There was a time when I was trying to trade daily or everyday, I got myself in a lot of trouble doing that so now I just hold.A wise man!! Quite wise indeed.
Wish I hadn't looked at mine since Jan 1, 2022.
That really saved my bacon. I am still trying to roll out a short Spy call until I am no longer $500 under water, as I wrote about extensively yesterday. I failed miserably to wait for 3:59 on Monday, which would have saved me multiple seafood towers. So during that afternoon nap today, or world war III, or whatever that was, my today call went out of the money and I was able to roll it to a 401 tomorrow in a nice way. So maybe it'll be alright.
Seems like, with the dust settling, several actually went the wrong way here. LMT went right back down when everything else went up. RTX and NOC legitimately up.
does anyone get the weird feeling that something bad is about to happen?