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Obama has just given the highest civilian award to someone who wants the U.S. to copy the policies of communist dictator Hugo Chavez. And at the same time, Obama refuses to let an anti-communist hero into the White House.
Dolores Huerta has praised Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan communist dictator who has repeatedly used the military to seize food from private owners, had butchers arrested, held at a military base, and strip searched for running out of beef, shut down a TV station that criticized him, and placed a luxury tax on toilet paper.
After Chavez seized farmland from farmers, he stated, The land is not private. It is the property of the state. Chavez has seized many supermarkets from their owners, and under government ownership, the shelves in these supermarkets are often empty. Chavezs mismanagement of the nationalized oil industry is so severe that the country has actually had to import gasoline, despite having some of the hugest oil reserves in the world.
Chavezs takeovers have also caused severe damage to the steel industry, the cement industry, the construction industry, the telephone industry, and the electric industry. Chavez has also caused a brain drain, with many of the most intelligent and well educated people fleeing the country.
President Obama just gave her the Medal of Freedom, the highest honor that can be given to a civilian.
Meanwhile, Lech Walesa was a major participant in the defeat of communism in Eastern Europe. National Review writes:
Lech Walesa was once a trade-union activist. He was often arrested for speaking his mind against Communist oppression behind the Iron Curtain in Poland and for defying the Soviet Union. He was an electrician who, with no higher education, led one of the most profound freedom movements of the 20th century Solidarity. He became president of Poland and swept in reforms, pushing the Soviet Union out of his homeland and moving the country toward a free-market economy and individual liberty.
But President Obama wont even let him in the White House.
That is really disgusting.
Man I feel sorry for you gs, but then again from what I've gathered you must be one of those millionaire republicans. If not, just another uneducated follower.
Socialism...is the brainchild of the super super wealthy and isn't meant to make everyone equal, it is meant to bring about a modern day form of fuedalism.
Now you want to debate or have a peeing contest?
Small edit. Otherwise spot on.
You are either completely ignorant or you are a liar.
The powers of financial capitalism had far-reaching aim, nothing less
than to create a world system of financial control in private hands
able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy
of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a
feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in
concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings
and conferences."
-- Quote from Caroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, Chapter 20
Hard to debate when you are going to put forth blatant lies (like the one noted above) as historical fact.
Valerie Jarrett's dad is irrelevant. Obama's statements and policies vis a vis the government vs the private sector tell you all you need to know about how he views the world.
A top communist defector is warning of an unprecedented alliance between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party, reflected in the CPUSAs endorsement of Barack Obama for president in 2008 and the partys continued support for Democratic Party policies. But is this warning going to be too hot to handle for the media? And the Republicans?
Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking official ever to have defected from the former Soviet bloc, says in an article for PJMedia that any doubt that the Democratic and the Communist parties had secretly joined forces was erased in 2009, when Van Jones, part of a left fringe of declared communists, became the White Houses green jobs czar.
Obama aide Valerie Jarrett had disclosed at a left-wing bloggers convention that we, apparently referring to herself and President Obama, had hired Jones for the job. However, Jones was fired when an outcry developed over his communist background, and the media quickly dropped any probes into Jones White House contacts.
Pacepa, who served as a top aide in the Romanian communist regime, tells Accuracy in Media, The Democratic Party has become dangerously infected with the Marxism virus. I recognize the symptoms because I once lived through them, and I believe it is my obligation as an American citizen to help the conservative movement to prevent any further spread of Marxism in my adopted country.
You can't make this stuff up.
Man I feel sorry for you gs, but then again from what I've gathered you must be one of those millionaire republicans. If not, just another uneducated follower.
The fact is that the FBI does not vet presidential candidates for national security purposes. There was no FBI investigation into Obamas own background, associations, loyalty, and overall fitness for office. The FBI only probes those being considered for some federal positions under the president. It is not clear, however, if Van Jones was ever investigated. If so, he got the job anyway, and then-Fox News personality Glenn Beck and blogger Trevor Loudon discovered the truth, not the FBI.
Former FBI agent Max Noel told me that the Bureau used to investigate candidates for federal employment by analyzing Character, Associates, Reputation, and Loyalty to the United States. The first letters in those words make up the acronym CARL. By the standard of A aloneAssociatesObama flunks.
Obama was never investigated by the FBI, however. He captured the presidency and, with the help of the media, continues to outflank his Republican opponents, McCain then and Romney now.
Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism and can be contacted at cliff.kincaid@aim.org.
He adds that he is personally convinced that Obama is a Marxist.
His 1987 book, Red Horizons, exposed the nature of the Romanian Nicolae Ceausescu regime as well as communist influence operations directed against the U.S. and other Western nations. The contents of his book were broadcast into Romania on Radio Free Europe and credited with inspiring the counterrevolution that brought down the regime and the execution of Ceausescu.
Although he has written over the years for such publications as The Wall Street Journal, the American Spectator and National Review, his column in PJMedia represents the first time he has warned publicly that international Marxism has assumed a major influence over the Democratic Party. His second column for PJMedia examines appeasement policies by various Democratic administrations.
The issue of communist influence in the Democratic Party has already been on display this year, as blogger Jeremy Segal filmed Democratic Rep. Danny K. Davis, an old ally of Barack Obama in the socialist New Party,
accepting an award in Chicago from the CPUSA. I brought this to the attention of Steve Chapman, a conservative columnist for the Chicago Tribune, who had attacked Rep. Allen West as crazy for discussing communist infiltration of the Democratic Party. I provided Segals video of the awards ceremony to him directly and yet Chapman remains silent.
Columnist Wes Vernon commented, Since Chicago is the neighborhood of Chapmans newspaper, one would think he could easily access (right under his nose) the goings-on of a local congressmans award possibly just a stroll down the street from the Tribune Building.
Instead, Chapman has now written a column for the conservative website Townhall mocking conservatives who resist the encroachment of Islamic law, also known as Sharia, in the U.S. legal system. Chapmans column ran under the headline, The Bogus Threat from Shariah Law.
When alleged conservatives like Chapman refuse to take the problems of communism and radical Islam seriously, you know the liberal media will resist covering these matters. And that is why Ion Mihai Pacepas warning, based on decades of experience in analyzing communist influence operations and infiltration of the West, will be deliberately ignored.
Some conservatives are so desperate for any coverage critical of Obama that they jumped on his gaffe that the private sector is doing fine, as if this will enlighten the American people about the real agenda of the President.
Mitt Romneys campaign was quick to produce a TV ad based on the gaffe, generating some media attention, but dont count on the Republicans to exploit the comments of Ion Mihai Pacepa. The cries of McCarthyism would fill the air. All of this means that the GOP presidential campaign will avoid addressing his key charge that the U.S. has a Marxist president and that he is pursuing a socialist agenda.
The Republicans, some of whom were also behind John McCains lackluster 2008 campaign, recoil even when they are handed a campaign issue on a silver plattersuch as Obamas lying about his past association with and membership in the Marxist-led New Party in Chicago. They want to stay above the fray, even as the Obama campaign demonizes the word capitalist and insists nonsensically that creating government jobs is the proper way to help the private economy.
But Pacepa speaks out, saying that, in addition to the White House hiring Van Jones, he saw the Marxist agenda at work in the agenda of the White House and the Democrat-controlled Congress during Obamas first two years, when they began dutifully following in Marxs footsteps by redistributing our countrys wealth and putting under government control a part of its health care, banking system, and automobile industry. His observation is this regard is not unique, but Pacepa goes further, citing evidence of how planks in the Communist Manifesto parallel the Obama legislative agenda. Yet, Romney doesnt want to call Obama a socialist because of what the liberal media will say about the charge.
Marxism is a malignant tumor on the body of any country, Pacepa writes, highlighting the stakes involved in the presidential campaign. This is another thing I learned during my years at the top of Marxist Romania. Marxism, like any cancer, works silentlyyou can feel it only after it has spread throughout the whole body, and then it is usually too late.
Internationally, the warning signs also get ignored. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which includes Russia and China, just completed a major conference in Beijing and issued a statement denouncing plans for a U.S. missile defense and proposed military action against the regimes in Damascus and Tehran. Obama seems prepared to accommodate our adversaries on all fronts, although he has told the Russians that he cant go all-out on their behalf until after he is re-elected.
The final statement from the SCO conference honors the United Nations Charter as well as the basic norms governing international relationsremarks that could have come from Obamas State Department or Obama himself.
The SCO campaign to block Western attempts to undermine the Iranian and Syrian regimes represents what the Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin calls a world geopolitical swing, as the United States fades in influence under Obama. Yet, the media talk about an Obama gaffe and conservatives wonder if Romney can reduce the gender gap.
The issues are big and stark, and Pacepa knows it. He cites evidence for his charges about an alliance between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party USA in the statements of Joelle Fishman, a political operative in the CPUSA based in Connecticut. This writer interviewed Fishman, who runs the CPUSA Political Action Commission, at last years Take Back the American Dream Conference in Washington D.C., featuring Van Jones. She is a strong supporter of Barack Obama and personally campaigned for him.
On Monday, June 18, in Washington, D.C., Van Jones will be speaking at the next Campaign for Americas Future conference on a panel that includes MSNBCs Melissa Harris-Perry. The topic: Winning in NovemberSo We Can Win in December and Beyond. No surprise here. MSNBC is at the service of the Obama Administration and doesnt hold back at all, even making its TV stars available for partisan conferences.
What is interesting about Fishman, the communist daughter-in-law of Soviet spy Victor Perlo, is that she works with progressive Democrats and has a very close personal relationship with high ranking Rep. Rosa DeLauro, a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus who serves in the Democratic leadership as co-chair of the Steering and Policy Committee. A photo dubbed The Kiss shows DeLauro embracing Fishman.
Fishman and DeLauro appeared together on the host committee letterhead for a birthday celebration in honor of long-time CPUSA official Alfred L. Marder. DeLauro used the Congressional Record on March 20, 2012, to praise Marder, whose New Haven Peoples Center recently tried to obtain $300,000 in state money. Zachary Janowski, an investigative reporter for the Yankee Institute, covered this controversy in detail on his Raising Hale blog and was instrumental in creating public pressure against the grant.
DeLauro described Marder as an institution in our community and perhaps best known for his work to promote peace, social justice, workers rights and equality. DeLauro added, His commitment to these issues is unwaveringregardless of controversy, he always stands firm in his fight to protect human rights.
During the McCarthy era, DeLauro went on to say, Al was one of those singled out for proudly sharing his thoughts and ideas. Standing firm in his support of civil liberties and the right of every American to freely express themselves, Al discovered his passion for civil and workers rightstwo issues to which he has dedicated a lifetime of advocacy.
In addition to being active for decades in the CPUSA, Marder was president of the U.S. Peace Council and a member and official of the World Peace Council, both of them international communist front organizations. DeLauro, of course, didnt mention that.
The good news is that citizens of Connecticut are waking up. Veterans and local political leaders protested against the proposed state grant money for the communist headquarters. They got the money withdrawn. But the communists will be back. They never give up.
But while the state money has been withdrawn, at least temporarily, Zachary Janowski reports that the Board of Aldermen of New Haven, Connecticut, voted to allocate $25,000 in federal funds to the facility. The $25,000 in federal funds is from a Community Development Block Grant, a program of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. It is apparently part of the Obama jobs program.
What a convincing argument.
I'm sooooo impressed.
The powers of financial capitalism had far-reaching aim, nothing less
than to create a world system of financial control in private hands
able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy
of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a
feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in
concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings
and conferences."
-- Quote from Caroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, Chapter 20
Rhodes scholar and president of the USA William Jefferson Clinton
praised his mentors.
The only mentor he mentioned specifically was Carrol Quigley, author
of Tragedy and Hope.
So I'm telling a blatent lie, tell me more about your vast
store of knowledge.
GS, as I have said before I enjoy your posts and especially the cartoons. As you do, I have great concerns regarding the marxist in the white house. What is sad is that I do not believe the republicans are much better. You could just as easily make fun of the republicans in the same manner.
I am not sure what this tells me concerning your claim regarding socialism.
Have you ever heard of a mobius strip?
Make one and see if you can figure it out your so damned informed and intelligent.
Reading material:
I have read enough Marx to know that (1) he was not "the super super rich"; and, (2) he did believe that a truly egalitarian society could be created.
I do not care who Clinton's mentors were. I do not care who Carrol Quiqley is. I have read the writings that have had the most influence on socialism and I have drawn the conclusion that you are either ignorant (maybe you have never read Marx) or you a blatantly lying.
Have you ever heard of a mobius strip?
Make one and see if you can figure it out your so damned informed and intelligent.
Reading material:
Consequently, one barrier to mature understanding of recent history is the notion that all capitalists are the bitter and unswerving enemies of all Marxists and socialists. This erroneous idea originated with Karl Marx and was undoubtedly useful to his purposes. In fact, the idea is nonsense. There has been a continuing, albeit concealed, alliance between international political capitalists and international revolutionary socialists to their mutual benefit.
Marx was kept up all his adult life by Engels who was very wealthy.
I don't give a good damn what you care about or what conclusions you reach.
1. Neither of these books focus on the philosophical theory of Marxism. The most the first one says regarding Marx is:
2. If you want to argue that those who have actually implemented socialist schemes are, for the most part, concerned with protecting their own capital, then go for it; I will not object. However, as I stated before, to make the claim that, "Socialism...is the brainchild of the super super wealthy and isn't meant to make everyone equal," is to state something that is unequivocally false.
3. Negative; Engels was not "very wealthy"; his parents were extremely wealthy, though. Engels had to continuously work in order to support Marx (the "super super rich" did not work much in Continental Europe in the 19th Century).
4. If you are going to comment on socialism, maybe you should actually read what Marx wrote.
Such a respectable Christian thing to say...........If I didnt know any better, I would say that you sound like a anti-christian mooselum
1. No, not at all but they do demonstrate how the
capitalist financial powers enabled the rise of the two
greatest socialist states of the twentieth century,
ie; nazism and bolshevism.
2. Look who is promoting socialism in America, it is
the extremely wealthy foundations.
3. So his parents wrote Engels out of the will?
4. Ronald Reagan said it best; A communist is one
who has read Marx, an anti-communist is one who
has read and actually understood Marx.
If marxism is your religion then why do you deny being
a socialist?
Promoting socialism is different from being the "brain-child" of socialism.
I do not know. I know that Engels worked his entire life to support both he and Marx (and their families). That does not strike me as the behavior of the "super super rich" in the 19th Century.
Marxism is my religion? That is interesting. All this time I thought I disagreed with Marx's moral and economic theories...
Promoting socialism is different from being the "brain-child" of socialism.
I do not know. I know that Engels worked his entire life to support both he and Marx (and their families). That does not strike me as the behavior of the "super super rich" in the 19th Century.
Marxism is my religion? That is interesting. All this time I thought I disagreed with Marx's moral and economic theories...
He is imager of the image and narrator of the narrative. No single person is more responsible for making Barack Obama president. Come November 2008, it was nothing short of a stunning change for America, a genuinely historical feat the man known as Ax hopes to repeat in November 2012.
And it helps that the twostory-maker and story, composer and themethink alike. You know, he and I share a basic worldview, Obama told the New York Times. I trust his basic take on what the country should be and where we need to move towardnot just on specific policy but how politics should be able to draw on our best and not our worst.
Born in New York in 1955, Axelrod says of his parents that they were, your classic New York leftist Democrats. But that doesnt really do justice to the activities of his mother, Myril Bennett Axelrod. She worked for an extremely political newspaper, the liberal New York daily, the PM.
Existing only from 1940 to 1948, the problem at the PM was infiltration by communists pushing the Stalinist line. One such person was a confirmed soviet spy, I.F. Stone, among many others.
Axelrod followed in his mothers footsteps and began writing a leftist political column for a local Chicago newspaper, the Hyde Park Herald.
Following his fathers suicide, young Axelrod caught the attention of two men who would be instrumental in guiding his political leanings and by extension, Barack Hussein Obamas as well.
Don Rose and David Canter began to mentor Axelrod and this brought him to the attention of the Chicago Communist Party USA. While Roses involvement with CP-USA has not been established, Canters communist activities are well documented. His father served time in jail for radical communist activities and eventually became the secretary of the Boston Communist Party. He ran for Governor of Massachusetts on the Communist Party ticket in 1930.
Harry Canters devotion to the communist party earned him an audience with Stalin in 1932 he brought along his entire family, including his son, and future Axelrod mentor, David Canter. They stayed in Moscow until 1937, when they abruptly moved back to America, locating in Chicago and the CP-USA. Here Harry caught the attention of the Democratic controlled Congress in 1944.
Harrys grandson Evan says, He was a Communist. He was involved in the Party, as was my father. Evans father is of course the above mentioned Axelrod mentor, David Canter.
David, like his father also caught the attention of Congress. He was called in to testify in 1962 before the Democrat-run House Committee on Un-American Activities, where he refused to answer questions about past or present membership in the Communist Party. Canter pleaded the Fifth Amendment from start to finish. Among the activities he was being investigated for was the riots during the 1968 Democratic National Convention. His publishing house was said by one source to have been a great help to one of the communist publications that had agitated and disrupted the convention: We wouldnt be anywhere without him, said the source.
His partner, Don Rose was knee-deep in subversive activities as well. He was a member of the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam. This group, of course, was the ultimate Whos Who of Sixties radicals, and thoroughly penetrated by communist ringleaders. Rose did press work for the Mobilization Committee and for Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Yes, the same SDS that gave birth to Bill Ayers domestic communistic terrorist group, the Weather Underground.