to "chaotic and unforgiving capitalism" -- which, Obama claims, "has never worked."

Every fiscal policy from sundry stimulus programs to tax credits is steeply progressive. Obama champions wealth-redistribution and punitively taxing the affluent, even as political reality prevents implementing his complete agenda.

Obama perceives society through lenses skewed by this modern version of Marxism. Obama's proposals inevitably leverage left-wing radicals or government organs to redistribute wealth, power, or caches of moral superiority under pretense of combating prejudice.

Obama's maturation was influenced by Marxists throughout. Barack Sr. fashioned such screeds as Problems Facing Our Socialism advocating "communal ownership of major means of production." Obama spent high school in Hawaii under the tutelage of communist agitator Frank Marshall Davis, whom he declared a "decisive influence." In college, Obama dallied with Marxist professors and was described by classmate John Drew as an "ardent" "Marxist-Leninist."

Obama's initial forays into politics were similarly infused with Marxism. As a community organizer, he partnered with proud communist terrorists like Bill Ayers, working alongside ACORN and other radicals. ACORN was founded by Wade Rathke, like Ayers an alumnus of the communist-sympathizing Students for Democratic Society.

As commentator Selwyn Duke challenges, is there any indication that Obama ever renounced these long-held beliefs? During his abridged stint as senator, Obama rated farther left than even self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders. His administration's every endeavor foments cultural, economic, or political formulas of Marxist bent.

Why is observing this verboten?

New Obama Movie: Dreams From My Real Father; A Story of Reds and Deceptions; Rare Footage | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

With the release this July of Joel Gilbert’s full-length documentary, “Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception,” the mystery deepens regarding who Obama really is.

“The film provides the first cohesive understanding of Obama’s deep-rooted life journey in socialism, from his childhood to his presidency,”


During Christmas break, Drew says he was at Grauman-Boss’ home in Palo Alto when Obama came over with Mohammed Hasan Chandoo, his roommate from Pakistan.

“Barack [Obama] and Hasan showed up at the house in a BMW, and then we went to a restaurant together,” Drew says. “We had a nice meal, and then we came back to the house and smoked cigarettes and drank and argued politics.”

For the next several hours, they discussed Marxism.

“He [Obama] was arguing a straightforward Marxist-Leninist class-struggle point of view, which anticipated that there would be a revolution of the working class, led by revolutionaries, who would overthrow the capitalist system and institute a new socialist government that would redistribute the wealth,” says Drew, who says he himself was then a Marxist.

“The idea was basically that wealthy people were exploiting others,” Drew says. “That this was the secret of their wealth, that they weren’t paying others enough for their work, and they were using and taking advantage of other people. He was convinced that a revolution would take place, and it would be a good thing.”

Drew concluded that Obama thought of himself as “part of an intelligent, radical vanguard that was leading the way towards this revolution and towards this new society.” ..."

Referring to Obama’s quote from “Dreams of My Father” that he associated with Marxist professors, Drew says, “What he’s not saying is that he was in 100 percent total agreement with those Marxist professors.

Lt. Gen. Boykin spells out the six major steps Barack Obama has taken to march our beloved country into statist slavery by removing our inalienable rights and freedoms set into our beloved Constitution by our founders!

1) Nationalization of Major Sectors of U.S. Economy. Think Bail Outs here.

2) Redistribution of wealth. Hello, if you are unaware of the Buffet Rule and the 1%-99% OWS street wars, then you’re part of the problem.

3) Discredit Opposition to Obama’s Dictates. Remember when his Homeland Security memo hit the fan about the dangers of American pro life and right wing groups, returning veterans.

4) Censorship. Boykin says the Hate Crimes legislation passed by Congress directly targets our Pastors who preach Biblical principles against homosexuality……

5) Gun Ownership is being taken away from private citizens. Obama, according to Boykin, is planning to sign the United Nations Small Arms Treaty which will give that global body control of how American citizens buy, sell, and distribute our weapons!! Ever heard of UN’s Agenda 21 now grabbing up U.S. private lands, or the Treaty of the Seas which will cede our waters to again this outfit’s global control?

6) Obama in the Healthcare law, HR 3590, sec. 5210, is setting up a Constabulary Force under his control as President, that can and will be mobilized to control the United States citizens! A commission of officers directly under his control will be equal in force to our military, to be used by our government against US!

And just this week Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer have written in a stipulation that the IRS can revoke a citizen’s gun rights and passport if so accused of owning $50,000 in back taxes; proof is not needed! This goes to the House so please get on the phone and call Congress toll free at 1-877-762-8762.

Would be better suited for a dumb ass thread instead IMO

The only dum-basses involved are those who can't admit to themselves that BHO is a fully committed marxist intent upon creating a United Socialist States of America (USSA) and surrendering all national sovereignty to the United (marxists) Nations, (UN).

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If you're really trying to compare Obama to Lenin, then you don't know very much about history.



Obama will officially launch his 2012 re-election campain, and no I'm not kidding, on Karl Marx's birthday, May 5th!

Online Library of Liberty - Pictures of the Socialistic Future

Click on any of the segments and find something relevant to today's discussions. Please note that this exquisite bit of satire by Richter was written in 1893.

Coincidentally, in "The New Laws" section, he satirically comments that the "organ" (i. e., "Pravda") under the new order is called "Onward." How interesting is that?

Other sections describing family, work, etc., in a world centered around a philosophy devoid of religious or spiritual thought ought to stir deep feelings in the hearts of most who have memories of a different time.

Had most of us read this writer's work twenty years ago, it might not have the chilling effect it does today. After the last 3 years, however, the descriptions of life in a "socialistic future," as described, even in satirical terms, is current as today's news, and too realistic to be amusing.

The only dum-basses involved are those who can't admit to themselves that BHO is a fully committed marxist intent upon creating a United Socialist States of America (USSA) and surrendering all national sovereignty to the United (marxists) Nations, (UN).

Then I guess most people are dumbasses. Thank god we have dingleberries like you to show us the way.

Seriously, start eating lithium like M&M's.
I'm no Obama fan, but this is the kind of stretch my crazy dad would try to talk about at Thanksgiving dinner.

Your dad most likely isn't half as crazy as you.

Furthermore he is probably far more well informed and wiser than you.

Here is what a PHD who is an expert and has written books on the topic has to say:

Articles: 'Forward!' with Obama, Axelrod, Jarrett and Frank Marshall Davis

There has been some interesting commentary in the conservative media regarding the new Obama campaign slogan for 2012: "Forward!" The slogan debuted on April 30 -- May Day eve -- in a seven-minute video by the Obama campaign, with the "O" in "Forward!" familiarly styled upon the Obama logo.

Being that this is my area of research, I naturally paused to consider this bizarre spectacle. I contacted Ion Mihai Pacepa, a goldmine of information on this sort of thing. Pacepa, now in his 80s, was the highest-ranking intelligence official to defect the Soviet bloc. He had been the right-hand man to Romanian dictator Nicolai Ceausescu. When he defected in 1978, Pacepa's positions included being head of Romania's so-called "Presidential House," which was equivalent to being White House chief of staff and director of the CIA, FBI, and Department of Homeland Security. Pacepa knows the communist world better than just about anyone on the planet. Here's what he told me about the "Forward!" slogan:

Forward," rooted in Lenin's book Two Steps Backwards, One Step Forward, was frequently used by most leaders of the Soviet bloc I met. "Forward Comrades" was one of Ceausecu's favorite slogans. In 1972, when I had my last meeting with Fidel, he also used it many times. Raul did too.... Look also into Vorwärts (German for Forward), which was the newspaper of the Social Democratic Party of Germany.

Well, I investigated another crucial angle. I've just completed a book on Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, set for release in July, titled The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, the Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor. In my research, I read about 500 pages of the Chicago Star, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) newspaper for Chicago from 1946-48. The founding editor-in-chief for the Star was Frank Marshall Davis. These pages are unflaggingly pro-Soviet. From line to line and page to page, they unflinchingly toe the CPUSA/Soviet line.

I went back to the Star last week to look for uses of "Forward!" I found a front-page example from (appropriately) the May Day issue for 1948. (Click here for full page image.) It's a quote from an old socialist named August Spies:


As I continued to look back through my research, I found other examples. For instance, Frank Marshall Davis's 600-page FBI file notes that Davis "became interested in the Communist Party" in the early 1930s. Among the chief attractions for Davis was the case of Angelo Herndon, a cause célèbre for communists. Davis discussed Herndon in his memoirs, describing him as a "young black Communist" of "unbelievable courage," who had prompted a "number" of "young Afro-Americans" to join the Communist Party.

In short, Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's mentor, was an extremely active communist agitator no doubt familiar with "Forward!" as a communist slogan.

Finally, we cannot ignore the David Axelrod factor. Axelrod is Obama's chief campaign strategist, who specializes in sloganeering. Axelrod coined the "hope and change" slogan in 2008, and surely devised "Forward!" in 2012.

Well, Axelrod is likewise a product of this Chicago world, including (to some degree) the communist influences. Axelrod was mentored by David Canter. David and his father, Harry, were part of Chicago's communist orbit. Harry had been secretary of Boston's Communist Party, and both father and son spent the 1930s in Moscow, where Harry he worked for the Soviet government as a translator of Lenin's writings. Harry was among the small group that purchased the Chicago Star from Frank Marshall Davis in September 1948. Harry was familiar to Star readers. Among other instances, he appeared in the April 28, 1947 edition, wishing "May Day Greetings" to fellow comrades. Davis would have joined Harry at that May Day parade in Chicago. Davis editorialized in support of the 1947 May Day.

Both Harry and David Canter, like Davis, worked in the communist publishing world. In fact, David Canter worked with Frank Marshall Davis -- and also with Vernon Jarrett, Valerie Jarrett's father-in-law -- as a writer for the communist-controlled Packinghouse Workers Union.

Either way, the "fundamental transformation" of America continues, compliments of the oblivious Americans who elected this political insanity in November 2008.
Your dad most likely isn't half as crazy as you.

Furthermore he is probably far more well informed and wiser than you.

Here is what a PHD who is an expert and has written books on the topic has to say:

Paul Kengor has written the following books:
The Communist (about, you guessed it, Obama)
God and Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Life
Dupes: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century
The Judge: William P. Clark, Ronald Reagan's Top Hand
The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism
Faith and the American Presidency
God and George W. Bush: A Spiritual Life
God and Hillary Clinton: A Spiritual Life
The Reagan Presidency

It appears that he is an "expert" on Christianity in American Politics. From the gloss on the Hillary book:
Based on exhaustive research, God and Hillary Clinton tells the surprising story of Hillary's spiritual evolution, detailing the interaction between her lifelong religious beliefs and her personal history that has made her the politician she is today.
Really, this guy is attempting to religious-ize Hillary Clinton?

He has an agenda and I am skeptical as to whether he is simply extending and stretching as many "facts" as far as is possible to construe the use of a very commonly used word in America (forward) as pernicious and as evidence that anyone is trying to fundamentally undermine America.

Like I said, Romney stated, "We want an America for Americans". Is he a covert Klan member, intent on ridding America of blacks, chinks, spics, mics, and papists? Or, did he use a phrase that coincidentally was used by others in the past?

One last note: Grove City College (where Kengor teaches) is a Presbyterian College that still mandates chapel attendance by its students; and, from the mission statement of The Center for Vision and Values (of which Kengor is the Executive Director):
Herein lies the difference between our approach to the pursuit of personal, political, economic, and religious freedom and the reigning viewpoint in higher education. We believe that God is sovereign. We believe that man is made in His image. We believe the Bible is indispensable to understanding the truth about our relationship to God, to our world, and to each other. These core beliefs ground human dignity and freedom in God’s revealed truth, a truth that animates our mission as we affirm the eternal relevance of Jesus’ challenge in John’s gospel, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

So, yes, he has a Ph.D.
And your point is???

Does your dissing of Kentor detract in any way from the fact that Obama has close lifelong ties to the communist party?


Smelling communism on Democrats Soviet immigrants make fools of them and vote GOP « « Coach is RightCoach is Right

The day after Barack Obama’s election, a physical therapist from the old Soviet union, who came to Staten Island to live in freedom, got a call from her best friend, a fellow Soviet immigrant, who lives in the Russian section of Brooklyn. The caller got one word out before they both started to cry for three minutes. Then the caller speaking Russian said, “We came here to escape them. Where do we go now?” Both women knew the “Them” were Communists and both saw Democrats as no different from Communists.

To those who don’t live in either the Brooklyn or Staten Island portions of New York City, Republican Bob Turner’s victory in a special election to fill Anthony Weiner’s vacant Congressional seat is a fluke caused by public disgust at Weiner’s antics.

That explanation is foolishness supported by stunned Democrats and their cheerleaders in the media. It was a result of a big Russian immigrant turnout.

A year earlier in a Congressional district comprised of Staten Island and the Russian sections of Brooklyn, Republican Michael Grimm, a totally unknown political new comer, defeated a well financed Democrat who had the endorsement of every union in the City.

This spring another totally unknown Republican candidate won another special election against another well known well financed and well endorsed Democrat.

All three of these victories were delivered by immigrants from the old Soviet Union who hate communism and see America’s Democrats as new communist threats to .... (America's hard won liberties.)


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