The Red Side of Life: Socialists & Communists: We Operate Through the Democrat Party
The Socialists and Communists in America operate
through the Democrat Party. This is no secret - the
Democratic Socialist of America (DSA) openly state
this fact, here,(link) and the Communist Party USA
(CPUSA) states it here.(link) If you can stomach their
websites, you will find this fact reiterated throughout.
There is a movement in the media underway, led by
the New York Times, to whitewash Socialism - and to
disabuse the public of the notion that Barack Obama is
a socialist. This must be countered, and could not be
further from the truth.
In fact, Obama's program is more in line with the
Communist movement than the Socialist movement!
Consider the bullet-points set forth by the CPUSA:
(list follows)
The Ten Planks of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto
(and How Democrats Implement Them)
Abolition of private property rights (via high property
taxes, eminent domain, restrictive zoning laws, "fair
housing" edicts and UN Agenda 21)
Institution of a heavily graduated income tax (by
calling it "taxing the rich")
Abolition of all rights of inheritance (through a
confiscatory estate tax on "the rich")
Confiscation of the property of enemies of the state
(through lawless application of asset forfeiture)
Centralization of credit into the hands of the state
(Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission, "bailouts"
of crony-capitalists, etc.)
Centralization of the means of communication and
transportation into the hands of the state (FCC, DOT,
FEMA, etc.).
Consolidation and subjugation of all major industries to
central government control (EPA, OSHA, ICC, NLRB,
EEOC, etc.)
Mandatory labor union membership (public-sector
unions, automatic withholding of forced union
dues, "card check," etc.)
Equitable redistribution of all wealth (TANF, SSI, EITC,
SNAP, etc.)
Free public education (and food and health care and
cell phones and Internet access, etc.)
Importantly, what should be automatically associated
with socialists are their major political ideological axioms
and goals:
1) Nations are arbitrary and should eventually be
replaced by regional political blocs then world
2) Ethnic, linguistic, religious and cultural homogeneity
(sameness) in a nation causes war, so it must be
subverted with socialist party-supporting immigrants,
until the dominant ethno-linguistic group and its culture
have become a minority in their country. This is
advanced in the political realm by supporting
3) Immigrants in combination with a nations leftists will
be politically powerful enough to create a permanent
socialist one party state.
4) The advance to socialism must be continual. When
socialists are in power they must acutely advance
socialism. When they are not in power they must
prevent any retrenchment from socialism. Most
conservatives will abide the status quo, whatever it
is, and only a minority will seek to reverse the advances
of socialism. They must be vilified and driven out of
power by any means.
5) Only one out of every ten persons is capable of being
a ruling elite, because they grasp the superiority of
socialism. The other nine out of ten are inferior persons
who must be cajoled or coerced into perpetual service
to the elite. It would not be undesirable for the vast
majority of these inferiors to die, as they are
overpopulated and their numbers need to be reduced.
6) All resources must be owned and rationed by the
state, as any resource in abundance can become a de
facto currency, undermining state control. Thus, strong
efforts must be made to prevent abundance where it
exists, until it is controlled by the state.
7) Children must be raised to accept their roles in
society. If they are elites, they must be taught their
socialist purpose; and if inferiors, they must be taught
of the inevitability and desirability of socialism. The only
other education needed by the inferiors is to obey and
to perform whatever tasks are needed of them.
The Democrat Party doesnt exist anymore. Name
ONE Democrat who would today approve of JFKs
Inauguration speech? Name ONE? Todays Democrats
calling themselves Democrats is the biggest farce of
the 21st century. They are SOCIALISTS and commit
their destruction as they hide behind a more publicly
acceptable word. Republicans and conservatives who
use the word Democrat are only aiding and abetting
the Socialists agenda.