All Forces to be Withdrawn from Iraq

Vinbham, your gripe seems to be that he's not presenting the facts and figures you'd like to see to justify it. At this point in time, after ten years, hundreds of billions of dollars, and thousands of our troops dead and injured, and nothing being advanced by our staying there any longer, I would say that the burden would be on those advocating staying to give the reasons why.
Vinbham, your gripe seems to be that he's not presenting the facts and figures you'd like to see to justify it. At this point in time, after ten years, hundreds of billions of dollars, and thousands of our troops dead and injured, and nothing being advanced by our staying there any longer, I would say that the burden would be on those advocating staying to give the reasons why.

So you're saying "F*** it" is a workable military and foreign relations strategy?
Vinbham, your gripe seems to be that he's not presenting the facts and figures you'd like to see to justify it. At this point in time, after ten years, hundreds of billions of dollars, and thousands of our troops dead and injured, and nothing being advanced by our staying there any longer, I would say that the burden would be on those advocating staying to give the reasons why.

He should be able to explain it either way.

Its pretty easy to figure out why at this point. And not 2 or 3 years ago.
So you're saying "F*** it" is a workable military and foreign relations strategy?

He should be able to explain it either way.

Its pretty easy to figure out why at this point. And not 2 or 3 years ago.

The knee jerk criticism of Obama continues. If McCain were POTUS and doing this you'd be praising him for it.

Name one reason we need to keep a sizeable combat force there. And then, when you've done that, explain under what circumstances that need will actually be met by our troops and when, in your view, the commitment can therefore end.
I don't see what the fuss is about. It needed to be done. Now we are all just waiting for it to go back to ****, so everyone can cry, "I told you so." And that includes both sides.
There will be a lot more contracting to pick up the slack, at least with the non-military work. Is supect there may be some spec ops there under the radar as well.

While the military may be pulling out, the US isn't.

I'm certain we'll still have forces there. The reason I asked about Dyncorp is because I know they manage the bases in Kandahar(sp?), Bosnia and other places
I'm certain we'll still have forces there. The reason I asked about Dyncorp is because I know they manage the bases in Kandahar(sp?), Bosnia and other places

We can use them to manage bases, but they won't take on the fighter role without a fighting force there.

I don't think we'll ever leave completely. Blanket pronoincements like this one never come to fruition.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Not going into details about what I do, but I work for a defense contractor, we will have people going over to both theaters. Non-combat role stuff, but we will be sitting down at desks occupied by soldiers even six months ago. Operations aren't stopping, just who is doing them.
Regardless of the ulterior motive, this is the best move the Obama Administration has taken; the only complaint I have is that he waited until 2011 to take this action when he should have done so on January 2_, 2009.
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We can use them to manage bases, but they won't take on the fighter role without a fighting force there.

I don't think we'll ever leave completely. Blanket pronoincements like this one never come to fruition.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I realize Dyncorp doesn't include fighting forces. Their personnel though are mostly all retirees from the military and ex-military

So, we should keep troops in Iraq just to spite/contain Iran? Haven't we tried this "containment" thing before?
GS, are you upset that we are withdrawing from Iraq?

I am not upset about anythinng.

I don't get upset, ever.

I will say the Obama mideast policy overall only makes sense if you are looking at it from the moslem point of view.


Obama Administration Wants To Negotiate With Mullah Omar | Flopping Aces

A Taliban suicide bomber rammed a van into an armored NATO bus Saturday in Kabul, killing 13 American troops and four Afghans, U.S. and Afghan officials said, in the deadliest attack on coalition forces in more than two months.

We have been at war with the Taliban since 2001 after they, specifically Mullah Omar, were involved in 9/11. Either indirectly prior to the attack or in the help he gave al-Qaeda after the attack.

And now Obama wants to negotiate with him?


Washington is ready to negotiate with Taliban leader Mullah Omar and now regards his involvement as crucial to the prospects for peace in Afghanistan, Hillary Clinton has said.

Her comments been taken as a significant shift in American policy from moves to divide the Taliban-led insurgency and isolate Mullah Omar, the man who sheltered Osama bin Laden as he plotted the September 11 attacks, to an acknowledgement of his leadership.

The last time we attempted negotiation Karzai's brother was killed by a Taliban with a grenade in his turban.

I can only hope that Barry and/or Hitlery or preferably both will meet with Omar in person, we can only expect that the Mullah will be extremely appreciative of Hitlery's spending nearly a billion dollars building and refurbishing run down mosques worldwide on the American taxpayer's dollar and helping to impose sharia law in the Kenyan constitution.

If this doesn't prove their dhimmitude sufficiently, what would??

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