Amateur Hour Continues

Keep calm and cozy up with dictators on.


Do you realize how utterly ****ing childish and stupid those things are? And yet, you continue to post them.
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This forum is such a pro trump echo chamber that all the Trumpets have developed incredibly thin skin.

What’s funny is the right used to mock liberals for getting triggered whenever they leave their safe space. It’s the same thing here. Other parts of the internet, not so much, but for whatever reason most of the Trumpets here lose their freaking minds whenever somebody criticizes Trump.

It’s sad, to me, watching the Republican Party emasculate itself for Trump.

Piss off with that nonsense. Have you even looked around?
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It's probably because that is all you zealots have done 24/7/365 for 2-1/2 years. It gets old. Don't you have something else to talk about? How about the great Democratic platform or their legislative accomplishments? You folks are one trick ponies.

Dems in the house have passed all sorts of legislation. McConnell won't take it up.

Yeah, have you? This forum is 65% ******** right wing memes, 10% deep state conspiracy theories, 10% anti-trump posts and 15% bitching about anti-trump posts.

Yeah, I have. Apparently you want to pick and choose what you "look" at on here. Because the last time I looked, there are about 50K posts in various threads damning Trump, making claims of things that truly don't and never existed and some children posting anything they can that's anti-Trump. LG starts more idiotic threads than any of the conservatives do on here.

You supposedly are a lawyer. If you aren't appalled by what just happened and what's continuing to happen in Washington in regards to the Democrats, you probably suck at your job. They get past one "investigation" and don't even wait for the dust to clear before coming up with something else equally absurd and continuing to use the propaganda machine of the media to attempt to brainwash an entire population.

If you can't see through the bull **** they are spewing because of your disdain for a single man who was lawfully elected President, you need to open your ****ing eyes.
Yeah, I have. Apparently you want to pick and choose what you "look" at on here. Because the last time I looked, there are about 50K posts in various threads damning Trump, making claims of things that truly don't and never existed and some children posting anything they can that's anti-Trump. LG starts more idiotic threads than any of the conservatives do on here.

You supposedly are a lawyer. If you aren't appalled by what just happened and what's continuing to happen in Washington in regards to the Democrats, you probably suck at your job. They get past one "investigation" and don't even wait for the dust to clear before coming up with something else equally absurd and continuing to use the propaganda machine of the media to attempt to brainwash an entire population.

If you can't see through the bull **** they are spewing because of your disdain for a single man who was lawfully elected President, you need to open your ****ing eyes.
Losing your **** over criticism of Trump, personal attacks, and equating anyone critical of Trump with democrats? Yeah, you sure proved me wrong.

This is like the Trumpet snowflake trifecta. 😂
Yeah, I have. Apparently you want to pick and choose what you "look" at on here. Because the last time I looked, there are about 50K posts in various threads damning Trump, making claims of things that truly don't and never existed and some children posting anything they can that's anti-Trump. LG starts more idiotic threads than any of the conservatives do on here.

You supposedly are a lawyer. If you aren't appalled by what just happened and what's continuing to happen in Washington in regards to the Democrats, you probably suck at your job. They get past one "investigation" and don't even wait for the dust to clear before coming up with something else equally absurd and continuing to use the propaganda machine of the media to attempt to brainwash an entire population.

If you can't see through the bull **** they are spewing because of your disdain for a single man who was lawfully elected President, you need to open your ****ing eyes.

You tell em Grand, it time to stand up and fight for truth and justice and end this left wing vitriol of these lying commie fools$

Yeah, have you? This forum is 65% ******** right wing memes, 10% deep state conspiracy theories, 10% anti-trump posts and 15% bitching about anti-trump posts.
I respect your insights and opinions but your percentages? These are just WAG. Your posts usually bring facts but this is not one of them. More of a troll job to elicit a reaction.
Body counts? That's how you think political disputes should be resolved?

If people are trying to destroy our Country and Constitution by commiting Treason, then it's time to fight back, body count or no body count.....enough is enough.....just don't cross that thin line!
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Body counts? That's how you think political disputes should be resolved?

If people are trying to destroy our Country and Constitution by commiting Treason, then it's time to fight back, body count or no body count.....enough is enough.....just don't cross that thin line!
Losing your **** over criticism of Trump, personal attacks, and equating anyone critical of Trump with democrats? Yeah, you sure proved me wrong.

This is like the Trumpet snowflake trifecta. 😂

You better watch your ass Snowflake, many people won't let you get away with dishonoring the president of the United States, I don't care who you are! Be respectful or else!
Do you realize how utterly ****ing childish and stupid those things are? And yet, you continue to post them.

He ain't wrong. If anyone else with a (D) behind their names had been doing this, folks on the right would be stroking out. There's a lot of people who gleefully dissmiss sht like this because it 'pisses of the left' and don't stop to think about just how ridiculous and low rent it is. Truthfully, it's a bit ironic that you'd call out Velo for being childish after he points out that Trump calls a political rival a "low IQ swampman."
Yeah, I have. Apparently you want to pick and choose what you "look" at on here. Because the last time I looked, there are about 50K posts in various threads damning Trump, making claims of things that truly don't and never existed and some children posting anything they can that's anti-Trump. LG starts more idiotic threads than any of the conservatives do on here.

You supposedly are a lawyer. If you aren't appalled by what just happened and what's continuing to happen in Washington in regards to the Democrats, you probably suck at your job. They get past one "investigation" and don't even wait for the dust to clear before coming up with something else equally absurd and continuing to use the propaganda machine of the media to attempt to brainwash an entire population.

If you can't see through the bull **** they are spewing because of your disdain for a single man who was lawfully elected President, you need to open your ****ing eyes.

Your skin is thinning, this forum is overwhelmingly conservative left hating.
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He ain't wrong. If anyone else with a (D) behind their names had been doing this, folks on the right would be stroking out. There's a lot of people who gleefully dissmiss sht like this because it 'pisses of the left' and don't stop to think about just how ridiculous and low rent it is. Truthfully, it's a bit ironic that you'd call out Velo for being childish after he points out that Trump calls a political rival a "low IQ swampman."

But Obama
But Bush
But Clinton
But Bush.

It’s a problem for the left all the sudden because your guys not in charge.
Don’t worry, eventually you will have a guy in charge again and you can go back to thinking a standard isn’t important.


Maybe we should try holding our guys to a high standard regardless of what the other guys are doing
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If people are trying to destroy our Country and Constitution by commiting Treason, then it's time to fight back, body count or no body count.....enough is enough.....just don't cross that thin line!

You better watch your ass Snowflake, many people won't let you get away with dishonoring the president of the United States, I don't care who you are! Be respectful or else!

Last time I checked free speech was still constitutional. Threatening people who exercise it isn't. I wonder what the FBI would say about your post.

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