And then the Trumpsters on VN had no idea what to say....

My best bartender friends have lost out on anywhere from twenty to fifty grand this year because they shut them down with no safety net. Does a one time check of half their weekly pay fix a single ****ing thing? No. They don't have salaries.

Those numbers are small to some of us. It's everything to them. It's rent, food, and quality of life. I know some of you only give a **** about them when you need a bud light at Applebee's, but it's a stupid amount of American citizens that need immediate relief. Both sides have **** the bed all year.
Who did you vote for there Champ? 100 days of masks is what he's gonna do.... God knows what other Draconian restrictions he's gonna place on you. Enjoy.

-Sent from the PDRK
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Mkay, partner. You claimed, "But as it pertains to this stimulus, which is the actual subject of this thread, 90 % of THIS money IS going out of the country!!"

I'm telling you you are 100% FULL OF SH*T.

Try to grow a set of balls, Sally, and prove me wrong.

Provide a link. Simple to do. Takes less than a minute.

If you don't, I'm just blocking your lame ass, as you're wasting everyone's time.
Mkay, partner. You claimed, "But as it pertains to this stimulus, which is the actual subject of this thread, 90 % of THIS money IS going out of the country!!"

I'm telling you you are 100% FULL OF SH*T.

Try to grow a set of balls, Sally, and prove me wrong.

Provide a link. Simple to do. Takes less than a minute.

If you don't, I'm just blocking your lame ass, as you're wasting everyone's time.

Whine and cry all day long....... you do that very well here....
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Mkay, partner. You claimed, "But as it pertains to this stimulus, which is the actual subject of this thread, 90 % of THIS money IS going out of the country!!"

I'm telling you you are 100% FULL OF SH*T.

Try to grow a set of balls, Sally, and prove me wrong.

Provide a link. Simple to do. Takes less than a minute.

If you don't, I'm just blocking your lame ass, as you're wasting everyone's time.

Everyones'?? Oh the Irony
Only puzzies block people.
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How is it that we cannot get a bill passed without pork in it ? I mean it would seems eventually we could do that . I don’t care one way or the other about a stimulus check I’m just amazed that regardless of the emergency or circumstances we have our “ public servants “ have to get something out of it or they won’t vote for it . Lying , scamming , fraudulent bunch of vipers .

I guess the simplest answer to that is the old adage that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We have no congressional oversight - no way of forcing congressional responsibility. Everyone apparently hates congress, but more or less approve of their own representatives because they bring home the bacon - pork for the local economy, so bad representatives aren't likely to be voted out. The only branch less responsible to anyone than congress is the SC - the closest thing we have to a true dictatorship - they are a law unto themselves since they've turned from deciding whether legislation is constitutional to legislating from the bench.
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veto it, recall the congress and remove all the pork for foreign entities and crap like the Kennedy Center.

Easy. You just like it because it contains democrat pork. It does nothing for American people.
No, I don't like it because of the Democratic pork. You're an immature idiot
- Alexander Tytler

- Benjamin Franklin

It's just one extra step for a republic since the public can't directly raid the treasury. If there's any hope of salvation, legislation has to be stripped of any means to add pork - no adders of any kind - one piece of legislation with one item only without sweeteners or poison pills. Further, short, concise, and to the point complete with the name of the writer and any sponsors. Probably should force them to write why it's necessary, how it will work, economic and legal impact statements, and a time limit. The second part is complete campaign and lobbying reform, and we likely would have to agree to public campaign funding from taxes to make that work - incumbents running for office would perhaps have to vacate the office while campaigning to even the playing field.
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Fine. The budget is the appropriate place to put requests for items like foreign aid and artful waste. That doesn't belong in emergency legislation unless it is the emergency. If the arts can't manage on their own then apparently they don't contribute enough value to support their costs.
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Wait! I thought stimulus had something to do with the zipper in the front.
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