Anti-Trump Hysteria and Silliness

I’m honestly confused. I would have tried to knock that guys teeth out if he came at me like that in college. This guy wants to get a good video.

Kids these days. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I would be like you . Kids today want internet fame and are ummm softer . That being said he probably saved himself thousands of dollars in attorney fees because the second you punch the kid that took the swing first , he would sue you for sure . You’d win in the end but it would be a hassle .
Congrats to you guys on the bowl invite. Gator Bowl is a great step forward and can be a lot of fun. Weather will dictate a lot about the town's activities.
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Congrats to you guys on the bowl invite. Gator Bowl is a great step forward and can be a lot of fun. Weather will dictate a lot about the town's activities.

That was a crazy ending , Georgia losing like they did reshuffled the deck . I was sure we were going to MC bowl . Made no difference to me which one we got , just want to finish out with a W .
Congrats to you guys on the bowl invite. Gator Bowl is a great step forward and can be a lot of fun. Weather will dictate a lot about the town's activities.

It’s a terrific bowl invite, probably the greatest bowl invite of all time. Nobody gets better invites than us. It really is a great bowl invite.

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