Anti-Trump Hysteria and Silliness

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Jane Fonda: What Trump’s ‘Doing to the world … Is Criminal’


Actress-turned full-time climate change activist Jane Fonda appeared on CNN on Saturday and accused President Donald Trump of committing criminal actions against the world.

“I don’t hate him. I feel sad for him,” Fonda said on CNN’s The Van Jones Show. “And what he’s doing to the world … is just criminal. It’s just criminal. It’s terrible. But there’s more of us, and we can make a difference.”

“He’s a petroleum president… they are so in bed with the fossil fuel industry that there’s nothing that even Pamela Anderson could get out of Donald Trump,” the Netflix sitcom star said.

Jane Fonda: What Trump's 'Doing to the world ... Is Criminal'
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Jane Fonda: What Trump’s ‘Doing to the world … Is Criminal’


Actress-turned full-time climate change activist Jane Fonda appeared on CNN on Saturday and accused President Donald Trump of committing criminal actions against the world.

“I don’t hate him. I feel sad for him,” Fonda said on CNN’s The Van Jones Show. “And what he’s doing to the world … is just criminal. It’s just criminal. It’s terrible. But there’s more of us, and we can make a difference.”

“He’s a petroleum president… they are so in bed with the fossil fuel industry that there’s nothing that even Pamela Anderson could get out of Donald Trump,” the Netflix sitcom star said.

Jane Fonda: What Trump's 'Doing to the world ... Is Criminal'

You the Jane Fonda that was married to Billionaire Ted Turner and bragged about jet setting around on his private jet ? That Jane Fonda ? Hypocrite Elites man ...smh
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The President called Baltimore a "rat and rodent infested mess" in a July tweet, specifically referring to the late Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings' district, which includes parts of Baltimore, as a place where "no human being would want to live."

You mean the people of Baltimore didn't like the president's comments?
The President called Baltimore a "rat and rodent infested mess" in a July tweet, specifically referring to the late Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings' district, which includes parts of Baltimore, as a place where "no human being would want to live."

You mean the people of Baltimore didn't like the president's comments?
In case you didn’t read the headline. This was Melania. And she was there to support efforts to curb youth opioid addiction
In case you didn’t read the headline. This was Melania. And she was there to support efforts to curb youth opioid addiction
I read it.
Trump may eventually learn that his words have consequences; not only for him, but his family, the country, and the world.
Who am I kidding? He'll never learn.
What was untrue about his words?
The fact that no human being wants to live there is just an obvious lie.
But the rest was just intended to portray the city in the worst possible way.

Kind of like if ISIS says, "the US is just a rat infested, drug addicted, gun crazed, hate filled, murderous society."
Technically, nothing untrue, but it's the obvious intent of the message that is the issue.
Everyone knew what Trump's intent was.
The fact that no human being wants to live there is just an obvious lie.
But the rest was just intended to portray the city in the worst possible way.

Kind of like if ISIS says, "the US is just a rat infested, drug addicted, gun crazed, hate filled, murderous society."
Technically, nothing untrue, but it's the obvious intent of the message that is the issue.
Everyone knew what Trump's intent was.

The city is a s***hole as are most all dim controlled cities. Part of the problem is people like you automatically going to feelings mode without realizing the truth in his statement. Like the people booing the First Lady, you want to be outraged over everything Trump instead of actual solutions.
The city is a s***hole as are most all dim controlled cities. Part of the problem is people like you automatically going to feelings mode without realizing the truth in his statement. Like the people booing the First Lady, you want to be outraged over everything Trump instead of actual solutions.

In before”the first solution is to get rid of the horrendously despicable person in office” spiel.
The fact that no human being wants to live there is just an obvious lie.
But the rest was just intended to portray the city in the worst possible way.

Kind of like if ISIS says, "the US is just a rat infested, drug addicted, gun crazed, hate filled, murderous society."
Technically, nothing untrue, but it's the obvious intent of the message that is the issue.
Everyone knew what Trump's intent was.

Get rid of the government jobs and most of the atlantic seaboard would be a ghost town between NC and NY.

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