Amateur Hour Continues

The MAGA nativity scene.

I’m curious to what you think here , would Jesus allow himself to be separated and caged away from his mother and father if this happened in today’s time frame ?

edit : to be fair I never thought you’d answer this .
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Fat chance of that. Not being able to calm down my immune system is the problem. But maybe I'll have convulsions or something.

Guess the nurse taking my blood pressure every 15 minutes should have been a red flag. Sigh.
Sorry you are going through that. It really sucks to have something you can't get a handle on. I hope it works for you.
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If you think there’s anything different about him then you’re part of the problem. And the reason it’s never going to change
And if you think there is nothing different, you are the problem.
I said from the start, Trump being normalized would be the worst thing imaginable for our country.
Unfortunately, many of you seem hellbent on doing just that.
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I can start. My best interest is served by having a potus who is not a horrendously despicable human and global embarrassment.
Your best interest is someone who regulates businesses the point of closing, 80% taxes on higher earners, wide open borders, government provided health insurance for everyone even illegals, food stamps for all, free tuition for all, 30% plus unemployment and a President who is the doormat for every other leader around the world (exactly like your boy Barry)
It’s not that funny
Yes, it was that funny; there is always humor in truth. Bernie supporters would beat baby seals to death if they were moderates. You must not be familiar with the lengths to which Bernie bros will attempt to discredit anyone that doesn't adhere to their strict rule or ideology. Funny enough, just today, I read an article about a Bernie campaign staffer that posted anti-Semitic and homophobic tweets for three years on Twitter. I'm glad the campaign fired them after they hired them and let them work for the campaign for a bit. Surely, the cancel culture won't befall dear Bernie for making such an egregious error? I would just hate for there to be a double standard concerning Pete and Bernie. I'm still curious why I didn't see this on woke Twitter? Surely, they would never let a campaign go without critique for hiring and employing a known anti-Semite and homophobic *******? cc: 2020 thread

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