Alexis Johnson arrested (merged/updated 4/21)

Now where are all the clowns who wanted the kid dismissed yesterday?

We have due process for a reason folks. Sometimes the accused is actually innocent.

And to be sure, it's happening more and more often...the high profile cases that come to mind are the Duke Lacrosse case, UVA frat/Rolling Stones hit piece, Columbia "Mattress girl", Von Pearson, etc. The fact that any idiot in here posted that Johnson should be dismissed just due to an allegation is both frightening and mind blowing.....yet those fools exist. I get that emotions run high, mine certainly were, especially after multiple issues during a bad week, but people need to keep their heads and think things through.
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Welcome to the real world. The only reason we are even talking about this kid is cause he might be a good football player. Thousands of young men are arrested everyday. Stop acting like this situation is the same as others.

I'm actually gonna say the truth and admit I want these allegations to not be true cause I think we need him this fall.

You can pretend to be a knight in shining armor looking for cheap likes on a website.

*drops mic*

(By the way, I agree with the idea that he shouldn't get a pass for being a good athlete, but I didn't see you say that.)
Now where are all the clowns who wanted the kid dismissed yesterday?

We have due process for a reason folks. Sometimes the accused is actually innocent.

Welcome to the real world. The only reason we are even talking about this kid is cause he might be a good football player. Thousands of young men are arrested everyday. Stop acting like this situation is the same as others.

I'm actually gonna say the truth and admit I want these allegations to not be true cause I think we need him this fall.

You can pretend to be a knight in shining armor looking for cheap likes on a website.

So you admit the first post was a lie on your part? You decided to crow about due process not because you believe in it, but simply because it appears the outcome is what you want? And I'm the one looking for cheap likes? Right.

Despite your obviously flawed opinion, some of us have this thing called moral character and a backbone. We don't believe winning games trumps basic human rights. I'm not trying to be anyone's white knight, I'm only speaking what any conscionable person should.

Truth should always be the desired outcome, no matter how unpleasant it might be. That's why we have due process.
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And to be sure, it's happening more and more often...the high profile cases that come to mind are the Duke Lacrosse case, UVA frat/Rolling Stones hit piece, Columbia "Mattress girl", Von Pearson, etc. The fact that any idiot in here posted that Johnson should be dismissed just due to an allegation is both frightening and mind blowing.....yet those fools exist. I get that emotions run high, mine certainly were, especially after multiple issues during a bad week, but people need to keep their heads and think things through.

I'm not in a position to judge the kids guilt or innocence, but Butch had better be certain of his decision to cut the kid loose or keep him. He's in a very tough spot....assuming the decision is his. If it's not, I'd make damned sure everyone and his brother knew it.
I never said it was okay for him to not face punishment if the allegations turn out to be true. You're misinterpreting my quotes. I only care for his innocence because he's a potentially good player for us.

If you noticed I haven't posted a thing about Mack Crowder cause his guilt or innocence doesn't affect this football team next fall. Alexis Johnson does.

Because I want Tennessee football to be good this fall, I'm willing to give Johnson the benefit of the doubt that he could potentially be innocent. That is why I engaged in arguments with those that wanted the kid dismissed based on mere allegations.

Do I want Tennessee football to be great this year? Absolutely. Do I want our players to represent us proudly both on and off the field? Yes. Do young men make mistakes? Of course. I don't expect perfection, but all the players need to take a closer look at the situations they put themselves in. They find themselves in an unfair position right now under the microscope of national scrutiny. They have to be aware of that and act accordingly. Team captains need to step up and lead.

As for AJ, if you believe more than a few posters wanted him to be guilty, I believe you're wrong. I never want to believe any man guilty of sexual assault or violence toward women, but unfortunately, it happens. Accusations do not equal guilt, but accusations demand to be investigated. The veracity of said accusations mean something to both the accuser and the accused. No true woman wants to be victimized, and no good man wants his name besmirched by untruths. The truth is always of the utmost importance.
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I'm not in a position to judge the kids guilt or innocence, but Butch had better be certain of his decision to cut the kid loose or keep him. He's in a very tough spot....assuming the decision is his. If it's not, I'd make damned sure everyone and his brother knew it.

If Butch shows that he does not support HIS players, then he will have a tough time recruiting. You can't preach family and VFL and then discard someone based on an accusation. An accusation that the charges were dropped because of inconsistencies in the accusers story.
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I'm not in a position to judge the kids guilt or innocence, but Butch had better be certain of his decision to cut the kid loose or keep him. He's in a very tough spot....assuming the decision is his. If it's not, I'd make damned sure everyone and his brother knew it.

Agreed. He's handled everything, every issue to date very well IMO, although I'm not a fan of automatically suspending a kid as soon as an allegation is's not fair to the player IMO. I understand the ridiculous political climate we're living in, but I can't see how it's fair to punish a kid before you know whether or not he's done anything or not and if his accuser is just lying. It's a shame that things have to be handled that way.
I'm not in a position to judge the kids guilt or innocence, but Butch had better be certain of his decision to cut the kid loose or keep him. He's in a very tough spot....assuming the decision is his. If it's not, I'd make damned sure everyone and his brother knew it.

In all seriousness what does it matter if Butch knows exactly what happened?

Assuming the book is completely closed and the case is dropped does it change Anything in the eyes of lynch mob what cbj knows or says about it?

People are going to say what they want PR wise regardless . Cbj is damned if he does damned if he doesn't regardless
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In all seriousness what does it matter if Butch knows exactly what happened?

Assuming the book is completely closed and the case is over does it change Anything in the eyes of lynch mob what cbj knows or says about it?

People are going to say what they want PR wise regardless . Cbj is damned if he does damned if he doesn't regardless

A shame there's not some kind of support system set up for the coach and players. Something like fans. Weird.
I'm trying to keep up, but I'm still confused.

Charges are being dropped due to holes in her story, or she doesn't want to press charges?

Was the reason for the arrest due to it being a domestic dispute and somebody had to be arrested?

Was her mouth busted?

Did he block the door? If so, for how long and how?

Is he gonna file charges against her, as soon as he gets a sworn affidavit that it was all BS and a false police report was filed against him?

Or is there just not enough evidence to file charges against him so leave it up to UT to do all the police work due to Title IX? I hope not.

I would rather walk a tight rope after an ice storm, than to come up with the "right" way to handle this one.

Consider the woman, either she made it up, or she is willing to give Alexis a pass, both are messed up.

Alexis the person.

The reputation of UT.

Title IX lawsuit.
I'm trying to keep up, but I'm still confused.

Charges are being dropped due to holes in her story, or she doesn't want to press charges?

Was the reason for the arrest due to it being a domestic dispute and somebody had to be arrested?

Was her mouth busted?

Did he block the door? If so, for how long and how?

Is he gonna file charges against her, as soon as he gets a sworn affidavit that it was all BS and a false police report was filed against him?

Or is there just not enough evidence to file charges against him so leave it up to UT to do all the police work due to Title IX? I hope not.

I would rather walk a tight rope after an ice storm, than to come up with the "right" way to handle this one.

Consider the woman, either she made it up, or she is willing to give Alexis a pass, both are messed up.

Alexis the person.

The reputation of UT.

Title IX lawsuit.

Best I can tell the girl never wanted to press charges but the police arrested due to domestic violence laws
Keep in mind there was a witness. Maybe the witness misinterpreted play fighting, and the girl never felt she was in danger or assaulted in any way. Just a possibility.
Keep in mind there was a witness. Maybe the witness misinterpreted play fighting, and the girl never felt she was in danger or assaulted in any way. Just a possibility.

I keep harping on the play fighting thing but IMO it's the part that is huge

It allows the girl an out if she really does want to change her account or at least clarify it IMO
If it's the same witness that said "it looked like he was hitting her", that's a stupid witness. I wasn't there, but it did not look like he was hitting her.
Keep in mind there was a witness. Maybe the witness misinterpreted play fighting, and the girl never felt she was in danger or assaulted in any way. Just a possibility.

Good point. My first question regarding the veracity of the witness was the supposed comment that he seemed like he was really punching her and not play fighting. I'm pretty certain that if a 6'3" 295 lb athlete was on top of a young woman legitimately punching her in the face, she would not be around to talk about it....they'd have to wait for her statement once she emerged from a coma or they'd have charged him with murder.

Anywho, I sincerely hope the incident never happened for both their sake.
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So you admit the first post was a lie on your part? You decided to crow about due process not because you believe in it, but simply because it appears the outcome is what you want? And I'm the one looking for cheap likes? Right.

Despite your obviously flawed opinion, some of us have this thing called moral character and a backbone. We don't believe winning games trumps basic human rights. I'm not trying to be anyone's white knight, I'm only speaking what any conscionable person should.

Truth should always be the desired outcome, no matter how unpleasant it might be. That's why we have due process.

No. I do care about due process in general. You just won't see me posting about it everyday cause I'm not fake. I'm actually gonna be honest with myself and admit the only reason I care about this kid is cause he's a potentially good football player for my favorite team.

If he wasnt a football player I would still say he should get due process. I just wouldn't really care about it that much since his future wouldn't really affect me.

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