Alabama really is a cesspool

I don't think we have "county approved" installers, if you got the license you're good in any county. The racket here is the approved soil consultants that do the perk testing and design.

Sounds like a racket. Scratch paper. Draw a box here for the tank. Draw a few lines off it. Tell the digger to make sure the lines are level. Give a hard time about approving and charge $2500 for have to use a pencil.
They handed me a list of approved installers and told me I didn’t have to chose one on the list but there was no guarantee it would pass inspection . I looked at him and he just shrugged his shoulders . Lol That was in west Tennessee .

That's called price fixing, and coercion.
Sounds like a racket. Scratch paper. Draw a box here for the tank. Draw a few lines off it. Tell the digger to make sure the lines are level. Give a hard time about approving and charge $2500 for have to use a pencil.

I had to go to the county to get my septic tank location info when we were building the pool. The tank was about 20' off from where the drawing said it was and the leach field was almost 40'.
I honestly didn’t even know public dirt roads still existed until I was in Al.

Being called a Northern when I said I was from Nashville was a little shocking too.
The road I live on here in Florida is a sand road. Long and straight and I hope they never pave it. I live far enough out in the sticks that if it is paved it will become a drag strip.
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That must be a swamp. I can't imagine a septic system costing $25,000 unless serious site improvement is required. Where I live they run $3500 to $4500 for soil that will perk.
The more I think about this, I find it hard to believe that it would be $25000 to get this done in Alabama. There is A LOT they are leaving out or they are fabricating a situation.
The more I think about this, I find it hard to believe that it would be $25000 to get this done in Alabama. There is A LOT they are leaving out or they are fabricating a situation.

And you laughed off my case study idea. Answers all the questions.
Absolutely correct. Corruption isn’t a party thing, it’s a lawyer and politician thing.

Your hatred of all lawyers is pretty amusing. Hell, if the average person would simply honor their commitments... lawyers would be unnecessary. Sorry your pops got screwed or thinks he got screwed by a lawyer, but most are far more ethical than those they represent.
Your hatred of all lawyers is pretty amusing. Hell, if the average person would simply honor their commitments... lawyers would be unnecessary. Sorry your pops got screwed or thinks he got screwed by a lawyer, but most are far more ethical than those they represent.
I think what bothers most of us about lawyers is the fact that they can argue either side of the issue depending on who pays them.
And you laughed off my case study idea. Answers all the questions.
What was your case study idea again?

I guess in my mind, it would not take much but an understanding of the local codes and then simply doing a survey of local companies to get an average quote for that specific job.

What's this case study stuff you are talking about?
We are paid to represent not pass judgment.
That can be interpreted in a similar vein as the way a prostitute goes about her sex business. You really don't 'care' about my case. It's not a condemnation of all your business however as getting money for doing probate is your version of an ATM (good for you, but after having been thru it, I'm pretty sure I could do it myself). But divorces.... ambulances.... etc... damn.

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