An assistant AD let go


According to article, she had been to several schools and worked her way up however, it also says they. “Mutually” agreed for her to leave for professional development.

What does that mean, exactly?
Wasn't getting it done, so she was asked to leave on "her terms".
Geez guys...

It could mean exactly what they said, if they are being honest, and it seems like too many words to not be the truth. She is eager to advance her career and is ready to take the next step, unfortunately that opportunity is not open at UT and will likely stay filled for a long time, so she's moving on.
One of the many reasons the academics loathe the Athletics Dept. is that it is the last vestige of the free market left at the university. Folks there are the only ones on campus that can be dismissed for substandard performance. It tends to produce a focus on success.

The double-domes live in terror that the State Legislature might figure this out and hold them to that same standard.

There's a big difference between professors and administrators--and a big difference, you should know but apparently don't, between the free market and academia. Also, major-college athletics has become rather absurd, and somewhat corrupt, so, again, it's not surprising that academics would have a different perspective about athletics than those on the athletics side. See the Ivy League for more on this...
Odd they don't address her as "Dr. Monica Lebron" or "Dr. Lebron". Just plain old "Monica". Anyhoo, she's probably looking to move up somewhere else. Although, a 330k base salary ain't bad.
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She won the lottery and said "see ya". Or maybe she got fired, or is just moving on.

I have a friend who was once promised certain things when she was hired. The boss didn't follow through and later told her he was not going to do what he had promised. In the meeting when he told her, she said "that's fine, I can see that I can't trust you. I am leaving and today is my last day." The boss was stunned. He never imagined that she would quit, he thought she would just get over it. She had another job for more money the next week and never looked back.
She didn’t get along with one of the two departments she had oversight over. One was basketball and one was football. It was the latter.
Could be any number of things. She’s been at this level at several stops so I doubt lazy is it. Could be she didn’t fit with the culture. Could be that White just felt like he wanted someone else. Could also be that she pissed off a booster or another administrative higher up.

At any rate some sort of distraction from her duties.
She was an overpaid DEI hire. I knew when she was hired it could be a mistake. DEI hires usually turn out to be horrible.
I’m a woman, but I’m going to have to agree.. unless you are hiring someone blindly on their merits, it’s a bad deal… best qualified should get the job, and if that’s a woman or POC then so be it, hire them
Geez guys...

It could mean exactly what they said, if they are being honest, and it seems like too many words to not be the truth. She is eager to advance her career and is ready to take the next step, unfortunately that opportunity is not open at UT and will likely stay filled for a long time, so she's moving on.
That's what this IS; Hello? A Forum for OPINIONS. Now, why don't YOU give YOURS ----on the subject? Too much to ask? Gooday.
Why would anyone form an opinion on a situation they know nothing about? You don’t HAVE to have an opinion on a subject. It’s okay to say I don’t know. And the truth is, you don’t know and I don’t know.

And sure, this being a message board means you can throw any old uninformed opinion out there. And it also means you don’t have to…and when you do, the ignorance of that action can be pointed out. You sound like the people who make stupid statements then claim “free speech” when called out…as if the 1st amendment protects them from the consequences of their speech (it does not).
Polite but also direct way of saying this person didn't meet expectation and is being managed out. This is 10x better than "She's retiring" or "Stepping down" or no explanation.
I disagree. What this means is she was trying to get a promotion and got passed over so she's going to greener pastures.
When someone at this level of any organization leaves it's almost never because they did not meet expectations. There are so many people trying to climb the ladder. Somebody gets lucky and somebody doesn't. Both may be excellent but there can be only one. My guess is she got passed over for a promotion and decided to look elsewhere for her next step up the ladder.

According to article, she had been to several schools and worked her way up however, it also says they. “Mutually” agreed for her to leave for professional development.

What does that mean, exactly?

I’d like to think that maybe she’s the one they threw under the bus because Dolly couldn’t be heard over the PA system. New PA system project + Dolly embarrassed = Turnover in athletic department.

I wrote this as a joke, but the more I read it.. Yeah, someone had to take the fall for Dolly.

(Please read this a an attempt at humor)
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