Alright SEC loyalists that were rooting for Bama...

Lmao @ you. When an sec team wins, that makes them stronger. So you want a rival to get stronger? Are you missing your frontal lobe?

So they'll only get recruits/greater exposure if they WIN the NC? See, I'm under the impression that simply being extremely competitive year in and year out allows you to grow and remain strong. Every recruit in the country knows Auburn is playing for the title, they're not going to write them off if they lose that game. If that was the case the winner would be the only team that would see recruiting/monetary/exposure benefits from the game.
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I like auburn. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. If Bama went I would be cheering for FSU. Now though I'm full War Eagle!
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I wonder if you pro-Tennessee, anti SEC people also do the same in basketball?

Granted, rooting for a team has no effect on the outcome of the game. However, if the SEC would have won a few more OOC games the last 2 years, we'd have been tourney bound twice. Instead, we sat at home - because the SEC lost our OOC games and had no respect.

The same will apply to football as it expands to a playoff, and the playoff will probably expand from 4 teams eventually.

Like it or not, Tennessee will be judged just as much by the teams we play as we will by the outcome of our own games.

The SEC plays the best brand of football, that's why I watch. But I also like to see the conference get the respect it deserves.
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I was rooting against Bama all along, but I was rooting for the SEC this weekend to make it possible for FSU to lose.
I'm not one of those "S-E-C" guys, but as long as it ain't Bama or Florida, I don't mind. War Eagle!

P.S. Doesn't hurt that my wife is a Barner.
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I've read many times on here 'I aint pulling for another SEC team to win"

For those with that mind set I'm curious, do you watch the other SEC teams play, The SEC Championship game?

Why would you waste your time if your not and SEC fan?

Pulling against our SEC rivals in OOC games is different than pulling for certain SEC teams over others.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Rooting for the SEC in title games is idiocy, plain and simple.

Conference pride has certainly become taboo. But, it's come to the point where folks on here seem to be competing to see who can hate the SEC the most. Denouncing conference pride is one thing, but conference hate may be taking it a little too far.

I hate Florida. I hate Bama. I dislike several of our other conference teams, but I don't hate the SEC. As long as Florida, Bama, Georgia and SC are out of it, I'm fine with the SEC winning the NC. That being said, I'm pulling for FSU...I think they're the best team in the country and I want them to prove it.
This one's easy - Auburn!
Do you really want to see Sal Sunseri win another national championship?

FU or Bamer, prolly go FSU
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I'll be an FSU fan for the first and last time, that is unless they play Auburn again in the future. I don't care who Auburn plays, I'm rooting for the other team. Hate Auburn more than even Bama.
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Hope FSU wins by 35 because A. most dominant team I've seen in a long, long time; B. the sadness of the idiots who chant "S-E-C!"

This is the 1,546,543,035 time that someone has used the term idiot on VolNation that otherwise wouldn't to someone's face. The internet brings out the bravery in us all.
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How did Auburn even make the national championship?

If the success of your rivals makes it so much harder for you?? After two back to back national championships, Bama's success sure didn't do in Auburn.

In fact, SEC superiority seems to help teams in the conference... Tennessee, Florida, LSU, Auburn, Alabama... All BCS national champions. How many other conferences boast that kind of broad success?

I think all this talk about rooting for/against your conference is completely overblown.
Hope FSU wins by 35 because A. most dominant team I've seen in a long, long time; B. the sadness of the idiots who chant "S-E-C!"

I'm pretty sure Vandy fans are the only ones that chant "S-E-C". They're adorable
I'll be cheering for fsu all the way. But, a one loss Auburn team would deserve the bid over an undefeated Ohio State team considering their schedule differences. The Auburn fsu match up is a good one.

I can't devote all the energy I do in hating teams week in and out only to suddenly hope they win just because their opponent is in the ACC.

Go Noles.:sad:
I will pull for the Barn but the most important thing to remember this holiday season is that:

1. Bama won't be playing for an NC
2. CUM lost his bid to sneak into an NC game via a weak schedule.
3.Coach Nick Saban won't get to stand behind a podium and behave like the rest of the whole civilized world is not only waiting on him to speak, but is already making lists on how not to displease the master when he does favor the world with his thoughts.

Did us winning that game make it harder for other SEC teams and justify their fans in rooting against us? What about LSU in 2003? Florida in 06? Alabama in 09? Auburn in 10? Were their wins that much more improbable in the wake of other SEC teams winning it before them?

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