Anti-Trump Hysteria and Silliness

I'd say it has more to do with this, but whatever...

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Tucker Carlson: A sincere message to Washington and our cable news colleagues - Please calm down

What's the point at which rhetoric forces action? When do words become incitement? At what point do political attacks become so reckless and unhinged that you can no longer heal the divide they create with politics and force people towards something darker?
Well, it's hard to know exactly when that point is, but the left is getting very close to it. We could give you many examples of this. We will begin with this exchange from last Tuesday night on MSNBC. This is frequent guest, Malcolm Nance, accusing the president of the United States of sending secret messages to neo-Nazis:
Malcolm Nance, MSNBC commentator: "These people feel that they are the foot soldiers executors of what the disenfranchisement that the white race is feeling and Donald Trump is giving them subliminal orders in their head."
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Liberalism is a mental disorder!

If she harbors all that shame for being born white and privileged , she could always move to South Africa, Guatemala or the Congo and make amends . Virtue signaling hypocrites . I noticed that she waited until her career was over before she felt all this shame .

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