Good for her and good for Tim Williams if he was simply carrying a constitutionally protected firearm. Football players, and every citizen should have the right to carry until they show proof that they cannot be trusted.
Mr. Williams MUST be a good and RESPONSIBLE man for the very reason that he bought a gun, right? We, the public, are COMFORTED by the fact that some 18/19-year kid who probably doesn't know his head from a hole in the wall is traveling around with a gun. WHAT could go wrong? We, the public, are DOUBLY comforted by the knowledge that gun owners are ALL such stable individuals, yes? No paranoia (ha!), no delusions of grandeur (ha!), no intellectual issues (ha!), no anger or alcohol issues, or mental issues of any kind! I mean, there are MILLIONS of Americans with mental health problems of one kind or another--but THANKFULLY, no gun owners are among they?
Studies show--and I'm referring to real research, not the fraudulent research that comes from the NRA--that gun owners are more likely to shoot themselves or an innocent person than any bad guy with a gun. The NRA-perpetuated self-defense argument is a bunch of hooey. We've got people shooting innocent people EVERY DAY--multiple times a day, and they are NEVER stopped by some sheriff-wannabe with a gun. They are stopped by police. But we DO have a lot of yahoos in America, and they do like being driving around with guns in their big trucks and pretending that they are ready to safe the day should some bad guy pop out and threaten them or the public at large.
If we really wanted a safe America, we'd ban all handguns--no manufacture, no sale, no distribution of any kind. I lived in Japan for a time--COMPLETELY SAFE! No gun violence AT ALL. Why? No guns! Nobody is walking around with guns. And here comes the pro-gun rejoinder: but the bad guys will find ways to get guns. Not if society/law enforcement is vigilant. Anybody who thinks he or she is safer because a large number of goofs are walking around with guns is delusional--much like the gun owners themselves.
As for the 2nd amendment, read it: It couldn't be more clear that is pertains to 17th century American militias, which were law enforcement before the country got police, fbi and everything else. There are no more militias---it is 2016: do tell! It's my understanding that the Supreme Court ruled against individual gun ownership until at some point in the 1980s, and then began moving in the other direction--toward interpreting the law to allow individual gun ownership.
More guns equal less safe, not more--but I don't expect any southern men to get the logic of that. They're voting for Trump! Ha!