DAVID MARCUS: Where's our progressive hero now? Migrant shelters are overflowing and a border crisis is about to Explode - but AOC and her Democratic cohorts are AWOL
It's lights, camera, action on America's southern border. But progressive hero, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is nowhere to be seen.
That's curious. Usually, she can't resist a close-up.
This Sunday, every major network news was laser-focused on a humanitarian crisis primed to explode along the U.S.
Mexico border, as the last remaining shred of President
Donald Trump's illegal immigration policies are about to be scrapped.
Where, oh where is AOC when you need her? Where is the people's champion to call out this travesty? (Above) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stands at the Tornillo-Guadalupe port of entry gate on June 24, 2018 in Tornillo, Texas
DAVID MARCUS: Migrant shelters are overflowing, a border crisis is about to explode but AOC's AWOL | Daily Mail Online