AllState Sugar Bowl: #6 Ohio State vs. #8 Arkansas

First five minutes of second half decides the game. Arky gets a stop and scores, it remains interesting. Ohio St. scores coming out of the half, the rout will be on.
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Gutlessly kicking the FG is game over. You're down by three scores in a game in which you've given up four TDs in six possessions in the first half.....and now you're still down by three scores. When the other team gets the ball to start the second half. You'd think that Super Offensive Genius Asshat Bobby Petrino would have more onions than that.

Considering how the Arkansas receivers cant catch a damn ball to save their lives going for a TD would have been pointless. Smart call by the coach...and thats why he's the coach.
Agreed. I understand the take the points argument, but I don't really feel like this is that much better. Especially with OSU getting the ball back.

Petrino still needs the same miracle three-touchdown turnaround that he would've needed if he got nothing. The incremental benefit is way too small to pass up a 50 percent chance of grabbing one of those scores back right there. Get a TD there, force a punt to open the second half and suddenly it's a ballgame. Three lousy points isn't worth giving a shot at that up.
Maybe they're playing bad because its their first time in a BCS game.....I unno
If Arkansas don't want to be in the game then I wish OSU would just go ahead and blow them out.
Considering how the Arkansas receivers cant catch a damn ball to save their lives going for a TD would have been pointless. Smart call by the coach...and thats why he's the coach.

By that spectacular logic, Arkansas shouldn't even bother trying to catch up in the second half because the receivers will just drop the ball anyway. I guess you think they should just run the ball, punt, and try to keep the score from getting any worse.
By that spectacular logic, Arkansas shouldn't even bother trying to catch up in the second half because the receivers will just drop the ball anyway. I guess you think they should just run the ball, punt, and try to keep the score from getting any worse.

Surprised you could even muster an argument since you aren't coaching.
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