Well actually - at the time of the Civil war- the Democratic Party held views and ideas more towards that of the current Republican party,
while the then-Republican Party was closer in its setup, arrangements, and beliefs to the current Democratic Party today
Not really. Neither party questioned a limited role for the Federal Gov't. They differed by a matter of degrees. BOTH of those parties' ideals have been rolled up into the modern GOP. The modern Dems are nothing like either one.
the two kinda flipped ideals around the time of the Great Depression era
No. Progressives/Modernists began in Europe as congruent political, scientific, and religious movements during the 1800's. By 1900, US colleges had been infiltrated. By 1925 or so, US colleges had been effectively converted and the press was well under way. By 1940 the elites of both parties were basically progressive.
In 1964, Goldwater began a movement to take the GOP back to American ideals. The modern GOP is a composite of those from both parties who rejected the leadership of progressive/statist elites. There is a problem though... many leaders in the GOP are still closet progressives.
What modern day Dems believe would not only be alien but repulsive to vast majorities of both parties 100 years ago.
but Civil War Southern Democrats held what would have been more of a conservative-sided view
Not really. Conservatives believe that people should have rights, freedoms, and be responsible for themselves. Dems then believed that but only for white people.
I was mistaken earlier. The one tie that the modern Dem party has with the American past is the idea that some in society exist to serve an elite power. In the old south, a relatively small number of masters controlled a large number of black slaves... they told them how to live, gave them what they wanted them to have, educated them the way they wanted them educated, supplied their basic needs,... They considered any wealth produced by the slave the property of the owner. Anything the owner allowed the slave to keep was supposed to be considered benevolent.
That's pretty much what modern libs/progressives want for all Americans except the masters are the political class, academics, union bosses, politically selected CEO's, and media kings.
Whether you call it feudalism, socialism, communism, statism, totalitarianism, private slavery, or anything else, the basic concepts remain the same... elites controlling and effectively owning the masses.
America freed its slaves... and almost immediately started enslaving everyone.