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This is actually a positive outcome of bringing back all of the student athletes. They wouldn't have known they had it if they didn't come back to school and gotten tested with everyone. Otherwise they could have been hanging out with family members that have underlying issues and unknowly given it to them.
I've been working through the whole "pandemic" and I have no issue going into a large gathering. That's the point that you and your cronies don't understand. I have and should have the freedom to do as I choose. The same goes for you and your weak minded lackies, if you want to stay home, wear masks, etc you have the freedom to do as such.peep.
Stupidity knows no bounds. Large gatherings for any reason are absurd. Need help finding one?
So an anecdote answers the overwhelming reality?
Alabama football: At least five players have reportedly tested positive for the coronavirus
This is why fans in stands anytime soon is absurd.
[VIDEO=]Quick question; why should college kids worry about catching the Rona? If you do test positive then stay away from the vulnerable. Once you test negative then you are no longer a potential carrier since you will now have the antibodies. That means once you are through it then you pose no risk to the elderly and don't have to wear a stupid mask ever again. Herd immunity. It works.
Count me in the group that says there should be college football with little reatrictions...but i would not all be surprised now to either see no football, or some type of abbreviated season with no fans at all. The backlash over seeing multiple kids on each team testing positive is going to cause massive alterations to the season.LMAO keep hoping, but football is still going to happen
Not sure why this whole opinion has to be either/or, and not both/and. I live in central NJ around princeton...not north NJ where highest rates are, and my county has 7072 cases with 492 deaths (Knox co has 436/5)...so, with impact comes different opinions. I have NJ DR's I'm friends with and they see serious cases and deaths all the time with people under 40...don't know death counts, but I tend to trust doctors I know personally who are on the ground, vs spin by CNN or Fox on ends of both spectrum. I'm out working every day, but still can't discount safety. I think SEC has set out with all intentions of having games with at least some fans, but they're obviously having fall back plans, and would take football w/ cable money in a heart beat over no football. Stats and figures can always be made to justify a position, but if consensus is there's an opportunity to have further outbreaks by having fans in seats at football games then it's not going to happen.
Count me in the group that says there should be college football with little reatrictions...but i would not all be surprised now to either see no football, or some type of abbreviated season with no fans at all. The backlash over seeing multiple kids on each team testing positive is going to cause massive alterations to the season.
Some people seem to be enjoying the whole virus scene, with its lockdowns, masks, and distancing. It's as if they have been secretly waiting for this event their entire lives. And now that it's here, they can barely contain their enthusiasm. And they want everyone else to share in their fear-based OCD. Masks have become the new universal symbology for sheep.
So one game?College Football Season Could Be Shortened, N.C.A.A. Chief Tells Congress
"The president of the N.C.A.A. told congressional Republicans this week that the football season this fall could be shortened, with the regular season perhaps ending by Thanksgiving because of the coronavirus pandemic."