Amateur Hour Continues

Yes, it was that funny; there is always humor in truth. Bernie supporters would beat baby seals to death if they were moderates. You must not be familiar with the lengths to which Bernie bros will attempt to discredit anyone that doesn't adhere to their strict rule or ideology. Funny enough, just today, I read an article about a Bernie campaign staffer that posted anti-Semitic and homophobic tweets for three years on Twitter. I'm glad the campaign fired them after they hired them and let them work for the campaign for a bit. Surely, the cancel culture won't befall dear Bernie for making such an egregious error? I would just hate for there to be a double standard concerning Pete and Bernie. I'm still curious why I didn't see this on woke Twitter? Surely, they would never let a campaign go without critique for hiring and employing a known anti-Semite and homophobic *******? cc: 2020 thread
It really wasn’t funny in the least bit, I would go with something else if you want to impress someone
Don’t let the PC police brow beat you, it was funny .
Oh I'm not. I want some cancel culture for the Bern. He employed an anti-Semitic, homophobic ******* on his campaign. I want some ceaseless woke Twitter attacks on Bernie for employing such a person.
WTF are they protecting us from if they can't protect the border? Were they sworn in to protect the Arabs the Koreans or the Europeans?

Their mere existence protects us from an armed invasion. It is teh job of the police to patrol and enforce the law at our borders. You do not want our military enforcing the law, they are not trained to be police.
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Their mere existence protects us from an armed invasion. It is teh job of the police to patrol and enforce the law at our borders. You do not want our military enforcing the law, they are not trained to be police.
We'll just have to agree to disagree. If I had my way we would have way less military propping up the economy of the rest of the world than we do in the US keeping out the drugs and stolen technology.
We'll just have to agree to disagree. If I had my way we would have way less military propping up the economy of the rest of the world than we do in the US keeping out the drugs and stolen technology.

We'll just have to disagree. Our military is for breaking things and killing people, not law enforcement.
That's what the UN should be doing.

I see the military having to provide manpower and logistical assistance when required on a temporary basis. Not that I necessary like it, just that they have resources.

This is in response to the border, not foreign humanitarian assistance. I have no issue with providing airlift of stores and ground support to a foreign disaster area.
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We'll just have to disagree. Our military is for breaking things and killing people, not law enforcement.
Since when did a foreign invasion become a law enforcement? And don't make the accusation that 100,000+ people flooding across our border is a "law enforcement" issue. You sound like one of the liberal media people that thinks we need to be in a war all of the time. For over 50 years I have watched my father, brother, nephew and son in law dutifully march off to another country and for what? For what?
Since when did a foreign invasion become a law enforcement? And don't make the accusation that 100,000+ people flooding across our border is a "law enforcement" issue. You sound like one of the liberal media people that thinks we need to be in a war all of the time. For over 50 years I have watched my father, brother, nephew and son in law dutifully march off to another country and for what? For what?

A baby stroller "invasion" for jobs is different than the the D-Day assault on Omaha beach.

Soldiers and Marines are trained for armed combat, not immigration enforcement. Distinction and difference.
Since when did a foreign invasion become a law enforcement? And don't make the accusation that 100,000+ people flooding across our border is a "law enforcement" issue. You sound like one of the liberal media people that thinks we need to be in a war all of the time. For over 50 years I have watched my father, brother, nephew and son in law dutifully march off to another country and for what? For what?

I do not want to see anyone marching off on foreign adventures, our military should be the strongest, best trained and professional in the world and not used to "build nations". You're arguing with the wrong guy about foreign wars.

It's a simple fact, our military is not a law enforcement agency, if these "invaders" you reference were armed and in uniform I would fully support our military responding and ****ing them up. They're not!
A baby stroller "invasion" for jobs is different than the the D-Day assault on Omaha beach.

Soldiers and Marines are trained for armed combat, not immigration enforcement. Distinction and difference.
Maybe we don't need a D-Day assault force in these times? Just a thought. Maybe we don't need a military that has troops in every corner of the world? We have a Navy that can pretty much put a nuclear bomb in any neighborhood in the world within a few minutes. How much do we need to spend to be the biggest bad ass in the world? I'm tired of being the worlds police.

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