Another “Far-Right” Election Result (Sweden)

You just threw out nationalists. It’s got a stigma due to a group from the 40’s we all know that. But a nationalist stance IE country first doesn’t equate to being a National Socialist. “Nationalist” is a veiled boogeyman.

So what are we supposed to call nationalists, LOL?
“Libertarians like you”

We’ve got libertarians on here. You aren’t one of us.
I'm surprised some of the crowd on here that claimed to have voted for Jorgensen, who only received 1.8% of the vote, aren't questioning the results of the last election.
Most libertarians are liberals too ashamed to want to be known as such.
There are some democrats who I think are ashamed to admit that they voted for Biden. So now they claim they voted for Jorgensen. Yet she only received 1.8% of the vote. Either they are lying or they need to start questioning the results of the last election.
Most? Libertarians don’t want a bigger, more oppressive government. That would be the liberals.
The libertarians I know say that but don't really mean it. Case in point: I was having a discussion about legalization of drugs. They claimed they for complete legalization. I said I could go along with that under certain conditions. They, obviously, wanted to know what conditions. I said absolutely zero government funds go to treatment, rehab, narcan, first responders etc. go to people with drug issues. Oh no, they said. We should help them. We can divert money from the war on drugs. That is not libertarianism. The basic tenants of libertarianism is basically do whatever you want as long as it doesn't negatively impact others (simple explanation, I know).
The libertarians I know say that but don't really mean it. Case in point: I was having a discussion about legalization of drugs. They claimed they for complete legalization. I said I could go along with that under certain conditions. They, obviously, wanted to know what conditions. I said absolutely zero government funds go to treatment, rehab, narcan, first responders etc. go to people with drug issues. Oh no, they said. We should help them. We can divert money from the war on drugs. That is not libertarianism. The basic tenants of libertarianism is basically do whatever you want as long as it doesn't negatively impact others (simple explanation, I know).
Them: should the government pay for……
Me: No.
The libertarians I know say that but don't really mean it. Case in point: I was having a discussion about legalization of drugs. They claimed they for complete legalization. I said I could go along with that under certain conditions. They, obviously, wanted to know what conditions. I said absolutely zero government funds go to treatment, rehab, narcan, first responders etc. go to people with drug issues. Oh no, they said. We should help them. We can divert money from the war on drugs. That is not libertarianism. The basic tenants of libertarianism is basically do whatever you want as long as it doesn't negatively impact others (simple explanation, I know).

That’s what healthcare insurance and charities are for. The ills of society can be addressed without the large governmental bureaucracy.

Being a libertarian isn’t universally being in favor of legalizing everything. There is a spectrum of opinions. Every Republican isn’t in favor of the death penalty and every Democrat isn’t in favor of killing babies.

Some libertarians could take the stance that dangerous drug traffickers are criminals (they are harming others) while illegal drug users do have medical issues. Treatment makes more sense than imprisonment. But the drug addicts are probably committing other crimes as well which do harm others.

Addressing crime has many approaches. You can’t put each in a box and call it R, D, or L.
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That’s what healthcare insurance and charities are for. The ills of society can be addressed without the large governmental bureaucracy.

Being a libertarian isn’t universally being in favor of legalizing everything. There is a spectrum of opinions. Every Republican isn’t in favor of the death penalty and every Democrat isn’t in favor of killing babies.

Some libertarians could take the stance that dangerous drug traffickers are criminals (they are harming others) while illegal drug users do have medical issues. Treatment makes more sense than imprisonment. But the drug addicts are probably committing other crimes as well which do harm others.

Addressing crime has many approaches. You can’t put each in a box and call it R, D, or L.
I realize that. I specifically said that the libertarians I've ran across are just plain old liberals. I consider myself to be libertarian.
I realize that. I specifically said that the libertarians I've ran across are just plain old liberals. I consider myself to be libertarian.

You also said “Most libertarians are liberals too ashamed to want to be known as such.” That’s plain wrong. You could say “some”.

Most libertarians want less government and laws, not no government or laws. Those that want no government really aren’t libertarians. They’d be anarchists.

If libertarians didn’t exist, I’d lean Republican. Democrats favor Big Brother controlling lives. There’s not too much I’d be aligned with Dems on.

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