AJ, Sapp, and O'Brien involved in altercation. (Rumor/Speculation)

You don't agree that people make mistakes? You are not willing to give someone that has never been in trouble a chance to redeem himself?

People make mistakes all the time.. but you just gotta be smart.. your a football player, your larger than life to some people.. ypu have a target on you and people are just waiting for you to screw up..
Seeeeeeee ya...go transfer to miami..

So how'd you know 7 years ago that Franklin would get the Penn State job?...impressive laying Nittany Lion troll legwork early. :wavey:
I am sick of this thread, sick of aredfox, and sick of the hypocrisy. This is nothing more than police over reaction and over reaching from many on this board who want these player's head. To those of you who think that way, my sympathies.
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Underage drinking in college... shocked!! Must have been a Slowwwwww night.. The foreign students must have been disrupted on a Saturday night from studying and called the law.
Oh, Zoltaire of earth and altar,
Bow down and hear our cry!
Our earthly rulers falter,
Our people drift and die.
Take not thy thunder from us,
Take away our pride...
Really? Then don't live in an apt. complex filled with college kids, ego's and inferiority complex is rampant in a lot of police departments.

I agree with your last statement. Let me first start off by stating that my brother in-law is a state trooper and a damn good one. He is kind and understanding in most cases as I'm sure there are similar ppl in all police forces BUT it is my opinion that in my area of east tn there are many more cops that are, in there mind, above the law and very much A-holes.
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Litterally, the worst part of this is OBrien apparently giving the officer a fake ID.

Thats the worst thing. Something most had in college.

Nothing to see here.
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Lol.. yeah, and I don't really care, I'm not hear for you to like. I'm here to hear about my vols and share the love I have for this great team and university. .

So you understand science but not basic spelling? How are you even sure you're reading and understanding your science claims correctly? Get that ish corrected before you post again.
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Lol. I don't think this qualifies them for thugdome. If drinking between the ages of 18-22 at a college party were a fight breaks out constitutes one as a thug, most of the people I know are thugs. Including several of my friends who ended up in law enforcement. Like someone said earlier in the thread, they will be running to they puke and possibly miss the first game of the season.

Best post of the thread. However I'd make 'em eat dead frogs fer breakfast before they run to ga-run--tee they puke.
What is the big deal? O'Brien was under age drinking. So what 99% of college students drink under age. Resisting arrest can range from asking why are you arresting me and not letting them cuff you until you get an answer to running from the cops. To me this is no big deal. Slap on the wrist and move on. Is there more to the story than being reported?
What is the big deal? O'Brien was under age drinking. So what 99% of college students drink under age. Resisting arrest can range from asking why are you arresting me and not letting them cuff you until you get an answer to running from the cops. To me this is no big deal. Slap on the wrist and move on. Is there more to the story than being reported?

i agree. this is not a big deal. in a few days everyone will forget about it and move on. some people on here just love to overreact.
I agree with your last statement. Let me first start off by stating that my brother in-law is a state trooper and a damn good one. He is kind and understanding in most cases as I'm sure there are similar ppl in all police forces BUT it is my opinion that in my area of east tn there are many more cops that are, in there mind, above the law and very much A-holes.

I have several friends who are LEOs. Difference between them and the others that give them a bad name is that they aren't scared kids with a badge. They are ex-military grown men who treat people fairly and try to de-escalate situations as opposed to amplifying them. I've never been a cop but I did work at various nightclubs as security for 5 years while I was in college. And I worked with several guys who ended up as cops who saw the club/bar as their playground to prove their manhood. The rest of us that didn't suffer from the same type of insecurity issues couldn't stand them. It's not all cops, but there is a lot of officers that don't seem to truly understand their job is to serve and protect.

And I'm not saying last night's situation falls into that category. Having a loud party at midnight in an apartment complex will get the law called on you. And I would imagine the resisting arrest charges were used to keep from having to deal with wrestling 230 to 300 pound athletic kids. Last night should be a learning experience for Sapp, O' Brien, and AJ. But to imply it's a slam dunk that someone must be doing something wrong to get arrested is just as ignorant as suggesting all cops are out to get you.
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So you understand science but not basic spelling? How are you even sure you're reading and understanding your science claims correctly? Get that ish corrected before you post again.
Lol.. is that all you got on me.. hear.. instead of here... come at me when you got an argument, instead of my spell check kicking in...
Its the damned if you do, damned if you don't officers deal with everyday

People get mad because we won't just knock the local drug dealers door down and arrest him

Had a person call saying that a guy was selling dope. Claimed there were tons of cars pulling in and out all times of night. Good indication that he may be selling drugs, but not enough proof to do anything but investigate the claims. I took the info I was given. Next day, person calls again wanting me to come by. This time they were upset and wanted to know why I didn't do my job. I asked them "what did they expect me to do?"

"Kick in their door and arrest them"

I then went into the explanation of probable cause, 4th Amendment Rights, etc

"Just excuses why you dont want to do your job"

I calmly gave them a scenario

" What if someone called us and stated you were selling drugs? Should we just come crashing through your door and take you to jail without probable cause and violate your rights?"

They said "But I'm not the one selling drugs"

People just don't get it

Were you talkin to honey boo boo?
Litterally, the worst part of this is OBrien apparently giving the officer a fake ID.

Thats the worst thing. Something most had in college.

Nothing to see here.

I agree that this appears to the worst part of this. Showing a fake ID to a cop is called criminal impersonation, and even though it's a misdemeanor at the local level, it is classified as a class D felony on the FBI databank that businesses use to do background checks on prospective employees. A good lawyer will get this charge dismissed or reduced.
I agree with your last statement. Let me first start off by stating that my brother in-law is a state trooper and a damn good one. He is kind and understanding in most cases as I'm sure there are similar ppl in all police forces BUT it is my opinion that in my area of east tn there are many more cops that are, in there mind, above the law and very much A-holes.

My youngest cousin from Knoxville is in the police cadet program or whatever the hell they call it and this kid is going to be one of these who takes his power a little too far. He's going to stop a jaywalker one day and try to throw the guy in jail for attempted murder because the guy looks at him wrong.

He works the traffic on the Strip after games and I've already witnessed his actions in person, over people stepping too far off the sidewalk. I wanted to pull him aside and beat his 19 yr old ass with his Mag light.
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