Alright Vol fans, can we agree that Zach Edey is the man?

So you think he will score 8 points a game. Good use of a first round pick.
If you are comparing to Adams, it's more about rebounding and a rim presence rather than scoring. Adams was a, if not, THE top offensive rebounder in the league when healthy. But, I do think Edey will be more of an offensive scoring force than Adams so that could be a +.
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I think the one thing we can all agree on is that the account which posted the original comment was 100% trolling this board. Successfully, one might even say. A total of 8 posts from an account created in April of 2024 (just in time to comment on the Tennessee-Purdue game), and after dropping their little "boiler up" remark, they've said absolutely nothing else.

You are insane! He was allowed to stay in the paint all day and push people around to score points. He will be one of the biggest busts the NBA has ever had!!! If the game vs Purdue is called fairly, Purdue doesn't play Uconn. UT plays Uconn for the Natty!!!

You can't be at pick 9 in a weak draft. That's impossible. There are too many #1 picks that were complete zeroes. He can't get into the convo with them
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Virtually everybody in the basketball workd thinks Edey will have value. The main hangup is you don't know how many minutes you can play him (based on matchups and cardio).

There is a chance he is pretty special for 15 mpg. If he can break the opposition for 1/3 of the game, it will prove to be a great pick. #9 picks are usually on their 2nd team before the end of their rookie contract.
Memphis crapped the bed with this pick. They’re trying to build a team to compete 20 years ago when none of the teams playing in the finals are trying to get a giant, slow, post with two left feet.

Lurch is too slow to stay out of Morant’s way. He’ll be a liability on offense and be foul prone on defense. Don’t confuse what the officials did for Edey with him being a basketball player. He can’t move and everyone in the NBA can move.

Lurch may as well be Big Country 2.0. Rebirth of the Grizzlies first pick ever.

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