Another “Far-Right” Election Result (Sweden)

Sweden, Italy, Finland...

A party of bikinis and great food.
Glad I got that summit moderator position..WooHoo.
What would be the most alarming “far-right” win for Global Progressives?

Which country would cause them to sit up and say “oh sh!t”?
What would be the most alarming “far-right” win for Global Progressives?

Which country would cause them to sit up and say “oh sh!t”?

I don’t know a lot about their political parties, no matter what our Bs media says , our “ far right wing “ isn’t the same as the EUs . Just by recognition alone a German Far right wing dominated government ( I would think ) would make the left really nervous .
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“The Sweden Democrats party was long shunned by Swedes because of its roots in the neo-Nazi movement. In recent years it has moved into the mainstream by expelling extremists and gained support with a tough stance on crime and immigration amid a rise in shootings and other gang violence.”

If the data backs up the claim, can’t blame them for their stance. Why not push back on turning into a **** hole?
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What would be the most alarming “far-right” win for Global Progressives?

Which country would cause them to sit up and say “oh sh!t”?
Well Bulgaria is the next shoe to drop, but that wouldn't be on the same level as Itally and would likely be on par with Sweden.

I think the next shoe to drop that will shake up things will not come from the rightm however. I think Liz Truss is already on the clock in the UK and will likely be replaced with a big Labour Party push.

You ahev to understand. This isn't a right or left thing. This is all about nation states, traditional values, woke politics, the green agenda, LGBTQ, etc. The establishment right and left are on the same page in these Western countries. That is why I am becoming more cynical with each passing day of a GOP sweep of the House and Senate this year doing diddly-squat to move this country in the right direction. They will maintain the status quo,
Definitely Germany
German, from what I've been seeing, is likely to replace Olaf Scholz with someone as equally inept such as Annalena Baerback or Robert Habeck. Neither of them are going to go against the current agenda, they will just use Scholz as a scapegoat to buy time.
France has already had elections 3 months ago and elected a more nationalist coalition between the right wing of Le Pen and the left wing of Melonchon. And odd grouping on the surface, but you are now seeing the far right and far left of some countries oddly coming together on common issues against the destructive agenda that the WEF/globalists/green agenda/anti-tradition/culture vultures are championing.
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France has already had elections 3 months ago and elected a more nationalist coalition between the right wing of Le Pen and the left wing of Melonchon. And odd grouping on the surface, but you are now seeing the far right and far left of some countries oddly coming together on common issues against the destructive agenda that the WEF/globalists/green agenda/anti-tradition/culture vultures are championing.
Time is a flat circle.
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I don’t know a lot about their political parties, no matter what our Bs media says , our “ far right wing “ isn’t the same as the EUs . Just by recognition alone a German Far right wing dominated government ( I would think ) would make the left really nervous .
They’d have to create an entirely new buzzword for something that big.
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They already have....Nazis and Fascists
If the people of Germany elected a “far-right” government right now, with all of the global pushback against progressivism and the Covid fallout going on?

I don’t think simple labels of ‘Nazi’ or ‘fascist’ would suffice.
If the people of Germany elected a “far-right” government right now, with all of the global pushback against progressivism and the Covid fallout going on?

I don’t think simple labels of ‘Nazi’ or ‘fascist’ would suffice.
Why are we trying to attach right or left to an authoritarian style government?
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I’m not. It’s why I keep putting it in quotations.
Ok I reread the post you quoted you were contrasting right with globalism/progressive.

But let’s be honest “far right” is the boogey man the progressives and globalists use to scare the plebes into submission.

I also don’t really take a “self first / nationalism” stance as far right either. I don’t think anybody could present highly socialized policy Sweden as “far right” which I know was in your original post too.
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