Got another one, yesterday at the grocery store there was an abandoned cart, with stuff in it, blocking the aisle, and also something in particular that i needed. So I moved it about 5-6 feet down the aisle, and off to one side. Before I moved it, I asked the next closest shopper if it was theirs, it wasn't, and no one else was nearby without a cart. As I grab my stuff, from the now-vacated area the cart was in, the "owner" of the cart came by and asked me why I moved the cart, and that I shouldn't touch other people's stuff, especially food because "who knows what I did to their food". They had just left it there for a "second" to go back and grab something from the previous aisle.
AITA for moving this lady's cart?
I normally wouldn't think I was the A, but it was the second incident in that trip, I had previously scared a lady who "didn't realize she was blocking the aisle", when I said "excuse me" to her. so this cart thing may have been a bit more malicious than it otherwise would have been.