Another bad apple (George Floyd case)

Wtf. When did I ever say that

A knee to the back is not deadly.

The issue is that the guy died of likely positional asphyxiation due to:

-being on drugs
-having underlying health conditions
-the struggle with police

-being placed on pavement, handcuffed behind the back which made breathing more difficult with those circumstances
-having the officers lay on him, but the officer placing the pressure on his neck rather than his back, caused his arms to be strained more and preventing proper heart/lung functions

All of these factors caused his death. The police should've handcuffed him and even forcefully got him to ground and then transitioned to sitting him up next to the vehicle.

This training is no different than what medical staff do every day when they physically restrain patients who are intoxicated/combative/altered mental status/criminal/psych

These officers did not follow that type of training and that is the issue

Being under the influence, having underlying health conditions, and struggling with the police does not and should not result in death. Being helpless on the ground with somebody's knee on your throat generally will, whether any of those other factors are in play or not.

The police officer is 100% to blame here. No one else. Period.
You missed the obvious cause of him being asphyxiated, the cop had his knee buried in the guys throat. You are a typical cop that makes excuses for your coworkers missteps that injure or kill another person. Step up and be a man and admit that your dumb ass coworkers are killers and you cover for them because you belong to a brotherhood that protects each other no matter how bad you behave.

Good lord

Me - discusses the facts of the case

Anti cop posters - “You support this killer cop murdering this guy?”

Me - “not at all. What he did was completely against training and policy and wasn’t legal and it was reckless I would’ve stopped him if I had been there myself and he definitely needed to be fired, sued whatever“ he is definitely in the wrong

Anti-cop posters - “quit making excuses for your murdering coworkers you typical killer cop”

The bottom line is had the officer not put his knee on his neck he would still be alive. It's borderline disgusting you are implying the victim had equal culpability here.
That’s not what I said at all. Why do some have such a hard time with actual facts and reading comprehension
Being under the influence, having underlying health conditions, and struggling with the police does not and should not result in death. Being helpless on the ground with somebody's knee on your throat generally will, whether any of those other factors are in play or not.

The police officer is 100% to blame here. No one else. Period.
Again no one said he wasn’t to blame
He is 100% to blame. Nothing else and no one else. The drugs, health conditions, everything else you said...etc...are irrelevant. What the cop did could have and would have killed a healthy person as well.
That’s a bit of a stretch .....when you become a coroner or established physician let us know..... I think a younger healthy individual may have survived. This doesn’t change the fact the cop essentially killed this guy
Good lord

Me - discusses the facts of the case

Anti cop posters - “You support this killer cop murdering this guy?”

Me - “not at all. What he did was completely against training and policy and wasn’t legal and it was reckless I would’ve stopped him if I had been there myself and he definitely needed to be fired, sued whatever“ he is definitely in the wrong

Anti-cop posters - “quit making excuses for your murdering coworkers you typical killer cop”

Did I lie? You have a narrow minded view of police because you were one. Take a step back big guy and look at your profession from people outside of your bubble.
That’s a bit of a stretch .....when you become a coroner or established physician let us know..... I think a younger healthy individual may have survived. This doesn’t change the fact the cop essentially killed this guy

Neither you or myself need to be a coroner to know had the cop not done what he did, this guy would still be alive.

The fact that we are even debating 100% culpability here is mind-boggling.
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I'm just blown away by how many people in our country hate the police, and look for any reason to bring them down. Obviously, it is because so many of our police are ex-military, and half of our country hates our military.
Swing and a miss...
Neither you or myself need to be a coroner to know had the cop not done what he did, this guy would still be alive.

The fact that we are even debating 100% culpability here is mind-boggling.
I noticed that one of the cop cars had a park police logo on it. I remember years ago when a UT police force cop unloaded his weapon into the back of a BMW in circle park after an altercation over a parking permit prior to a UT football game. Dumb ass cops are a dime a dozen and apparently the skinny armed douche bag that killed a man over a bad check arrest is one. Cops don't police themselves, they cover for themselves.
The military is one of the most sacred cows in America. Not even sure half the people would be willing to cut defense spending, let alone half "hate" the military.

Oh, our defense budget is horribly inflated and inefficient. My love for the military is more concerned about how poorly they're treated by the old dudes who send them overseas when said service is done.
He is 100% to blame. Nothing else and no one else. The drugs, health conditions, everything else you said...etc...are irrelevant. What the cop did could have and would have killed a healthy person as well.
It’s not irrelevant. All facts matter
Did I lie? You have a narrow minded view of police because you were one. Take a step back big guy and look at your profession from people outside of your bubble.
Yes you did lie. I 100% agreed with the premise this officer was in the wrong and needed to be punished. Your post suggested otherwise
Neither you or myself need to be a coroner to know had the cop not done what he did, this guy would still be alive.

The fact that we are even debating 100% culpability here is mind-boggling.
That’s not what he’s saying
The bottom line is had the officer not put his knee on his neck he would still be alive. It's borderline disgusting you are implying the victim had equal culpability here.

Who knows if he would be dead or not, doesn’t matter because we’ll never know. Cop needs to face the music For putting himself in that situation.
I noticed that one of the cop cars had a park police logo on it. I remember years ago when a UT police force cop unloaded his weapon into the back of a BMW in circle park after an altercation over a parking permit prior to a UT football game. Dumb ass cops are a dime a dozen and apparently the skinny armed douche bag that killed a man over a bad check arrest is one. Cops don't police themselves, they cover for themselves.
Got a link to that story?
Just got around to watching the videos on this and getting caught up. Wth is going on with this cop pressing his knee into this guy's neck while so cavalierly keeping his hands in his pockets acting like "look at me everybody!" Hard to watch. That guy won't survive two seconds in general population.
Got a link to that story?
I could probably find it if I were so inclined, but if you've been around Knoxville for the last 30 years or so you'd know about it. Gameday and an alumnus pulls up to park in the circle drive/park and a UT billy bob denies access and the alumnus tells him to F' off and proceeds to park in his usual spot. As the guy pulls in Billy Bob unloads his weapon in the back of the guys car. Tell me what happened and why the cop should have been exonerated.
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