And then the Trumpsters on VN had no idea what to say....

Fine. The budget is the appropriate place to put requests for items like foreign aid and artful waste. That doesn't belong in emergency legislation unless it is the emergency. If the arts can't manage on their own then apparently they don't contribute enough value to support their costs.

This was placed in the budget section of the bill. They tied the covid relief to the spending bill in order to get relief passed. The budget was going to pass or there would be a government shutdown. The Kennedy Center funding is in section G, p 860, line 20. The covid relief portion starts at section M.

All of these expenditures warrant criticism, but the notion that covid relief is funding the Kennedy Center and foreign aid packages seems to be off target. I admittedly haven't read the 5,593 page bill in it's entirety, but it is a searchable pdf that allows for many of these claims to be checked fairly easily.
No, I have had enough of irresponsible government. They are both the same. It is just that Democrats don't mind spending more money and act like taxing us into prosperity is a possibility.
Damn near every Republican voted for it. The omnibus bill shouldn't be part of it. This bill should only contain relief for those in need
Not when the state govs wrecked people's lives.

Funny how you would be against this but do not mind doling outt hundreds of billions for illegal healthcare and other goodies.

So North Dakota has to bail us out because our states elected stupid leaders? **** that

Where is Obsessed BTW

VN Store
