Alabama football: At least five players have reportedly tested positive for the coronavirus

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He didn't do it directly, he is smart in that sense
I haven’t seen the post in question, but I’m not taking people’s words on that anymore. I got accused of wanting people to die from covid because I thought we should wait 2 weeks for Georgia’s plan to play out.

I’ve learned that a lot of posters here are both stupid and hyperbolic. No one wants anyone to die and nobody knows all the facts but I see some posters touting a different miracle drug that’s being hidden by the msm every 2 weeks with absolute certainty.

For everyone:
Take things slow. Be careful. Gather information. If the available information is low quality, don’t assume there’s some conspiracy. Most information is low quality. If you get impatient, just remember that none of us likes quarantine and nobody likes seeing people sick or dying. Try not to be so sure of yourself when we’re all just regurgitating things we read.
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Is there a reason that you're sharing articles that were written, and discussed on this forum, two months ago? You could probably make a more convincing argument by, I don't know, picking one or two strong examples instead of spamming links for pages on end.
Dude has to have the all time Volnation record for posting links just over the past couple of months. Can't be even close.
So, just out of curiosity, why would anyone need to inject a tracker in us? We all pay Verizon $75/mo to track everywhere we go and everything we buy. Wouldn't if just be easier for Boogeyman Gates to buy a cell phone carrier?

Gates isnt the boogeyman, he just uses his fortune to do things “ HE” believes should happen or would like to see happen . There are lots of “boogeymen “ In the world just like that . To be fair , if I had 65 billion $$$ , I’d be a boogeyman too.
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No. It isn't. It is why ignorance about Covid-19 is absurd.

Covid "deaths" are being systematically overcounted making it appear more deadly than the flu. While everyone who dies Covid positive according to Dr Birx should be counted as a Covid death regardless of actual cause... the flu has never been counted that way. In fact, flu deaths among the elderly are often just called "natural causes".

CDC recently buried a significant stat. Only 7% of those counted as Covid deaths actually have Covid-19 listed as the singular cause of death according to the attending medical provider. The other 93% died from some degree of Covid-19 as a comorbidity that accelerated someone's death from another cause to a case where being Covid positive was purely incidental to their death. George Floyd was reportedly Covid positive when he died. According to Birx, he should be counted as a Covid death.

EVEN CONSIDERING THAT... we now know that...

... the actual infection fatality rate is no greater than about .26% assuming asymptomatic/unreported mild cases are only 35% (which is absurdly low).

... less than 20% and likely closer to 10% of any given population will become infected with or without symptoms- the immune systems of the rest will fight it off

.... about 50% of Covid positive deaths are in people 80 or older.... 75% are 70 or older... 90% are 60 or older... 1% or less under 30..

... and inside these numbers.... the average Covid positive death had 2.5 comorbidities... other things that caused or contributed heavily to their death... these are unhealthy, primarily older people... not kids or football players

... hospitalization rates are low by comparison

... if you are under 50 your chances of dying from the flu are higher than your chances of dying from Covid-19

... the virus essentially does not spread outside according to a study in China, the virus is dispersed into concentrations unlikely to cause an infection and is destroyed quickly in outdoor conditions

... spread through surface contact is rare if it exists at all

A false narrative may very well win the day. Unfounded fear and propaganda may lead to irrational decisions. But the facts... do not support the response being proposed. and your facts....
I haven’t seen the post in question, but I’m not taking people’s words on that anymore. I got accused of wanting people to die from covid because I thought we should wait 2 weeks for Georgia’s plan to play out.

I’ve learned that a lot of posters here are both stupid and hyperbolic. No one wants anyone to die and nobody knows all the facts but I see some posters touting a different miracle drug that’s being hidden by the msm every 2 weeks with absolute certainty.

For everyone:
Take things slow. Be careful. Gather information. If the available information is low quality, don’t assume there’s some conspiracy. Most information is low quality. If you get impatient, just remember that none of us likes quarantine and nobody likes seeing people sick or dying. Try not to be so sure of yourself when we’re all just regurgitating things we read.
Uh no, this guy is still hard core going around posting every new positive case. He's cheering on the virus
From what I've read, to achieve herd immunity, roughly 70% of the population has to have it. So, in a country of 328MM people, that's 227MM. Using the lowest death rate percent I could find of 1.3%, that's 2.98MM deaths, vs 108K we're at right now. So, bringing it back to the SEC, that would be like wiping out the entire population of either Mississippi or Arkansas.
Those were horribly wrong numbers. The CDC has adjusted the mortality rate to that roughly equivalent to the seasonal flu.
Those were horribly wrong numbers. The CDC has adjusted the mortality rate to that roughly equivalent to the seasonal flu.
Not to mention hospitals receive more money when they make the “determination” that the patient died of COVID-19. “Joe Q Public died from complications of the Corona virus as well multiple stab wounds.”
Uh no, this guy is still hard core going around posting every new positive case. He's cheering on the virus

From what I can tell, the op is posting links. Very little commentary. One of the things I come here for is up to date information (although not usually on public health matters). I don’t know why you would construe posting information that’s potentially relevant to whether we get to have football or not this year to be “cheering on the virus”. What does that even mean??

Stop demonizing people just because you don’t like what they have to say. It’s toxic.
From what I can tell, the op is posting links. Very little commentary. One of the things I come here for is up to date information (although not usually on public health matters). I don’t know why you would construe posting information that’s potentially relevant to whether we get to have football or not this year to be “cheering on the virus”. What does that even mean??

Stop demonizing people just because you don’t like what they have to say. It’s toxic.

It's alright. To some, information drives their fear.
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