If you have more than 10-25% of your investment capital in NVDA (or any single stock) don’t pour in more. Too much risk.
XLV, XLE, XLI, and XLB should do well no matter which party is elected.
VOO by Vanguard is a very efficient ETF that is tracking the S&P 500. The Vanguard VTI adds equities smaller than those in the S&P 500 and is another great option. Vanguard has very low management fees and those investments can be bought through any broker (Schwab, Fidelity, E-trade, etc).
Trading is an entirely different animal. Those ETFs outlined above are good to buy and hold. For the short term, GEHC was knocked down today and the demographics work really well in the healthcare sector for long term as well.
UPS is way off of their highs and looks like it might have bottomed out. Their trucks drive by my house EVERY day. AMZN is a game changer that won’t be going anywhere.
AI still has great long term prospects, but with such a huge move equities might struggle to outperform the averages over the next several years. NVDA. MSFT. FB. AAPL has been taking their time getting highly involved.
I think that AAPL is a great stock and company. So is HD. And AMZN. GOOGL isn’t a slam dunk like it used to be. TSLA is pricey, but is still worth buying on pullbacks. UBER as well. The Boomers are a huge demo and can extend their independence in their old age with AVs. Plus a whole lot of millenials and Zoomers have embraced embraced autonomous vehicles.
Defense (military), especially of the high tech type, have a lot of business that isn’t going to slow down as long as the world is going nuts. RTX, LMT, PLTR.