Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

For some, yes it is emotional but for others like LG and Luther it is 100% political.
I get a sense LG is more emotional about it than Luther and the politicians he supports appeal to his emotion better.

I've always thought and said Luther is a master troller. His comments seem to be designed more to garner responses than present any cogent argument. He's a smart guy and knows what he's doing (x over y).
Good Lord, what a cesspool this kid was in.
yeah, and I get the father was trying to get him into hunting and outdoors stuff, but there was literally nothing indicating this kid was responsible enough to have an AR-15. And the other question is why didn't the father lock up the AR-15? Was the kid allowed to just have it in his room somewhere? My son owns a hunting rifle but all of our guns are locked up in the same place.
You voted for monsters Luther, you don't care.

As far logic or realistic.... I would get the biggest vehicle I could get, I would probably prefer a dump truck.

Cleveland is correct you are setting up strange delusional strawman.
Monsters? Isn't your party the ones who say we just have to "get over" school shootings and they are "just a fact of life"

Those are the monsters.
I get a sense LG is more emotional about it than Luther and the politicians he supports appeal to his emotion better.

I've always thought and said Luther is a master troller. His comments seem to be designed more to garner responses than present any cogent argument. He's a smart guy and knows what he's doing (x over y).

For LG literally he lied and tried to hide who he was voting for to gain trust and has multiple times used fake empathy like he is doing here. He has no real empathy, only motivation.... the empathy is there to gain trust. He doesn't care how much time he wastes for people.

Luther is in his last inning or so, and already brainwashed to a degree which is why he ignores the things he can't respond to. We live in the world Luther has created, he is just doing what they are telling him.... do more of what got us here.
Monsters? Isn't your party the ones who say we just have to "get over" school shootings and they are "just a fact of life"

Those are the monsters.

I don't have a party. As far as murder in schools, lock them up and maybe execution as a punishment. Not sure where you think I think.... "get over it".

The people complaining about "guns" are the same ones not wanting the current laws enforced... murder is already a crime in all 50 States.

Logic is... you enforce existing law. The world Luther has created.... that just isn't the case or appears to be going away.

The people that are monsters are the ones committing violent crimes.
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No, the EFFECT of a lawyer doing his job may be to have a guilty person go free. But the moral OBLIGATION of the parent is, in part, to be sure that their kid is acting responsibly.

A lawyer is not responsible in any form for what his client does. But a parent has about two decades of such responsibility for their kid.

Totally different.
world would be a lot better place if both were actually responsible and not empowering bad actors.

must be nice having a career that lets yall hide behind your job when yall help bad people. makes it easy for people like you to throw rocks in glass houses.
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4 dead, 9 wounded. What's this, the second full week of school ? Off to a strong start with the NRA body count total for the year.

Shooter reporter 14 years old. A 14 year old able to obtain a gun. Sheesz.

At least this one will result in some sensible reforms. Except it won't.
You should check all the facts. You look stupid. 14yo did not obtain a gun. It was a xmas gift from a stupid father that gave it to him after GBI came to house investigating sons online comments. This has nothing to do with NRA. It is always about 100% disturbed and evil people that will find ways to kill. Is Chicago the NRA's fault. Land of the strictest gun laws in the country. Also land of extraordinary violence, shootings and murders. Also a DEM stronghold, committed to breeding violence.

Both son and father will get life for this.

Reforms will solve nothing. Never has. And can be proven in every large DEM city that continuing to target gun laws as the cause is just political positioning.

First cause of action to heal the minds of youth and begin the reversal of mass shootings is to obliterate social media off the face of the earth. Minds have been forever poisoned. And social media is not the only tentacle of poison latched onto people today.
Get them help even up to the point of committing them.
I think they should be held accountable for that.
You're getting into that dangerous gray area of telling parents how to parent, but unfortunately it has to be done.
I think they should be held accountable for that.
You're getting into that dangerous gray area of telling parents how to parent, but unfortunately it has to be done.

But shouldn't the people that blew up a kid with a Hellfire missile be held accountable?

The weapon is immaterial. You don't care Luther.

What you have created nobody is held accountable right?
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And statistics prove you wrong again.
No they don't. They prove me right.

Put 10 two year olds in a kiddie pool.
Put 10 two year olds in the deep end of a pool.
Put 10 two year olds out in the rip tide of an ocean.

We all know and understand the difference....good grief people - please think
No they don't. They prove me right.

Put 10 two year olds in a kiddie pool.
Put 10 two year olds in the deep end of a pool.
Put 10 two year olds out in the rip tide of an ocean.

We all know and understand the difference....good grief people - please think

Why don't you show us the stats? (I'm giving you a hint)

Luther you don't care about these kids, you just come off as LG showing fake empathy.
That first sentence is nothing more than a strawman.

The second part also presents a logical fallacy, Luther, by assuming I get to choose the potential danger. I don't and my loved one is just as dead or hurt regardless of what was brought to the food court. It is why I carry a concealed weapon as a potential solution whatever unknown danger presents itself and I may recognize.
That's simply nonsense.

The death toll in the food court will be drastically different. One of those differences could have been you loved one.

You guys have absolutely no ground on which to support your argument.
That's simply nonsense.

The death toll in the food court will be drastically different. One of those differences could have been you loved one.

You guys have absolutely no ground on which to support your argument.

I have no idea what this even means.

What's your argument? 😂
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I think they should be held accountable for that.
You're getting into that dangerous gray area of telling parents how to parent, but unfortunately it has to be done.

No, I don't think I am getting into telling a parent how to parent. I'm asking questions, you and LG specifically mentioned that the parents should be held criminally responsible if their child uses one of their guns to commit mass murder. My question to you and LG is should a parent be held criminally responsible for their kid committing mass murder after they had been warned about them making threats if they used something else they had access to in the house. Or if the parents simply did nothing to get their kid mental help?

Should the parents be held criminally responsible ONLY if their kid uses one of their guns?
Thanks for clarifying. I didn't mean to lump all docs into the same category anyway. My personal doctor does try to put me on some things that I question his reasoning. I believe some docs are quick to medicate when it's not necessary, especially with children. I'm definitely not accusing you of that. Some of those ADHD drugs I don't think are necessarily the best course of action.
When I was growing up, a swift kick in the a**, discipline, and behavioral expectations cured bad behavior and ADHD rather quickly. You know...good parenting.
yeah, and I get the father was trying to get him into hunting and outdoors stuff, but there was literally nothing indicating this kid was responsible enough to have an AR-15. And the other question is why didn't the father lock up the AR-15? Was the kid allowed to just have it in his room somewhere? My son owns a hunting rifle but all of our guns are locked up in the same place.
Yep. My oldest son did not get a gun from me until he was in his 20s, while the younger one did when he was fifteen (shotgun for bird hunting). The older one is dead from a drug overdose and looking back I should have never given him one. The younger one is an engineer from GaTech.
No they don't. They prove me right.

Put 10 two year olds in a kiddie pool.
Put 10 two year olds in the deep end of a pool.
Put 10 two year olds out in the rip tide of an ocean.

We all know and understand the difference....good grief people - please think

I understand your problem with facts but here ya go.

Drowning Prevention & Facts
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That's simply nonsense.

The death toll in the food court will be drastically different. One of those differences could have been you loved one.

You guys have absolutely no ground on which to support your argument.
the issue is that you are arguing about the POSSIBLE damage, vs the real life ACTUAL damage.

you argue against what COULD happen, we argue against what IS happening.

you have to make up a hypothetical worst case scenario to have a point, we can point to real life happenstances.

more kids die in the kiddie pool than the rip tide because of the mindset you push. don't worry about the day to day thing that does kill the kids, just be afraid of the wild ocean rip tide that might kill your kid. and instead of teaching the kids how to be safe and avoid the dangers of either, you just want to ban the rip tides, leaving them vulnerable whenever they do come across one.
Yep. My oldest son did not get a gun from me until he was in his 20s, while the younger one did when he was fifteen (shotgun for bird hunting). The older one is dead from a drug overdose and looking back I should have never given him one. The younger one is an engineer from GaTech.
sorry to hear about your son.
No, the EFFECT of a lawyer doing his job may be to have a guilty person go free. But the moral OBLIGATION of the parent is, in part, to be sure that their kid is acting responsibly.

A lawyer is not responsible in any form for what his client does. But a parent has about two decades of such responsibility for their kid.

Totally different.
You would find it interesting how Turkish POWs ran their camp during the Korean War.
No, I don't think I am getting into telling a parent how to parent. I'm asking questions, you and LG specifically mentioned that the parents should be held criminally responsible if their child uses one of their guns to commit mass murder. My question to you and LG is should a parent be held criminally responsible for their kid committing mass murder after they had been warned about them making threats if they used something else they had access to in the house. Or if the parents simply did nothing to get their kid mental help?

Should the parents be held criminally responsible ONLY if their kid uses one of their guns?
I clearly answered that question. Yes they should be held responsible.

Do you believe the father of the boy in this week's shooting should be held criminally responsible in any way?

I say yes...100%
What is your answer?

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