That lady is why I stopped flipping JCP lol. Everything she touches goes BK.Tomorrow ends JCP's 30 day grace period for missing its bond payment back in April. Considering that the company converted their incompetent CEO's outstanding equity awards to a $4.5MM cash bonus, they will likely file BK within the next 48 hours...
(I don't hide my feelings if I don't like a stock or a company, I know)
And possibly just good variance. For most, the time invested is not worth it, given market efficiency and the amount of knowledge of accounting and reading 10-k footnotes as it takes. The sort of thing Buffett has done his entire life.Time in the market beats timing the market. If you're exceeding S&P 500 returns over the long run doing that then you're easily in the top 5% of traders.
This. "Penny stocks" have very low reporting requirements. Lots of PnDs or outright fraud and tricky accounting. Not much info you can pour over, so how does one find their fundamental value and a proper price and p/e?I don't know if penny stock traders are the smarter ones. An overwhelming majority of those who become wealthy in the stock market do so by following a disciplined plan over a lengthy period. I'm not saying it can't be done, I'm just pointing out where the overwhelming majority of wealth in the market is made.
I like how the media is framing JCP as a victim of Corona when this has been two decades in the making.To be fair, the JCP CEO that put them to the brink of BK now runs Lowes. One of the main reasons I'm long HD.
This was inevitable no matter the CEO. You cant make 20 years of bad CEO hires and expect to survive.
I like how the media is framing JCP as a victim of Corona when this has been two decades in the making.
Which airline did you say would file bankruptcy American Airlines? Or United?
It was me that called for the BK for American. I think American is the most likely to file BK. The only thing that will keep American from BK is either another bailout or a vaccine that is developed soon.
I think United and Spirit would be in the next wave. At that point, I think the govt may bail them out.
I was just making sure which one because I thought about buying into United and spirit
This is just my opinion but you arent buying into airline stocks as much as you are buying into a 2nd govt bailout and quick vaccine development.
Here is my opinion on the stocks you mentioned.
United - Stronger BS than American but weaker than Delta. A little bit more of a "blue state" airline, which might hurt it compared to Delta. The international and business aspects wont recover for at least a year. If you subscribe to the belief that American is the weakest, would the govt let 2 of the 3 legacy carriers go through BK?
Spirit - The balance sheet is rough. The low cost market should be the first to recover. If you subscribe to the fact that warm weather = less Rona, then Spirit should be for you since they fly higher % of flights in warm weather. I havent seen other airlines get overly aggressive in pricing yet, which helps Spirit. The biggest concern is Spirit has the worst BS of the largest 7 carriers. The reward though is strong if they dont have to reorganize.