Very well sad. I couldn't agree more!The amount of rapes that end up in a pregnancy is very small..6% last time I checked. Let's face it..most abortions are a result of people who are irresponsible and too selfish to own up to it. I personally know a scumbag who has had 4..all pregnancies were a result of irresponsibility. Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. It's pretty sad when you've got parents driving their daughter to an abortion clinic because "she's too young"..or promising them a new car if they will abort so they don't miss the softball season..yes, I've seen both situations personally. And we've got the idiots at Planned Parenthood thinking our kids are nothing but a bunch of animals who can't be taught the importance of abstinence, so let's just hand out condoms! Sheesh! Obama supports partial-birth abortion, which is murder. I've had two kids..a few more pushes and you can sign your rights away and walk away if you don't want the blessing!!
Unfortunately, I believe just about everyone has certain feelings and generalizations about people of different races. I coach gymnastics, and I can tell you that there is no difference in how precious the black, white, Hispanic, Indian, Asian etc. children are. Am I completely immune to and free of those feelings? No. In all honesty, I don't care what race Obama is. His socialist views for this country are disturbing and he does not have good character IMO.
Right, his "socialist" views disturb you, yet you're all for the government having control over your body and telling you what you can and can't do with it? Makes sense to me.
Well said!! My daughter had my grandson at 18. We decided abortion was the best decision at the time and went to planned parenthood for the procedure. It was the most depressing place I've ever been in my entire life. I was a smoker at the time and about every ten minutes I would go outside, get on the elevator (was on the second floor) and go down to the first floor to smoke. On about the fifth trip I was coming back up and the elevator stopped between the first and second floor. No matter what buttons I pushed it wasn't moving. I was thinking "great, now I'm stuck in an elevator on top of all of this". About five minutes later the elevator started back up all of a sudden and took me to the second floor. When the doors opened up I walked out and my wife and daughter were coming down the hallway. My daughter was crying and my wife said we can't do it. In the confusion I opened a door that went out to the parking lot on the second floor. I could have just walked out that door to smoke and didn't have to get on the elevator. I firmly believe the Lord directed me to get on the elevator and stopped it right when the decision was being made that gave me my grandson. He's the best thing that has ever happened in my life.No, I'm for the gov't. protecting life, which many seem to have the opinion that it doesn't include unborn babies. Does it bother a guy that if he gets a girl pregnant and begs her to have an abortion, if she chooses not to, he's responsible for child support...but if he begs her NOT to have an abortion because he wants to keep the child and she refuses, it's none of his business and he has no say? It takes two to tango, shouldn't a man have a say in the life of his child? It's not about women's's about who's standing up for these babies who can't defend themselves!!! I am a woman for crying out loud! And allowing irresponsible females who have gone out and gotten themselves pregnant and then decide they can't handle it, or won't get to finish school if they have a baby, or whatever..It makes me sick! I was in a crisis pregnancy! I had my son when I was 19. Didn't finish school. It was HARD!!! But he is the greatest thing I will ever do! I didn't terminate him because it was inconvenient for me!!!
The amount of rapes that end up in a pregnancy is very small..6% last time I checked. Let's face it..most abortions are a result of people who are irresponsible and too selfish to own up to it. I personally know a scumbag who has had 4..all pregnancies were a result of irresponsibility. Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control.
rockytop doesn't care, he'll know that his welfare check will keep going up up up. obama is in his best interest, a certain portion of the populus will get an increase in benefits.
I don't remember if they gave her an ultrasound. I have the living person that my wife and I have raised his whole life. He's now 12 years old.hman, did they give your daughter an ultrasound? I have a friend who's daughter called me in tears because her boyfriend wanter her to have an abortion and she didn't now what to do. She went to an abortion clinic and paid like over $200 for an ultrasound and they absolutely refused to show her the picture! Didn't want her to see that it was actually a human being in there..heartbeat develops at 21 days, I think. She just delivered her baby boy about a month ago. I'm no saint, but God has allowed me to learn from the poor choices I made. He blessed me with my, now 5 year old. I married his father and we also have a 3 1/2 year old little boy. I have been involved a lot with teenage girls, loving them and hoping my story can make a difference others' lives. Sad stories and bad decisions can turn into wonderful things. Covering one bad choice with another is never the answer.
Thank you. Like I said earlier, he's the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life. I have to get to bed shortly because he has a flag football game in the morning. We have to be there at 9:00...I know there were some tense and tough moments, but that's an awesome story.
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Trust me, I am no huge fan of abortion. I have 3 children of my own and there is no way I could ever encourage anyone I love to have an abortion.
The thing that I have a hard time with is do you want these same irresponsible people to have the kids and then care for them poorly? I almost feel that it is the more cruel alternative.