All these positive things about TN

Being voted hottest girls by like 5 kids from Memphis doesn't carry too much weight. Pretty sure they didn't even go to Ole Miss.

Truth is irrelevant. Perception is driving this thing. So try to enjoy being in the news for something other than the Fulmer Cup for an off-season.
Ah, Memphis.

Many Mississippians have to come here to get an abortion but most Mississippians are too poor to travel to the one in Miss or in Memphis. They don't abort because they don't have access to health care or the money to travel.
Being voted hottest girls by like 5 kids from Memphis doesn't carry too much weight. Pretty sure they didn't even go to Ole Miss.

That is good though. I bet their tastes are closer to most prospects than some random guy. I probably have about the same taste and I would take UT, UGA or UF women over Ole Miss any day. But anyway we are killing it all around.
"ALL OF THESE POSITIVE THINGS ABOUT TN" ... Great Smoky Mountains National Park, ice-cold waterfalls, Smallmouth Bass and Crappie, redbuds and mountain laurel, ham biscuits and red-eye gravy, Dolly Parton singin "In My Tennessee Mountain Home," George Dickel, how The Volunteer State got it's name ...
Who cares about what Bama thinks or who has the hottest girls. It's all about what is on the field playing for Vols at the end of the day for me. Butch is recruiting well and is already known to be a good coach. Those two combined can mean nothing but success.

UT has been a sleeping giant for the last few years. Butch woke it up and people are noticing.
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Many Mississippians have to come here to get an abortion but most Mississippians are too poor to travel to the one in Miss or in Memphis. They don't abort because they don't have access to health care or the money to travel.

I think there is only 2 abortion clinics in the state of Mississippi.
Majority of girls at Ole Mess are from Memphis, Tennessee.

there's a lot of truth to this, but give me Ole Miss or Arizona State sorority girls before any other. I'd definitely put Tennessee in the top 5. But the only competition for 1st place is Ole Miss and Arizona State.
Many Mississippians have to come here to get an abortion but most Mississippians are too poor to travel to the one in Miss or in Memphis. They don't abort because they don't have access to health care or the money to travel.

I know. I served a 6 year sentence in Memphis.
In the latest APR scores for sec football teams ut came in dead last, with a score of 924, not very positive news.
Number One recruiting class

Voted Hottest Girls in College

Matt at ESPN saying Butch Jones in the 10 ten of in-game player callers.

Recruits all over the nation tweeting how cool TN is.

Hell, I even got people I know from Bama calling me making excuses on why we are beating them with recruits right now.

This is sooooooooooooo different than the last few years.

It's being reported that Tennessee has the lowest APR in college football among BCS schools. That promises serious penalties soon. Makes you wonder what the players have been doing with all their spare time?

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