Another start to the school year, another shooting; nothing will change

I don't know, but from the article you posted.....
"In the strictest sense, a civilian pilot can't buy a fighter jet, because it's against the law to own one still capable of combat operations. However, you can buy a jet that used to be a fighter and is now enjoying its retirement."

So if you modify it to be capable of combat operations, it is no longer legal.

Do you think they remove its maneuvering and speed capability?
Ok, so what’s so “demilitarized“ about them? You think they can’t drop bombs?
They had all weapons systems removed. But I guess you could drop an illegal bomb out of the plane that is now illegal.

The point was that we have laws in place that stop the general public from being armed like the military.

It is that way.
It has to be that way.
It is constitutional.
They had all weapons systems removed. But I guess you could drop an illegal bomb out of the plane that is now illegal.

The point was that we have laws in place that stop the general public from being armed like the military.

It is that way.
It has to be that way.
It is constitutional.
Where in the constitution does it say which firearms/weapons are prohibited to be owned by its citizens?
That's where reasonable people step in.....discuss, compromise...etc....

You know, that's kind of how things are supposed to work.

Actually it's not reasonable people making those "compromises". The people who have made those compromises are completely unreasonable, irrational and have no understanding of the constitution.
We agree, those people should have never been in a position to make those compromises.

Glad to see you coming around.
I'm glad you see the dilemma.
When compromises have to be made, it's good to have rational and reasonable people in position to make them.
Otherwise, you get what you get.
They had all weapons systems removed. But I guess you could drop an illegal bomb out of the plane that is now illegal.

The point was that we have laws in place that stop the general public from being armed like the military.

It is that way.
It has to be that way.
It is constitutional.
the only real reason the demilitarization laws existed was so that civilians wouldn't sell our most modern stuff to our enemies or other nations. it was never about making sure the citizens weren't armed the same as the government. it was just protecting state secrets.

you live in so much fear and paranoia you don't realize the reality you see as worst case is pretty much the actual reality. but you refuse to recognize that reality is reality, because you have convinced yourself that it should be so much worse than it is, and you don't recognize certain facts that are reality.
the only real reason the demilitarization laws existed was so that civilians wouldn't sell our most modern stuff to our enemies or other nations. it was never about making sure the citizens weren't armed the same as the government. it was just protecting state secrets.

you live in so much fear and paranoia you don't realize the reality you see as worst case is pretty much the actual reality. but you refuse to recognize that reality is reality, because you have convinced yourself that it should be so much worse than it is, and you don't recognize certain facts that are reality.
Please, the ones living in fear and paranoia are the dooms dayers, gun nuts, arm yourself against the government nuts.
Not sure what effect this might have but I know the idea has been kicked around here and elsewhere.

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The concept of the general populace being armed equally with today's military is beyond insane.

Anyone arguing otherwise is a lunatic.

The founding fathers would be in complete agreement.
Private people had what the government had back then. Yes, you in fact could own a cannon. That was the whole point of the 2A.
Please, the ones living in fear and paranoia are the dooms dayers, gun nuts, arm yourself against the government nuts.

People want to be protected from the people like you. You have voted for 3 people who were involved in murdering Americans and American children without due process. You don't care, you will never care.... I would say you actually think its a good thing i.e. condone it. And we know you wanted Trump dead.

Its not paranoia, its the truth.... people need protection from you. It would seem like you are the one living in fear and paranoia.... the irony. I for one don't live in fear and paranoia. I feel reasonable confident I can protect myself in most situations... the same clearly can't be said of you. Luther is a great name for you btw, fits perfectly imo.

I would say you are doing more harm than good.... just like Trump wouldn't be a thing without nutjobs, hint. If you were not a nut, I wouldn't need half the guns I have right now. People like you and LG remind me... I can't have enough ammo.

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So do you think the general public should have access to anti-aircraft weapons, grenades, and nukes?
Good luck procuring, securing, and maintaining these things.

I understand you're trolling - I'm just pointing out that the whole founding fathers bit is inaccurate because their reasoning (Read the Federalist Papers) was to protect against a tyrannical government.
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