Alabama football: At least five players have reportedly tested positive for the coronavirus

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Whether there is a football season or not and I personally believe there will be one, at some point we need to look at this financial model for what we call “college athletics” and the university dependence on football for sustainability. Some stories I’ve read about this are just up side down when it comes to priorities and mission. I believe it’s time that universities and colleges start the process of weaning themselves off this giant sow called college football. By the first of July I believe we will have every major college in the US occupied by only non-paid athletes, coaches, and athletics staff. No regular students or teachers are allowed on campus, just these athletes, but hey, they got to get ready for the start of the season, right? Some of these athletes are being housed in hotel rooms rather than dorms this summer so technically they’re not living in campus housing. Why is that? BTW, Why does Kirby Smart believe football players are safer on campus than at home? Does he really believe that’s the case for all those guys? I sure hope these players get to do their endorsement deals while working out this summer. I might be naive, but I really don’t think the main objective of these people along with sports cable, media and TV producers are to give us a “needed distraction”. It’s obviously our money they crave to keep this train on the tracks. Laid off from your job due to COVID? No worries! We’ll have college football to distract you while you collect your unemployment check, so please don’t drop your cable or streaming service.

The only people I feel any sympathy for in all of this are (1) local merchants who sadly depend on college football for their business continuity and (2) university employees whose jobs are in jeopardy not of their own fault due to this stupid virus. If it wasn’t for them I’d probably get a little kick actually out of watching this annual charade called “college sports” that runs from late August through the new year not happen in 2020. Don’t know about you but I think most of us made it just fine without March Madness this year. I also believe all of us fans would be okay, and much to the chagrin of athletics departments, overpaid coaches, and sports TV, we would easily find other things to do on fall Saturdays. Personally, I’d probably be a lot healthier mentally not having to deal with the anxiety, frustration and anger of the Vols losing yet again to the Gators and/or Tide. What’s our record against those two teams since 2005? 😕 ... not very good.
Whether there is a football season or not and I personally believe there will be one, at some point we need to look at this financial model for what we call “college athletics” and the university dependence on football for sustainability. Some stories I’ve read about this are just up side down when it comes to priorities and mission. I believe it’s time that universities and colleges start the process of weaning themselves off this giant sow called college football. By the first of July I believe we will have every major college in the US occupied by only non-paid athletes, coaches, and athletics staff. No regular students or teachers are allowed on campus, just these athletes, but hey, they got to get ready for the start of the season, right? Some of these athletes are being housed in hotel rooms rather than dorms this summer so technically they’re not living in campus housing. Why is that? BTW, Why does Kirby Smart believe football players are safer on campus than at home? Does he really believe that’s the case for all those guys? I sure hope these players get to do their endorsement deals while working out this summer. I might be naive, but I really don’t think the main objective of these people along with sports cable, media and TV producers are to give us a “needed distraction”. It’s obviously our money they crave to keep this train on the tracks. Laid off from your job due to COVID? No worries! We’ll have college football to distract you while you collect your unemployment check, so please don’t drop your cable or streaming service.

The only people I feel any sympathy for in all of this are (1) local merchants who sadly depend on college football for their business continuity and (2) university employees whose jobs are in jeopardy not of their own fault due to this stupid virus. If it wasn’t for them I’d probably get a little kick actually out of watching this annual charade called “college sports” that runs from late August through the new year not happen in 2020. Don’t know about you but I think most of us made it just fine without March Madness this year. I also believe all of us fans would be okay, and much to the chagrin of athletics departments, overpaid coaches, and sports TV, we would easily find other things to do on fall Saturdays. Personally, I’d probably be a lot healthier mentally not having to deal with the anxiety, frustration and anger of the Vols losing yet again to the Gators and/or Tide. What’s our record against those two teams since 2005? 😕 ... not very good.
Produce your Diploma in Viral Scientific Studies ; since my source is an MD qualified in that. Asymptomatic is another scare tactic to keep us huddled in the corner until they get the mandated ID Tracking Vaccine. It is all about Control. So very obvious by now; to some; with the Lie after Lie they've fed us. Fire away. I'm used to it.
So, just out of curiosity, why would anyone need to inject a tracker in us? We all pay Verizon $75/mo to track everywhere we go and everything we buy. Wouldn't if just be easier for Boogeyman Gates to buy a cell phone carrier?
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So, just out of curiosity, why would anyone need to inject a tracker in us? We all pay Verizon $75/mo to track everywhere we go and everything we buy. Wouldn't if just be easier for Boogeyman Gates to buy a cell phone carrier?[/
So, just out of curiosity, why would anyone need to inject a tracker in us? We all pay Verizon $75/mo to track everywhere we go and everything we buy. Wouldn't if just be easier for Boogeyman Gates to buy a cell phone carrier?

So a retired billionaire wants that potato salad recepie on my wife's Gmail so bad he's willing to create a fake pandemic and create a tracking vaccine? Still much easier to just buy AT&T. Also, makes no sense
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Really? I've heard that too. My understanding is that the claim was based on lab experiments. However what is happening in the real world isn't quite lining up. According to CDC, there were 60 million flu infections two years ago in one 7 month flu season. According to CDC, there have been about 1.8 million Covid infections in 4 months. I believe that's understated by a factor of about 10. But even 17 million infections does not get you to 60 million in 7 months.

That's actually starting to look more and more untrue. I posted information earlier directly from the CDC acknowledging that flu deaths are significantly undercounted. I've posted videos of top health officials telling doctors to overcount Covid deaths. I have also posted information concerning the CDC's first data based estimate of Covid mortality. It ain't 6%. It ain't 3%. It ain't even 1%. Their current estimate while INFLATING the numerator and underestimating the denominator... is .26%. The flu is around .1%... with deaths again being significantly undercounted according to CDC.

Yes. You can. Yet if flu deaths were counted like Covid deaths are being'd likely have over 100k every year in spite of vaccines and treatments.

Dr Fauci contributed to an article in the New England Journal of Medicine around the end of February that said that "in the end" Covid-19 would likely have an Infection Fatality Rate similar to the flu. That may be the most accurate thing he's said in the last 4 months.

No. That is simply untrue. I cannot say why you want to believe that. But even those pushing the extreme narrative a month ago no longer claim those numbers. In fact, there is growing evidence from states that did not participate in the shutdowns and from other countries that the shutdowns were not very effective. You may "feel" good about "doing something"... but that does not mean that the "something" did any good at all.

What we DO know is that the collateral damage to people due to stress, financial hardship, increased poverty, malnutrition, depression, etc WILL harm and kill a LOT of people.... focused primarily on the young.

That's an anecdote. Statistically, that person is a rare exception to an overwhelming statistical "rule". If that person was otherwise healthy... not overweight, not suffering from some sort of immune deficiency, not a heart patient, not a diabetic, etc... then they are literally a "lightning strike" example.

PS- a vaccine does nothing for you if you have the flu. A vaccine ONLY helps you before you contract a virus. And... you probably do not understand the flu vaccine. Before each flu season CDC and others attempt to project which flu strains will be prominent in the coming season. The vaccine offered targets those strains. It may or may not have provide lesser protection from other strains. Sometimes they miss it... like two years ago.

Man you need to stop posting that stuff on here. You're pointing out too many facts and making too much sense. STOP IT!
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So a retired billionaire wants that potato salad recepie on my wife's Gmail so bad he's willing to create a fake pandemic and create a tracking vaccine? Still much easier to just buy AT&T. Also, makes no sense

It's about POWER. Gates is on a Power trip (New World Order) and he wants to control and track our every move. He envisions tracking us from within our Bodies; with an ID Chip. Cell Phones can be tossed. Search Crypto Currency. Enlighten yourself.
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Produce your Diploma in Viral Scientific Studies ; since my source is an MD qualified in that. Asymptomatic is another scare tactic to keep us huddled in the corner until they get the mandated ID Tracking Vaccine. It is all about Control. So very obvious by now; to some; with the Lie after Lie they've fed us. Fire away. I'm used to it.
Too many politicians and experts have too much invested in this to allow things to reopen too quickly. So far just about every prediction and recommendation has been altered or ridiculously overstated.

Their issue now is they didn't count on tens of thousands of people taking to the streets to riot, loot and protest while not following all the protocols they sold to us for the past few months.

If there isn't a "second wave" of infections in the next two weeks in the cities that had all of the people in the streets, there is no reason the law abiding citizenry should be prevented from going to work, church, bars, restaurants, parks, the beach, sporting events, etc.
It's about POWER. Gates is on a Power trip (New World Order) and he wants to control and track our every move. He envisions tracking us from within our Bodies; with an ID Chip. Cell Phones can be tossed. Search Crypto Currency. Enlighten yourself.
Lol, I'll file this away with Hillary being an alien lizard, the Sandy Hook actors and the moon landing being filmed at CopperHill TN.
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Whether there is a football season or not and I personally believe there will be one, at some point we need to look at this financial model for what we call “college athletics” and the university dependence on football for sustainability. Some stories I’ve read about this are just up side down when it comes to priorities and mission. I believe it’s time that universities and colleges start the process of weaning themselves off this giant sow called college football. By the first of July I believe we will have every major college in the US occupied by only non-paid athletes, coaches, and athletics staff. No regular students or teachers are allowed on campus, just these athletes, but hey, they got to get ready for the start of the season, right? Some of these athletes are being housed in hotel rooms rather than dorms this summer so technically they’re not living in campus housing. Why is that? BTW, Why does Kirby Smart believe football players are safer on campus than at home? Does he really believe that’s the case for all those guys? I sure hope these players get to do their endorsement deals while working out this summer. I might be naive, but I really don’t think the main objective of these people along with sports cable, media and TV producers are to give us a “needed distraction”. It’s obviously our money they crave to keep this train on the tracks. Laid off from your job due to COVID? No worries! We’ll have college football to distract you while you collect your unemployment check, so please don’t drop your cable or streaming service.

The only people I feel any sympathy for in all of this are (1) local merchants who sadly depend on college football for their business continuity and (2) university employees whose jobs are in jeopardy not of their own fault due to this stupid virus. If it wasn’t for them I’d probably get a little kick actually out of watching this annual charade called “college sports” that runs from late August through the new year not happen in 2020. Don’t know about you but I think most of us made it just fine without March Madness this year. I also believe all of us fans would be okay, and much to the chagrin of athletics departments, overpaid coaches, and sports TV, we would easily find other things to do on fall Saturdays. Personally, I’d probably be a lot healthier mentally not having to deal with the anxiety, frustration and anger of the Vols losing yet again to the Gators and/or Tide. What’s our record against those two teams since 2005? 😕 ... not very good.

This annual charade called college sports? Then walk away from college sports. It's obviously not for you.
This annual charade called college sports? Then walk away from college sports. It's obviously not for you.
Wish I could but I can’t. I live in Knoxville. It’s kinda like an alcoholic living In a bar. The Smoky Mountains are a nice distraction from Vol mania in the fall, especially when we play those two teams that dominate us. Really I just wish they’d go ahead and make college football into the NFL minor leagues and pay all the players. Draft the kids out of high school. Isn’t that what Bama, OSU, Georgia and Clemson pretty much do anyway? The charade I refer to is calling these 18-22 year olds student athletes when in fact they are privileged adults some of whom will be getting a paycheck for use of their image. A few of the coaches get paid more than NFL HCs.
Wish I could but I can’t. I live in Knoxville. It’s kinda like an alcoholic living In a bar. The Smoky Mountains are a nice distraction from Vol mania in the fall, especially when we play those two teams that dominate us. Really I just wish they’d go ahead and make college football into the NFL minor leagues and pay all the players. Draft the kids out of high school. Isn’t that what Bama, OSU, Georgia and Clemson pretty much do anyway? The charade I refer to is calling these 18-22 year olds student athletes when in fact they are privileged adults some of whom will be getting a paycheck for use of their image. A few of the coaches get paid more than NFL HCs.

I can agree with that.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta talks Alabama's positive COVID-19 tests

"I think clearly the players who have tested positive are going to need to be isolated, they’re going to need to figure out what kind of contact did they have with these other players, these are supposed to be physically-distanced workouts, what does that mean exactly. What about the few days before they tested positive? Family members, friends, how is all that going to be handled? Ideally, the players, again, would be isolated, their close contacts would be quarantined, but how big a concentric circle is that going to be. "
1. When will we see a team lose a star player before a huge game?
2. Will we see the Heisman race impacted by a positive case?
3. Will the Playoff selection committee have any sympathy for contenders impacted by positive COVID-19 cases?
4. What happens if we find out a team lied about a player’s positive case?
5. And how many of them will lie about a positive case?

Other Items Of Interest

"Arkansas and Mizzou that aren’t testing all athletes upon return to campus, only the symptomatic ones. "
"Alabama was unwilling to even confirm that there any positive tests on campus"

5 questions I still have about positive in-season COVID-19 tests
So, just out of curiosity, why would anyone need to inject a tracker in us? We all pay Verizon $75/mo to track everywhere we go and everything we buy. Wouldn't if just be easier for Boogeyman Gates to buy a cell phone carrier?
You didn’t read AOC’s preparation keys for rioting where you leave your cell phone at home?
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