Amateur Hour Continues

Would you really put it past them?

Google may offer some government plan but my guess is it would still log in with gmail.

I wouldn't put it past them, but my guess is that most government agencies are still upgrading from Microsoft Server 2003 and Windows 2000 or Windows NT 3.51.
Apparently it was Gmail too.
Hadn’t read that but if any business or gov dept was using Gmail they kinda deserve what they get. From what I read up on it a vulnerability in Office 365 was exploited and has been in place for quite a while. And that is the kind of tool suite I’d expect on an enterprise network.
He has absolutely no interest in governing. Had he won he'd be AWOL for 4 years instead of just 2 1/2 months.
Curious statement. What are you basing this on? You surely can't be completely ignoring all of his kept promises in the first term. Nah... I think it's just the TDS is showing thru.

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