America: The Future



Eternal Vol
Nov 3, 2008
The more I sit back and ponder our future as a Republic, the more I see America becoming a Dystopian society in the future.
If you've noticed over the years, the government has become more controlling over our lives.
They tell us what we can say, what we can eat, what we must think.
Like someone mentioned before, its just like the book Nineteen-Eighty Four by George Orwell or Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451.
This country was not founded on the social and economic control that the government wants.
We must not sit back and let the politicians tell us who we must like, whats best for us to eat, tax us into poverty, sell us out to the highest bidder, and suck up to the U.N.

Its time we take our country back!!!
The more I sit back and ponder our future as a Republic, the more I see America becoming a Dystopian society in the future.
If you've noticed over the years, the government has become more controlling over our lives.
They tell us what we can say, what we can eat, what we must think.
Like someone mentioned before, its just like the book Nineteen-Eighty Four by George Orwell or Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451.
This country was not founded on the social and economic control that the government wants.
We must not sit back and let the politicians tell us who we must like, whats best for us to eat, tax us into poverty, sell us out to the highest bidder, and suck up to the U.N.

Its time we take our country back!!!

There's far too many who will tell you, it's not that bad. Head stuck in the sand syndrome.
"we" voted for Barack. Is that Orwell's fault? Hello.....

No!! Just merely using it as picture of what the future, in this country, could be.

Way too many Americans want and need the government to provide for their every need.

Legislation has opened the door for our government to spy on the people, in the name of Homeland Security. There are more ways to secure or country without spying on its own citizens.

The government buyouts of some of our largest financial institutions and corporations, in the name of Economic stability.

Legislation for control of Healthcare, by the government, in the name of social justice.

Breaking down the "American" into every socio-ethnic, hyphenated words they can muster, so that no one can identify with being just an American.

Legislation that will dictate what is best for you to eat, because they know whats best for you.

And on a side not, "I" didnt vote for Obama. I knew he was a Socialist. I did my research on his past and who he had in his inner circle. The "we" who voted for him are the ones who listened to the bull**** he was dishing out and ate it up.

Now all they have is **** on their face.
Its time we take our country back!!!

This may not be the place for this, but..... when it really hits the fan, will the conservative Americans be ready/able to fight for it? I'm not sure. We have all settled into our comfortable lives, and we don't know what it is to really have to fight for our survival (political, economic, cultural, whatever).

By really hitting the fan, I mean when the chickens come home to roost on America's finances.... e.g. social security/medicaid/national debt. Will America succumb to consolidation of power in a few people, or will there be enough Americans who will take D.C. back?
This may not be the place for this, but..... when it really hits the fan, will the conservative Americans be ready/able to fight for it? I'm not sure. We have all settled into our comfortable lives, and we don't know what it is to really have to fight for our survival (political, economic, cultural, whatever).

By really hitting the fan, I mean when the chickens come home to roost on America's finances.... e.g. social security/medicaid/national debt. Will America succumb to consolidation of power in a few people, or will there be enough Americans who will take D.C. back?

My neighbor who is a Korean veteran weighed in on that question the other day and opined; "Nowadays the American people are too cowed down to do anything."

I think there isn't much doubt about the readiness or the ability, I question the willingness though.

A very interesting article.


(not really from the aboe link:)

The FP-45 Liberator was a pistol manufactured for the United States military during World War II for use by resistance forces in occupied territories. It was designed with the idea of offering an enemy soldier a cigarette, putting a round of .45 ACP twixt his eyes or in the base of his skull, and "liberating" the now deceased soldier's rifle, SMG, grenades, or anything else of military utility.

A crude and clumsy weapon, the Liberator was never intended for front line service. It was originally intended as an insurgency weapon to be mass dropped behind enemy lines to resistance fighters in occupied territory.

The weapon was valued as much for its psychological warfare effect as its actual field performance. It was believed that if vast quantities of these weapons could be delivered into Axis occupied territory, it would have a devastating effect on the morale of occupying troops.

The plan was to drop the weapon in such great quantities that occupying forces could never capture or recover all the weapons. It was hoped that the thought of thousands of these unrecovered weapons potentially in the hands of the citizens of occupied countries would have a deleterious effect on enemy morale.

The pistol had its origins in the US Army Joint Psychological Committee and was designed for the United States Army in 1942 by the Inland Guide Lamp Manufacturing Division of the General Motors Corporation in Dayton, Ohio.[1]

The army designated the weapon the Flare Projector Caliber .45 hence the designation FP-45. This was done to disguise the fact that a pistol was being mass produced.[2] The original engineering drawings label the barrel as "tube", the trigger as "yoke", the firing pin as "control rod", and the trigger guard as "spanner".

The Guide Lamp Division plant in Anderson, Indiana assembled a million[2] of these weapons. The Liberator project took about 6 months from conception to end of production with about 11 weeks of actual manufacturing time, done by 300 workers.

The FP-45 was a crude, single-shot pistol designed to be cheaply and quickly mass produced. The ejection system was a wooden rod that was pushed down the barrel from the muzzle end to eject the fired cartridge case. The Liberator had just 23 largely stamped and turned steel parts that were cheap and easy to manufacture.

It fired a .45 caliber pistol cartridge from an unrifled barrel. Due to the unrifled barrel, maximum effective range was only about 25 feet (less than 8 m). At longer range, the bullet would begin to tumble.


People are going to have to become involved in politics even if it takes sacrifice of time and resources if they want change.

As one of the oldest most successful special interest groups tells their members; "politics is not a spectator sport.'

A big problem is that well funded special interest groups have people, activists and legal experts that spend all their time working on issues because they are payed to do so and the outcome is generally the same, more consolidation of power in Washington.

The average citizen has little time after working for his living to devote to political activism but here is one opportunity that wouldn't take much time for those so interested.

Last sumer the house passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act (a draconian engergy policy, very detrimental American economy) and the senate was supposed to pass it but it was shelved because of popular public sentiment against it and the simple fact that the dems didn't have enough votes to pass it even though they had a 60 vote filibuster proof majority.

So Obama has ordered the EPA to impose UN type policies catering to the 'cap and trade' scheme, using the 20 year old Clean Air Act that adressed acid rain. (yet another fignewton of the imagination designed by rip off artists like enron for instance and their hired gun NGO 'environmental groups.)

The house has two bills HR-4396 and HR-4572 and the senate has introduced a joint resolution SJ-26 to adress the issue.

This site (our energy, our future) can help anyone get through to their reps and senators in washington, some of whom are still responsive to their constituents.
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A fine example of selling out America to the highest bidder.

Obama's drilling ban will cost America trilions $$.

Above link to page one, quote from page two:

Public comments on a Bush-era rule to expand domestic drilling, held up by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, ran 2-to-1 in favor of drilling here and now.

In addition to conventional sources of oil and natural gas, we have vast stores locked up in domestic shale formations. The Barnett Shale rock formations of Texas and Louisiana, the Bakken Shale formation in Montana and North Dakota, and the Marcellus Shale formation running through New York, Pennsylvania and other states may hold as much as 2,000 trillion cubic feet of this clean-burning, domestically produced fuel.

So just why are we leaving this job-creating economic windfall in the ground?

Shoot twice and go home.

Aggressively attack invaders; act on your own initiative; regard any surrender broadcast or announcement as enemy propaganda; resist to the end

Forget 1948, this is from 1934.


History repeats itself for slow learners and we have been that, today though we are in a bit of a better position to fight back becaue we have the means to communicate much better.
"we" voted for Barack. Is that Orwell's fault? Hello.....

No we can't blame it on Orwell, Orwell eventually abandoned the socialist elites and tried to warn us of their plans.

(read all four pages)

According to representatives of HarperCollins, the Fabians will be in control of the 1984 copyright and name through the year 2025 and will do their best to block unauthorized investigative research about Orwell's anti-socialist works.

Quigley page 866, tragedy and hope:

It is increasingly clear that, in the twentieth century, the expert will replace ... the democratic voter in control of the political system. Hopefully, the elements of choice and freedom may survive for the ordinary individual in that he may be free to make a choice between two opposing political groups (even if these groups have little policy choice within the parameters of policy established by the experts) and he may have the choice to switch his economic support from one large unit to another.

Who would think McCain was a much better alternative to Obama??

Everytime I see your posts, the more I think of him. This man speaks the truth

YouTube - The Second American Revolution

YouTube - Open Letter to President Obama

I don't do youtube, who are you talking about and do you have any textual links??

Thanks. (probably Ron Paul?)

(even a lot of people who pose as conservative attempt to denigrate Paul, but he does know what he is talking about and in a society that is heavily brainwashed, his ideas can seem to be fringe, his bill; 'federal reserve transparency act of 2009' makes so much sense it's crazy and he got a majority of congress to co-sponsor but Pelosi and others will never let it come out of commitee for an up or down vote and put the focus then on the senate, sad that this is highly unlikely to happen.)

I have a problem with Basso's wanting to do away with the electorial college.

That would just be assisting the acorn people who think you're a wimp if you don't vote at least seven times in every election, not counting the times you vote for dead cousins etc.

Every talk show host I've ever listened to has some sort of achiles heel.

Here is something to consider. (Page two of thirteen pages.)

Between 2005 and the summer of 2008, the price of wheat and corn tripled, and the price of rice climbed fivefold, spurring food riots in nearly two dozen countries and pushing 75 million more people into poverty. But unlike previous shocks driven by short-term food shortages, this price spike came in a year when the world's farmers reaped a record grain crop.

Why did this happen??

Mostly because of the ethanol mandate which is based on bogus reasoning.
This may not be the place for this, but..... when it really hits the fan, will the conservative Americans be ready/able to fight for it? I'm not sure. We have all settled into our comfortable lives, and we don't know what it is to really have to fight for our survival (political, economic, cultural, whatever).

By really hitting the fan, I mean when the chickens come home to roost on America's finances.... e.g. social security/medicaid/national debt. Will America succumb to consolidation of power in a few people, or will there be enough Americans who will take D.C. back?
This is what the government is banking on. There is a time and place for using force and it's about that time. You're right though, the country is too civilized for this train of thought. It won't happen until it gets far worse and it's getting there fast. The future of this country looks bleak.
This is what the government is banking on. There is a time and place for using force and it's about that time. You're right though, the country is too civilized for this train of thought. It won't happen until it gets far worse and it's getting there fast. The future of this country looks bleak.

Damn bro.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I think there is a fair chance that the US will split into separate countries in the next 20-30 years.....
This may not be the place for this, but..... when it really hits the fan, will the conservative Americans be ready/able to fight for it? I'm not sure. We have all settled into our comfortable lives, and we don't know what it is to really have to fight for our survival (political, economic, cultural, whatever).

By really hitting the fan, I mean when the chickens come home to roost on America's finances.... e.g. social security/medicaid/national debt. Will America succumb to consolidation of power in a few people, or will there be enough Americans who will take D.C. back?

This is what the government is banking on. There is a time and place for using force and it's about that time. You're right though, the country is too civilized for this train of thought. It won't happen until it gets far worse and it's getting there fast. The future of this country looks bleak.


It is a awful thought isn't it, someone actually standing up to the government. Off with their heads.

Not really, most of the people spewing this crap [not implying you] are either 1. Rednecks 2. Conspiracy theorists. 3. White supremacists 4. Members of the Glenn Beck fan club 5. Teabaggers.

Outside of that, I see no reason for people to stand up to the evil, muslim, kenyan, communist dictator. :thumbsup:

Would you like a tin foil hat?

Not really, most of the people spewing this crap [not implying you] are either 1. Rednecks 2. Conspiracy theorists. 3. White supremacists 4. Members of the Glenn Beck fan club 5. Teabaggers.

Outside of that, I see no reason for people to stand up to the evil, muslim, kenyan, communist dictator. :thumbsup:

Would you like a tin foil hat?


And the people who dont believe in personal freedom and small government are mindless idiots. I ,for one, prefer to be left the hell alone. I will not bow to the idiots in Washington nor to the weak-minded that worship them.

I'm glad to see that someones views on freedom are such a laugh riot to you. How about I come beat down your door and search your house, since the Constitution that they are pissing on will no longer protect your 4th amendment rights. How would that go over with you there?
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