So it really just depends. I use WeBull so I can start at 4am. I’ll usually wake up and see how things look, find the play. If Apple is down like .5-.7 I’ll jump in with $100k and hold until it gets back to even. Then I’ll go back to sleep. Sometimes it happens fast, rsi gets hot and I sell, then short it back down .2-.5. My issue is usually losing those gains on some dumb options play, but I’m getting really good at being up a couple hundred or so on a $1,000 0DTE play and running. I think one of my plays today was a $555 gain on a $1,000 buy of 0DTE 398 Spy calls. I start with $1,000 buying them when they’re in the .20-.30 range with the expectation of buying more to average down if it drops or just sell fast if it immediately rises.
Within a year, I hope to be up and running in a similar method. At times, I also get up early and found success beating the low volume crowds to the deals. In 2021, I had a bit of success trading stocks that are also listed on various stock exchanges across Europe. In particular, BioNTech was good during the early half of the year. Would like to find another one of!