31 states have age of consent at 16, while 8 more have it at 17. So not really.
Besides, it's cultural, my wife's grandmother was married at 13. Disgusting for me to think about but they are still alive and happily married more than 60 years later.
Couldn't go 2 days without another one:
Megan Mahoney busted for having sex with 16-year-old student | Daily Mail Online
Actually, I think it is the mindset of the average teacher. Many I know seem to have low self esteem and not much social life. There lives revolve around the classroom and their students and they rely on those relationships for their self actualization. Consequently, I'm never surprised to see one take one of those relationships beyond the acceptable boundaries.
They are going to have to make the penalty really bad and make an example out of one of these women to get the point across....this is not accepted when a man beds a young girl and should not be accepted when these cougars bed young boys....especially in a school
They are going to have to make the penalty really bad and make an example out of one of these women to get the point across....this is not accepted when a man beds a young girl and should not be accepted when these cougars bed young boys....especially in a school
It's been that way since the beginning of time. Nothing is new except the proliferation of social media.