Another bad apple (George Floyd case)

Have you ever sat on a jury? I've been on 5 or 6 of them and never had a video played of the crime. Yeah lets acquit this cop because he was a great guy and I had a BBQ in his backyard once. The Eff'rs guilty of killing a man and if you don't like it protest about unfair this cop was treated.

5 or 6?

Wholly crap! What insane roll call list did you get stuck on.
I agree with your comment. However, Kap had support from a lot of people in sports and the media. Kap didn’t have teammates come after him.
Not sure that makes a difference. There are different consequences depending on what you say. Kap pizzed off a lot of owners, sponsors and politicians. Brees just pizzed off his teammates and other players.
Not sure that makes a difference. There are different consequences depending on what you say. Kap pizzed off a lot of owners, sponsors and politicians. Brees just pizzed off his teammates and other players.

Well they should be pissed. Bress is a racist. I'm sure they knew it all along. Finally came to a head.
Brooklyn, NY is a walking COVID outbreak waiting to happen. Absolutely no social distancing. Masks aren’t going to help 100%.
No Charges Will be Filed Against Omaha Bar Owner Who Fatally Shot Protester

No charges will be filed against the Omaha, Nebraska, bar owner who fatally shot a protester on Saturday during the third night of riots that have broken out over the death of George Floyd.

Jake Gardner, the owner of The Hive bar in Omaha, will not be charged in the death of James Scurlock, a protester whom he fatally shot in self-defense on Saturday night, according to a report by Omaha World Herald.

Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine said on Monday at a press conference that after reviewing evidence and talking to witnesses, it has been determined that Gardner shot Scurlock in self-defense. Kleine also played a video of the confrontation at the press briefing.

No Charges Filed Against Omaha Bar Owner Who Fatally Shot Protester

And now committed suicide after the mob threatened him outside his home. Mob rule. Time to fight.
No bruising on the neck. No damage to the skin/muscle or other tissues of the neck. On top of that he had a lethal amount of fentanyl in his system (along with some level of meth and marijuana).

Why’re we even having a trial?
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So a little off topic, seems our favorite Racist who started this thread doesn't seem to have an account here anymore...right before JG official joined Washington..interesting..
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