You’re only addressing the casual fan in this point. There are those that do in fact spend thousands on season tickets as well as donate thousands more in philanthropy towards the university. People trade their limited time on earth for money which is called a job. So to say they have no sweat equity is superficial at best because they’re giving up something more precious than a little sodium mixed with water. These people that I’m speaking of absolutely deserve a say in the direction of the program and to call them losers when most are probably more successful than most is relatively stupid. These donors and avid fans don’t have to give they choose to. Basically, your concept of what an optimal fan is is relative to a beaten dog that the owner expects the dog to unconditionally love it regardless of the abuses suffered at the hand of the owner. Well sorry, but that isn’t me and that’s not a lot of other fans that support this great university. Some may take it too far at times but please don’t be so shallow in your prognosis of the fans of this great university. God bless.