Alabama really is a cesspool

That can be interpreted in a similar vein as the way a prostitute goes about her sex business. You really don't 'care' about my case. It's not a condemnation of all your business however as getting money for doing probate is your version of an ATM (good for you, but after having been thru it, I'm pretty sure I could do it myself). But divorces.... ambulances.... etc... damn.

I view my job as having dual roles. First, I am paid to advocate on behalf of my client regardless of how I feel about their case. I'm paid to fight like hell. On the other hand, I am also paid to be a counselor. I tell my client how I feel about their case. I tell them when I think they are going to lose. In fact, when meeting a new client that has a marginal case I will often turn it down because... and this is what I tell them, "If I cannot bring value to your case, I don't want it. I want you to end up in a better situation than you are today." I have been talked into representing clients further, but only when they understand I don't think they have a winner and when they prove a willingness to pay for me to take an butt whipping. I am not talking about charging extra. I am talking about ensuring they will pay me when things inevitably go south.
That can be interpreted in a similar vein as the way a prostitute goes about her sex business. You really don't 'care' about my case. It's not a condemnation of all your business however as getting money for doing probate is your version of an ATM (good for you, but after having been thru it, I'm pretty sure I could do it myself). But divorces.... ambulances.... etc... damn.

I advise all my clients to estate plan in a manner that avoids probate. I don't do that work, but I send them to folks that do.
I view my job as having dual roles. First, I am paid to advocate on behalf of my client regardless of how I feel about their case. I'm paid to fight like hell. On the other hand, I am also paid to be a counselor. I tell my client how I feel about their case. I tell them when I think they are I am going to lose. In fact, when meeting a new client that has a marginal case I will often turn it down because... and this is what I tell them, "If I cannot bring value to your case, If I'm going to lose I don't want it. I want you to end up in a better situation than you are today." I have been talked into representing clients further, but only when they understand I don't think they have a winner and when they prove a willingness to pay for me to take an butt whipping. I am not talking about charging extra. I am talking about ensuring they will pay me when things inevitably go south.

You sound exactly like a lawyer I would never want.
I am positive there are plenty of churches in AL. They should help out since they are tax free entities. Maybe have churches send people to AL to help out instead of sending them to south and Central America. Worst case just have the pastors sell off their Escalades, BMW’s and Mercedes to pay for the septic tanks needed.
I am positive there are plenty of churches in AL. They should help out since they are tax free entities. Maybe have churches send people to AL to help out instead of sending them to south and Central America. Worst case just have the pastors sell off their Escalades, BMW’s and Mercedes to pay for the septic tanks needed.

You're not wrong at all. Have to open that coffee shop outside the stadium seating sanctuary, tho...
I am positive there are plenty of churches in AL. They should help out since they are tax free entities. Maybe have churches send people to AL to help out instead of sending them to south and Central America. Worst case just have the pastors sell off their Escalades, BMW’s and Mercedes to pay for the septic tanks needed.

Excellent idea. But that would require them to spend money on things other than vacations missions for their elders.
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The article states there are around 2000 homes with no sewer system or one not working properly. If the cost for a new septic system is $25,000( seems very high but let’s go with it) the total cost would be $5mil. There are 12,833 churches in AL According to google. That’s less than $4k per church. No need for government programs. The churches could handle that in one weekend. You TN pastors, tell
Your AL counterparts to get busy
Your hatred of all lawyers is pretty amusing. Hell, if the average person would simply honor their commitments... lawyers would be unnecessary. Sorry your pops got screwed or thinks he got screwed by a lawyer, but most are far more ethical than those they represent.
Riiiiiight, which is why lawyer jokes are among the longest lived and popular joke types in human history.
Your hatred of all lawyers is pretty amusing. Hell, if the average person would simply honor their commitments... lawyers would be unnecessary. Sorry your pops got screwed or thinks he got screwed by a lawyer, but most are far more ethical than those they represent.

If lawyers were barred from holding public office and had to cover the entire cost of frivolous lawsuits you guys wouldn’t have such a bad reputation.

The entire judicial system is broken and who runs the damn system?
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A blind bunny and a blind snake where both going thorough the forest one day and unexpectedly bumped into one another. They both began to apologize profusely. Eventually the bunny said, I am sorry but I am blind and didn’t see you. „I have never seen anything in my whol life. In fact, I don’t even know what Kind of creature I am.“ The snake said „wow, me too! Hey I’ve got an idea, let’s each feel what the other is shaped like and we will finally know. The bunny agreed and the snake crawled up and examined the bunny. He said, „Well, you are fluffy and have long ears and a cotton puff tail….Say, I’ll bet you are a BUNNY.!“. The rabbit was overjoyed and told the snake it was now his turn. The rabbit used his ears to pat the snake and said „Well, you are cold blooded, scaly, and crooked….“. The snake wailed in despair and said „Oh no!!!! I‘m an attorney!!!!“
The article states there are around 2000 homes with no sewer system or one not working properly. If the cost for a new septic system is $25,000( seems very high but let’s go with it) the total cost would be $5mil. There are 12,833 churches in AL According to google. That’s less than $4k per church. No need for government programs. The churches could handle that in one weekend. You TN pastors, tell
Your AL counterparts to get busy
While you have simplified the solution, and shown it’s not that difficult, my problem in the situation is how many of those 2000 homes are rented so the Churches would be subsidizing a “business” and how many of those homes have been bought and sold on the last 10 years where the new sewage treatment solution should/could have been integrated into the transaction?
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While you have simplified the solution, and shown it’s not that difficult, my problem in the situation is how many of those 2000 homes are rented so the Churches would be subsidizing a “business” and how many of those homes have been bought and sold on the last 10 years where the new sewage treatment solution should/could have been integrated into the transaction?
I had to assume all the properties were owner-occupied. If they are not, the county could force the rental property owners to comply. Surely even Alabama has health and safety codes that must be followed. Worst case the churches could form a LLC, do the work required, charge the renters $1/mo for the work, never collect the $1 and then put a contractor’s lien on the property. Plenty of ways to do this. Only reason it is not done is excuses and lack of caring by all involved.
I had to assume all the properties were owner-occupied. If they are not, the county could force the rental property owners to comply. Surely even Alabama has health and safety codes that must be followed. Worst case the churches could form a LLC, do the work required, charge the renters $1/mo for the work, never collect the $1 and then put a contractor’s lien on the property. Plenty of ways to do this. Only reason it is not done is excuses and lack of caring by all involved.

It's almost like it's endemic practice that has been baked into the region for generations.

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