No. It isn't. It is why ignorance about Covid-19 is absurd.
Covid "deaths" are being systematically overcounted making it appear more deadly than the flu. While everyone who dies Covid positive according to Dr Birx should be counted as a Covid death regardless of actual cause... the flu has never been counted that way. In fact, flu deaths among the elderly are often just called "natural causes".
CDC recently buried a significant stat. Only 7% of those counted as Covid deaths actually have Covid-19 listed as the singular cause of death according to the attending medical provider. The other 93% died from some degree of Covid-19 as a comorbidity that accelerated someone's death from another cause to a case where being Covid positive was purely incidental to their death. George Floyd was reportedly Covid positive when he died. According to Birx, he should be counted as a Covid death.
EVEN CONSIDERING THAT... we now know that...
... the actual infection fatality rate is no greater than about .26% assuming asymptomatic/unreported mild cases are only 35% (which is absurdly low).
... less than 20% and likely closer to 10% of any given population will become infected with or without symptoms- the immune systems of the rest will fight it off
.... about 50% of Covid positive deaths are in people 80 or older.... 75% are 70 or older... 90% are 60 or older... 1% or less under 30..
... and inside these numbers.... the average Covid positive death had 2.5 comorbidities... other things that caused or contributed heavily to their death... these are unhealthy, primarily older people... not kids or football players
... hospitalization rates are low by comparison
... if you are under 50 your chances of dying from the flu are higher than your chances of dying from Covid-19
... the virus essentially does not spread outside according to a study in China, the virus is dispersed into concentrations unlikely to cause an infection and is destroyed quickly in outdoor conditions
... spread through surface contact is rare if it exists at all
A false narrative may very well win the day. Unfounded fear and propaganda may lead to irrational decisions. But the facts... do not support the response being proposed.