AJ, Sapp, and O'Brien involved in altercation. (Rumor/Speculation)

There's no reason for these guys to be kicked off the team for these charges. The only reason A.J. and Sapp got the "contribution to minors" charge was because it was their apartment where the underage people were drinking. As stated earlier, no one knows what was involved with the "resisting arrest" part. O'Brien was just dumb to try the fake ID on the cop. I think you sit O'Brien for the first game because of the underage consumption and Butch makes em both run till they pass out.
Its all about keeping your nose clean? And not letting stuff build up to something more... I don't want another da'rick situation. . You know, a feeling of, hey I can do no wrong..

You don't agree that people make mistakes? You are not willing to give someone that has never been in trouble a chance to redeem himself?
Its all about keeping your nose clean? And not letting stuff build up to something more... I don't want another da'rick situation. . You know, a feeling of, hey I can do no wrong..

Huh? Danny O had a couple beers and he's not 21. AJ and Sapp bought the beer. That's literally all they did lol
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It's going to be interesting to see how Butch handles this. I think he will send a message. Maybe not too harsh, but enough to say this type of thing won't be tolerated.
After seeing that pic of O'Brian, I feel ten times better about our D line. Austin Johnson has officially lost the title of "neck". Dude looks like an animal!
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I mean really?
Like I wouldn't have a beer with any of these three guys?
Then again, I'm a thug.
It's going to be interesting to see how Butch handles this. I think he will send a message. Maybe not too harsh, but enough to say this type of thing won't be tolerated.

Message from Butch: Dammit guys, next time you want to drink come over to my house!
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I mean really?
Like I wouldn't have a beer with any of these three guys?
Then again, I'm a thug.

You're right that this is not that big of a deal. It certainly seemed like it could be much worse when the details began surfacing early this morning. When all is said and done, I think this will be considered a relatively minor incident.

And you ARE a thug. :)
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You're right that this is not that big of a deal. It certainly seemed like it could be much worse when the details began surfacing early this morning. When all is said and done, I think this will be considered a relatively minor incident.

And you ARE a thug. :)

Look, I'll be honest.
When I woke up this morning and saw this thread, I went into full sky is falling mode.
Is resisting arrest the standard protocol charge for KPD and Knox Co Sheriff? Every time they decide to book our guys that gets slapped on there. I remember when Da'Rick was arrested the arresting officer reported that his arms tensed up as he was placing the cuffs on him and therefore he resisted arrest. Knoxville and UT have some of the worst officers I've ever experienced in my life. Only they, can turn a routine traffic stop for speeding into a near arrest for complete BS. I don't doubt the players may have smarted off or gotten a little restless but I also don't doubt, the officers let their high school begrudging, power trip attitudes take over.

It's usually added once the officers decided they've had enough and somebody is going to spend the night in jail
It's usually added once the officers decided they've had enough and somebody is going to spend the night in jail

Passive resisting charges are usually dropped. They are usually added becuz someone refuses to do as asked hopefully before it gets physical.

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