Amateur Hour Continues

I hope Amash is the person you say he is. We desperately need someone to carry the torch of small government and fiscal responsibility. I am cynical. One concern, he seems to be uninterested in selling (promoting) his views on a regular basis and to a national audience. Perhaps that is more to do with not finding media to willing put a microphone and camera on him. Amash could learn a thing from Trump when it comes to publicity.

Now that he has accused Trump of impeachable offenses he’ll get that microphone from the MSM.
It still amazes me that this scumbag is President. What an absolute POS. Trash, absolute trash. No collushion, no obstruction. Best economy ever, best everything ever. What is happening is not what is really happening.

He just ****ing quoted the Mueller report as exoneration, then turned around and said it was a witch hunt. Now he's trashing Obama, since he has to dog whistle to his cult.

Trump being a proto-fascist throughout the entire press conference. Surprise.

I don't know what a proto-fascist is, but if it's what Trump is, I want all my Presidents to join the proto-fascist party. He's doing a great job so far.
It still amazes me that this scumbag is President. What an absolute POS. Trash, absolute trash. No collushion, no obstruction. Best economy ever, best everything ever. What is happening is not what is really happening.

He just ****ing quoted the Mueller report as exoneration, then turned around and said it was a witch hunt. Now he's trashing Obama, since he has to dog whistle to his cult.

Trump being a proto-fascist throughout the entire press conference. Surprise.

Zep you’re smart enough to not let him get under your skin so don’t let him. Granted most of the other libs aren’t but you are.
Still waiting for the "Obama acted like a king" crowd to condemn this.

It’s just the new normal.
It started before Obama though. Obama had a chance to stop it but didn’t. Everyone said it was ok because GW.........
Now it is what it is and we’re never going back. Don’t worry though, eventually your guy will be back in charge and you’ll no longer have a problem with it.
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