Amateur Hour Continues

But but but trump. Sounds like a stupid broken record by a bunch of spineless sheep. The truth is they believe it’s alright for the communist democrats to do it but the conservatives are wrong if they do it.

Wouldn't that make the Republicans communist as well.

Thanks for proving my point.
"...The poll of 1,000 registered voters Dec. 16-20 has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points:

Asked how history would judge Trump's presidency:

16% predict he will be seen as a great president
13% as a good president
16% as a fair president
50% as a failed president.
5% are undecided.

Trump's ratings are more sharply negative than the ones Barack Obama, himself a controversial president, received when he left office four years ago. Then, a USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll found that half of Americans predicted history would view Obama:

18% calling him a great president
32% a good one
23% as a failed president.

Obama beats Donnie again.

On Day 1 Biden eliminates all of Donnie's stupid Executive Orders, and Trump's failure is complete and much of his crap "legacy" eliminated forever.

"...The poll of 1,000 registered voters Dec. 16-20 has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points:

Asked how history would judge Trump's presidency:

16% predict he will be seen as a great president
13% as a good president
16% as a fair president
50% as a failed president.
5% are undecided.

Trump's ratings are more sharply negative than the ones Barack Obama, himself a controversial president, received when he left office four years ago. Then, a USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll found that half of Americans predicted history would view Obama:

18% calling him a great president
32% a good one
23% as a failed president.

Obama beats Donnie again.

On Day 1 Biden eliminates all of Donnie's stupid Executive Orders, and Trump's failure is complete and much of his crap "legacy" eliminated forever.

View attachment 333622

Less money in my wallet and some to be higher gas prices. Oh, Happy Days.
Less money in my wallet and some to be higher gas prices. Oh, Happy Days.

Gas prices should be higher. Climate change is real, and we're burning fossil fuels to quickly. Pretty simple stuff, really.

Join the 21st century and get a more efficient car.

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